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4:21 am December 1, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| posts 1298 |
There's a reason why you started your blog. Some of you may have started it just because you loved to write. Others of you came into it because you heard there was money to be made. And, still others just want to make a difference.
Personally, I started my blog for multiple reasons. I loved to write about personal finance, I heard there was money to be made, and I really like helping other people! If I had to pick just one reason, I'd say that I was in it for the money (that sounds bad doesn't it??).
Let me clarify though. At the time, my wife and I were living in Florida and we missed our families a lot. Our goals was to move back to Michigan, but of course our jobs kept us in Florida. We needed another income source to make the move possible. Long story short, we're here in Michigan and couldn't be happier!
What's your reason for starting your blog?
4:46 am December 1, 2011
| 20s Finances
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| posts 1147 |
I started it to try to create a reputable (keyword = try) place for young people to learn about their finances, but if I'm going to be honest, I love the thrill of building up a blog. I really enjoy planning out what I am going to write, when I am going to do it, how I am trying to increase my pr, and more… I would say that money is the icing on the cake, for me.
6:48 am December 1, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
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| posts 1466 |
I started Money Beagle because I had been reading PF blogs for a few months and thought that I had experiences and information that could be interesting and helpful. I've always loved talking to friends and family about money related issues, and thought that I could expand that and talk to others out there in the online world. I have enjoyed it and consider that my greatest success.
Whereabouts in Michigan are you located? (Metro Detroit here)
7:05 am December 1, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| posts 1012 |
I started for one reason only – to keep myself accountable to anyone (even if it was 4 a day at the beginning, and it was) that may be reading…For some reason putting it all on the internet made it seem real to me if I failed at a goal or two
7:08 am December 1, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| posts 2213 |
I started mine as an experiment to see if people would read stuff I wrote and if I could have any cool conversations about different topics. I was completely unprepared for the work and time a blog takes in the beginning but I have learned all that now and am able to maintain it. Mine was a whim!
7:18 am December 1, 2011
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 |
I had a lot of fun with my old blog (Green Panda Treehouse) and saw that I could get some money from it (not the goal, but very happy to see it!). With Couple Money from Day 1 I wanted to provide financial information, try our finances to build our net worth, and make enough income to pay the essential bills should we lose work.
So far, so good. My next goal is get consistent income with the site. I have some fantastic months and then I have some very slow months.
7:37 am December 1, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| posts 1298 |
MoneyBeagle said:
I started Money Beagle because I had been reading PF blogs for a few months and thought that I had experiences and information that could be interesting and helpful. I've always loved talking to friends and family about money related issues, and thought that I could expand that and talk to others out there in the online world. I have enjoyed it and consider that my greatest success.
Whereabouts in Michigan are you located? (Metro Detroit here)
I'm in West Michigan and love it! You should really come check out the beaches over here (if you haven't already) —you may want to wait a few months though…they aren't so pretty in the winter. ;)
8:15 am December 1, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
We will probably be out that way as we've just made a committment to go camping regularly. Like you said we'll be waiting a few months though :)
8:21 am December 1, 2011
| JT_McGee
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| Member | posts 723 |
Post edited 8:23 am – December 1, 2011 by JT_McGee
Success would be improving my communication skills, since that was, above all else, motivation for MoneyMamba.
A greater goal would be to encourage people to think differently about finance as a study, and perhaps their own personal finances.
I like playing Devil's Advocate. I also like it when people play Devil's Advocate with me. I think disagreements are the best way to learn about something, since it forces you to think about both sides of a particular concept. Knowing something is one thing. Being able to lay out a case for a concept/viewpoint/idea, in my view, strengthens your own knowledge and requires you dig deeper into the issues. I'm very thankful for the people who hold my feet to the fire and challenge me to see a particular viewpoint of mine from a new perspective. I'm still stubborn, but there are countless things that I have changed my mind on.
Success for my blog won't ever be defined in monetary or popularity terms. I just want to learn more about everything, all the time. Blogging is definitely a powerful tool for building a base of knowledge from which you can draw in the future.
