Post edited 9:01 am – March 2, 2012 by Kevin McKee
Not to toot my own horn, but I've explained Roth and Traditional IRAs in a fun and easy to understand way in 8 minutes. See the video below. Feel free to embed in your posts if you like.
If it is during the last half of March I won't be able to do it but otherwise I would like to participate.
I'm really surprised none of them knew what a Roth IRA was. I know lots of high schools teach personal finance now but I think most of the students are not able to apply what they have learned outside of the classroom.
I'm game. Is the plan to link to each other's posts on the topic?
That's right. I'm thinking about having a massive style roundup post on my site that links to everybody's article that writes about it. I'm going to work on the concept over the weekend and write about it on my site to explain all the details. If we do this right, it could be some really neat press coverage for Yakezie and, in turn, all of us.
Not to toot my own horn, but I've explained Roth and Traditional IRAs in a fun and easy to understand way in 8 minutes. See the video below. Feel free to embed in your posts if you like.
Kevin, you toot your own horn any day of the week with your awesome vids. :)
I saw this video a little while back and loved it. I'll be sure to include it in the roundup post.
I'm in. Not that I want to delay this at all, but April is Financial Literacy Month. Would it make sense to do it for FL Month or even Money Smart Week, which several states are participating in across the nation?
That might be a good idea. Let me think it through a bit more.
I know nothing about this topic and am actually not planning to study it.
However my audience is interested to learn what they should think about with regards to Roth IRA and their investments in the stock market.
Is anybody interested to write some guest posts about this? You will be able to link back to your site with good SEO do-follow links. If you are interested, please contact me.
Yesterday I was asked to speak at my old college to seniors that were getting ready to graduate in May. It was meant to be a quick introduction on what finance and money challenges they would be facing in the real world.
During my talk I had asked the 50+ students how many of them knew what a Roth IRA was and guess how many raised their hands…..
Not one person knew what a Roth IRA was. Had never even heard of it.
I couldn't believe it.
While driving home I kept thinking how do I get more younger people to understand what a Roth IRA is and why it's important to invest period. I kept thinking that I need to start a "Roth IRA movement'. I chuckled to myself as I thought it sounded a bit absurd.
But this morning it was still with me. Then I thought about Yakezie. Boo-yah!!!
Here's my idea: I want to pick one day sometime in the month of March and get as many PF bloggers to write about "What the Roth IRA is and why you love it". And if you don't love it- that's fine. Write about what you think young people should be investing into.
Young people need this and we can help.
Once I decide on the day, then can we do a massive roundup of each other's posts. I'll even create a button for it. :)
Anyone interested? If so, please join me. I really think this could be awesome.
I am not surprised. This is the target market I want to influence and the information I'm interested in disseminating. I am definitely in. I'll follow the thread and get on board.
Not to toot my own horn, but I've explained Roth and Traditional IRAs in a fun and easy to understand way in 8 minutes. See the video below. Feel free to embed in your posts if you like.
Great video Kevin. I'll be sharing that on my blog since it does such a great job explaining Roths in a fun way.
I'm finishing up a series on my blog about retirement. I hope that with a lot of people writing about retirement, people will get it and do something about it
Okay, the number is growing. Looks like we're getting some traction on this one. Thanks to everyone that Tweeted about it today. :) Mad love to y'all!!!
My wife is working on creating a badge for the movement. It won't be required that you use it, just if you want.
I'm going to start collecting sites from everybody that has committed to the movement and put it in a post. I'll then add your link to that post when your article goes live on your site.
I'm going to do some press releases to some of the big networks to see if we can get some buzz.
Is your proposal that all bloggers who volunteer write general posts about Roth IRAs with complete information? Or tailor the posts to what we think our audience would benefit from hearing? For instance, graduate students (which both I and my husband are) need to hear a lot more about what the definition of "earned income" is than what is contained in a normal Roth IRA post. Personally, I'm less interested in qualified distributions and that sort of thing – perhaps there are other who would like to specialize their posts with greater detail in one area or another (motivation for saving/compound interest, earned income, Roth vs. traditional, IRA vs. 401K, how to choose investments for your Roth, qualified distributions, tax diversification…). I guess I think the roundup would be a lot more interesting if we all tried to write more-than-slightly different posts, with a few bloggers taking on the Complete Information challenge and others writing more for niche audiences/subjects/purposes. That way the reader won't be looking at a huge list of possible posts to read and may be more likely to follow over to those posts most pertinent to him/her.
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