User | Post |
9:18 pm April 24, 2013
| UberSteward
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| Member | posts 69 | 
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find affiliate network that promotes Chase Freedom card, but for the life of me, I can't find it. Can anybody provide list of affiliate network to promote not just chase credit card, but but insurance and mortgage as well. Thank you.
11:15 pm April 24, 2013
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Chase wants you to send them 10+ customers/month though. That's a tough target for small blogs.
Try Commission Junction for mortgage and insurance.
7:07 pm April 25, 2013
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
hapete126 said:
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find affiliate network that promotes Chase Freedom card, but for the life of me, I can't find it.
FYI, you might not get approved and even if you do, you better be converting at least 10 cards per month otherwise you'll get the boot.
12:37 pm April 26, 2013
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| Member | posts 407 | 
Post edited 12:38 pm – April 26, 2013 by
Jeff Rose said:
hapete126 said:
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find affiliate network that promotes Chase Freedom card, but for the life of me, I can't find it.
FYI, you might not get approved and even if you do, you better be converting at least 10 cards per month otherwise you'll get the boot.
You'd think any money is good money. I mean, seriously, what is the harm of having someone who really like the benefits of a card and wants to promote it??
I hate these rules, because I can PROMOTE THE CRAP OUT OF CHASE but they won't approve me. Not that I like Chase as a financial institution, but I love pilfering their rewards and using them to my advantage!
I have the same issue with AMEX. :(
3:01 pm April 27, 2013
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
The harm is that they have to monitor sites for compliance. So if you're not doing enough volume, it's not worth their time.
1:52 pm April 28, 2013
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
michael @ financial ramblings said:
The harm is that they have to monitor sites for compliance. So if you're not doing enough volume, it's not worth their time.
That's pretty much it. For what it's worth, I hate having credit card offers on my site just for that reason. I'm constantly getting emails about small changes that I have to make in a timely manner to update minor details. Very annoying.