8:26 am December 1, 2011
| Marissa
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| Member | posts 385 |
I started mine at 3 am one night of being able to sleep and reading too many PF blogs. Mine is meant to a journal to keep me accountanable and help me share of the things I learn along the way. I wish I had know the amount of work that needs to go into upkeep. Its my own peice of the internet where I can write all about my foolishness. I love it now!
8:28 am December 1, 2011
| Marissa
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| Member | posts 385 |
Post edited 8:28 am – December 1, 2011 by Marissa
JT_McGee said:
Success would be improving my communication skills, since that was, above all else, motivation for MoneyMamba.
A greater goal would be to encourage people to think differently about finance as a study, and perhaps their own personal finances.
I like playing Devil's Advocate. I also like it when people play Devil's Advocate with me. I think disagreements are the best way to learn about something, since it forces you to think about both sides of a particular concept. Knowing something is one thing. Being able to lay out a case for a concept/viewpoint/idea, in my view, strengthens your own knowledge and requires you dig deeper into the issues. I'm very thankful for the people who hold my feet to the fire and challenge me to see a particular viewpoint of mine from a new perspective. I'm still stubborn, but there are countless things that I have changed my mind on.
Success for my blog won't ever be defined in monetary or popularity terms. I just want to learn more about everything, all the time. Blogging is definitely a powerful tool for building a base of knowledge from which you can draw in the future.
JT, you remind me of my best friend. He is a sponge for info. I walk away smarter after spending time with him.
8:48 am December 1, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
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| posts 1466 |
Accountability is huge as well and something I forgot mention above.
I use my blog to try to keep myself accountable. I definitely don't achieve every goal or stay down every path that I write about, but I do try to make sure I'm moving forward in some way or another at all times, and blogging about that for sure makes me stay more focused.
8:50 am December 1, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
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| posts 1456 |
I started my blog simply because I disagreed with the advice from some of the PF blogs I was reading at the time, and I wanted a voice to be heard. I really love it! Success means having a blog with a decent readership, simple as that… im trying to consistently grow it, but Im already happy with the successes achieved thus far.
9:16 am December 1, 2011
| Jon | Free Money Wisdom
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| Member | posts 332 |
Because one of my coworker's said "what is a Roth Ira?"
9:40 am December 1, 2011
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
MoneyIsTheRoot said:
I started my blog simply because I disagreed with the advice from some of the PF blogs I was reading at the time
For me…MoneyIsTheRoot hit the nail on the head, and that's why I started my first blog.
9:53 am December 1, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
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| posts 1381 |
I started my blog to bring Mrs. RB40 up to date on our finances. I deal with all the finances so what happens if I get into a car accident or something?
I'll have to do a year end review and see if she has caught up.
The blog is also a very helpful journal to keep track of my progress toward the retire by 40 goal.
10:16 am December 1, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| posts 2759 |
Mrs. SPF and I wanted to work on a project together that didn't include the words "home" and "renovation".
Ultimately, I wrote a series on the topic – but at least I didn't pick up a hammer!
10:40 am December 1, 2011
| Watson Inc
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| Member | posts 371 |
I blog because it is fun. I like interacting with my readers and love it when I get feedback (like yesterday I received 6 private emails regarding a post; priceless). I hope I'm helpful but would settle for being occasionally interesting. I think my wife likes the fact that it shut me up about the topic around the house: I can talk about what I am learning via another medium :)
11:17 am December 1, 2011
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
Sustainable PF said:
Mrs. SPF and I wanted to work on a project together that didn't include the words "home" and "renovation".
Ultimately, I wrote a series on the topic – but at least I didn't pick up a hammer!
This made me smile. You are quite funny SPF!
Creator of:
12:02 pm December 1, 2011
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 |
I found myself doing a lot of research for my own Financial Planning needs. Then a few colleagues at work started asking me for my opinion on Personal Finance and that got me into thinking about starting my own Finance blog.
I did just that and the rest is history. Now I have started creating more websites only for money though :)
Funny how the focus shifts to money once you get a taste of the good stuff
Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance