User | Post |
1:14 pm June 23, 2013
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
I'm nearing two months of writing and just wondering how others are monetizing their sites. I only use AdSense right now. Any other platforms you all use?
Thanks for the help!
3:59 pm June 23, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Aside from AdSense, I've been using a CPM advertising platform that specializes in food blogs for me, well, food blog. I've got a few affiliate links that pay me very little, but the overwhelming majority of my online income comes from ebooks.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
9:41 pm June 23, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Everything and anything. Products, coaching, text links, affiliates, etc. Keep on writing amazing content and the offers will come to you.
9:41 pm June 23, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Everything and anything. Products, coaching, text links, affiliates, etc. Keep on writing amazing content and the offers will come to you.
4:51 am June 24, 2013
| Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
| | Indianapolis, Indiana | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
I've tried amazon, flexoffers, and cj but for my site adsense still performs the best.
1:46 pm June 24, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
My website is only 2 months old and my traffic fairly low, so I'm not receiving much ad revenue. But I'm signed up with AdSense, Amazon Associates and about 50 affiliate programs through CJ, LinkOffers, LinkShare and E-Junkie.
5:06 pm June 24, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Here's my list of every type of advertiser you may want to consider:
The Best Affiliate Marketing Companies for Bloggers
4:30 pm June 27, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
frugaling said:
I'm nearing two months of writing and just wondering how others are monetizing their sites. I only use AdSense right now. Any other platforms you all use?
Thanks for the help!
Hi Frugaling,
Be patient with the income, it takes awhile. All the comments above are great, but you need to build traffic before anything will give you much of a payout. Continue building traffic, do some guest posting, start a newsletter to get your traffic up.
Good luck and keep on interacting on Yakezie, great reputation builder with others.
4:50 pm June 27, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
I could not agree more with Barb. The income can take time to build, which is just another reason why building traffic needs to be a focus- especially in the early stages.
4:51 pm June 27, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
I could not agree more with Barb. The income can take time to build, which is just another reason why building traffic needs to be a focus- especially in the early stages.
7:31 pm June 27, 2013
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
I have tried skimlinks but didn't manage to configure it well so there were a ton of links on each post and I removed it quickly. Affiliate is slowly building up, direct advertising and banners are the main stream so far, then Adsense.
3:58 pm July 1, 2013
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
I wrote a post about that here, but like Barb said, it does take time…if it happens.
6:50 pm July 1, 2013
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
Build traffic, grow the blog. That's most important now, don't worry about earning any money any time soon. What you do now can help you accomplish what you're looking for later.
7:48 pm July 1, 2013
| krantcents
| | |
| Member | posts 909 | 
I will add building relationships is the foundation for growth. Spend the time to build a solid foundation and the rest will happen.
1:11 pm July 8, 2013
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
I like Amazon best of the affiliates but still don't earn much from that (think $10 to $20 a month). I have tried flex offers but haven't gotten any revenue from them after having ads up on several sites for months.
5:18 pm September 23, 2013
| divya
| | |
| Member | posts 22 | |
Based on what you guys are writing about, YakezieNetwork has been trying to find direct, related offers for you to advertise.
If you are writing about something more specific and having a hard time finding offers, please feel free to send through your suggestions,
8:41 pm September 23, 2013
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Keep on building a loyal audience. They will buy whatever you sell or promote.
3:26 am September 24, 2013
| getrichwithme
| | Manchester UK | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
Hi Sam – as a matter of interest how many hits and unique viewers is your site attracting?
8:43 am September 24, 2013
| MonicaOnMoney
| | |
| Member | posts 67 | 
Hi everyone! I'm in a similiar situation, I've been blogging for a few months now and decided to just focus on building my blog for now.