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7:45 am September 16, 2013
| frugaling
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| Member | posts 139 | 
Post edited 7:45 am – September 16, 2013 by frugaling
Today, I published a new article about using Creative Commons licenses for my work. Generally speaking, the license I chose allows readers, writers, etc. to copy, remix, and share my work. My copyright remains intact, but I'm choosing to empower my audiences to collaborate, build, and share widely.
I believe that as writers – and all of us are - we risk obscurity more than copyright infringement.
What do you think? Would you embrace Creative Commons laws and licenses? Are you willing to let people "steal" your work (if they credit you)?
3:13 pm September 16, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
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| posts 1008 | 
I use creative commons for my photos on my food blog.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
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5:49 pm September 16, 2013
| frugaling
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| Member | posts 139 | 
Post edited 5:50 pm – September 16, 2013 by frugaling
Seems that photos are a pretty common Creative Commons example. In fact, Flickr has a whole section of free use pictures:
12:10 pm September 18, 2013
| Cubicle Sherpa
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| Member | posts 26 | 
Very interesting topic – I don't hear many people talking about licensing their writing under CC.
I license most of my original images under CC. I use a lot of CC images and feel it's only fair to give back.
Text is another thing IMO. I don't permit re-posting my content in full unless I've given express permission. If someone posts a snippet and links back that's cool. Any more than that and I expect an email asking for permission. I'm probably missing out on some community sharing benefits, but that's a trade off I make to have more control over my brand.
12:39 pm September 18, 2013
| keerthikasingaravel
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| Member | posts 21 | 
In the very early days of blogging,I used to get upset about something like this.But ever since I realized that I can't really stop people from grabbing stuff I spent tons of time and effort over,especially sites who grab content via RSS,I decided to join them.
Now,almost 3 yrs later,I feel flattered if a great site grabs my content and I return the compliment.And if it is some spam site flicking content I forget the incident.Some bots may visit the site but how many humans do?So why bother?