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Why Did you start your Blog?

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3:23 am
September 19, 2011



posts 147

I'm really curious as to the motives behind everyone starting their blogs. I think it can tell a lot about a person, about their blog, and about the passion that they put into publishing. 


I know personally, I started my blog with a true desire to help college students understand more about their financial aid, and to find better ways to pay for college. 


Along the way, it has become clear that there are awesome ways to monetize, while still providing valuable content to my readers. 

So what about ya'll? Did you start out for the money, to provide valuable information, to catalogue your own thoughts, as a dare??


Have a great Monday!

Maximize Your Financial Aid. Learn Personal Finance. Become an Entrepreneur.

Visit my site: Money for College Project

Find us at MfCP on Facebook

3:26 am
September 19, 2011

Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog


posts 643

I really needed an outlet for my investment thoughts. I feel that my blog helps clear my mind, and of course, it helps the readers too!

A blog for investors to learn how to invest in the financial markets. Investorz' Blog

Yakezie holiday badge contest. Click

4:54 am
September 19, 2011




posts 1041

I started out just trying to hold myself accountable for debt payoff and reduced spending. I never actually thought people would read what I wrote – I had no intentions of ever identifying myself as a "blogger." When people started showing up and reading my original Blogger site, I had to figure some things out in a hurry!




5:23 am
September 19, 2011



posts 1466

I started my blog because I loved reading other personal finance blogs and thought I might have something to say.  It hit me when I was talking to some friends about money related issues and heard, more than once, that I had a knack for understanding personal finance and that they liked coming to me to talk about it.  A light bulb went off that if I could help my friends, why couldn't I share things I know with others and maybe help someone else along the way.  I try to keep my personal finance blog very personal.  I didn't even start monetizing (except for AdSense) until after two years.

Member Site: Money Beagle

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5:52 am
September 19, 2011

Aaron Hung


posts 254

I've always wanted to own a website, a place where I can write down my thoughts and ideas. I tried to use blogger but free is not fun. I feel like I have to invest in something in order to get the most out of it and keeps me motivated.

6:27 am
September 19, 2011



posts 909

Originally, I thought I would write a book.  A blog has some of the same elements, but it is interactive.  It is an opportunity to share information and influence people.

krantcents  – Making Sense of Money


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6:28 am
September 19, 2011



posts 1456

For a variety of reasons… I disagreed with some of what I had read on some other PF blogs, and I wanted a bigger voice, something other than commenting on someone else's post.  I wanted my own personal pulpit for shout out when large companies did me wrong, it has happened enough times…at least in my eyes lol.  I have a small focus on monetizing a bit more now, and it has added a little extra motivation, especially since I thought about another niche site that focuses on using my blog money to pay my mortgage, achieving that goal…the why, what, how explanations.  I've had issues thinking of another site topic, but anxious to start one up…let's just see if I have the time to do it by myself.

Member Blog:

Money Is The Root

Check me out on Facebook


Challenger Blogs:

Smart Wealth

6:36 am
September 19, 2011



posts 727

I needed an outlet so I'd shut up about money and debt when talking to my family and friends.

7:46 am
September 19, 2011



posts 1012

I started by my blog because I need to be accountable to someone TO ANYONE that might be reading. 

8:05 am
September 19, 2011


Florida, USA


posts 1778

simply because I got bored by only reading blogs. But later on realize the bloggers power on financial industry and loving it since then…


One Cent At A Time  (Yakezie Member Site)

Finance Product Reviews

8:18 am
September 19, 2011

Invest It Wisely


posts 2019

Me and my friend Mich from Beating The Index would talk about different investing and personal finance topics, I told him "why not start a blog and share your passions and ideas with others?". At the same time, I've always been at least a bit interested in following a career in finance, so I decided to start blogging myself and explore the topics, to learn more and to see which aspects I enjoyed.

I never knew I would grow to love it as much as I do today! I don't know if I will still follow the career in finance since I am fine with index investing and I am not interested in options, derivatives and all that other stuff. I don't know. I definitely do love talking about things like maximizing our life expectation, developing our lives over time, getting over past mistakes, etc…

8:58 am
September 19, 2011

LaTisha @YoungFinances


posts 1715

I started mine because I did not have a job in finance and it was about 9 months after graduation and things weren't looking so good.

I decided to share what I did know with as many people as were interested with the thought that maybe it could grow into a book deal or something. I've really enjoyed the process.


Young Adult Finances

Most Popular Post: I Have a Confession, I Don't Have a Budget

9:09 am
September 19, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

I was furious that some commenters were berating a poor lady at Get Rich Slowly for having a housekeeper (I have a biweekly housekeeper too, her name is Jacqui and she is awesome).  The lady at GRS was saving for the future, paying her bills, and splurging with her extra – I see no problem with that.  That was my tipping point and I started Budgeting in the Fun Stuff to show that you can spend, save, and still have fun too.  Well, that and because my comments started being longer than some of the posts at other sites that I was commenting on…


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

9:22 am
September 19, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

Our site was selected for the Sunday Blogger series @ Couple Money.  I answered this question there:…..interview/

Visit us at Sustainable Personal Finance

Or Earth and Money

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and RSS!

9:25 am
September 19, 2011



posts 147

Awesome insights. I think it's pretty cool to see that none of us actually started our blogs with the intent to make money. I think that is one very big factor in letting our blogs stand out, and be infused with passion. Sure money can be a very good motivator, but it does not always directly correlate to great content. 


Thanks to all for sharing!

Maximize Your Financial Aid. Learn Personal Finance. Become an Entrepreneur.

Visit my site: Money for College Project

Find us at MfCP on Facebook

9:29 am
September 19, 2011

Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter


posts 2213

It was a creative experiment I started in the spring of 2010. My husband had been subscribing to some blogs for a few years and after reading a few of his emails I too started to read and subscribe to some blogs. I found out soon after how valuable they are. I loved reading the stories about what people had learned about a certain topic and how I could learn the same stuff.

At this point I started to think about blogging myself. I thought “I wonder if I could share some things I have learned and if people would actually read them.” So, one day on a whim I started Prairie Eco-Thrifter. I originally started it in Blogger but soon realized that WordPress was the way to go. I transferred my domain over and created a new template for the site.

Miss T

"Helping you save money, go green, and have fun"

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9:43 am
September 19, 2011

The Happy Homeowner


posts 123

I had been reading various PF blogs for a few years, had joined the (now defunct) Women in Red on MSN Money, and finally decided to start my own blog after feeling the need to become "more accountable" in my debt payoff and future financial planning.  I had no intention of building it up, and I'm amazed at how far it's come along. I still use Blogger, but I think it's more because I'm worried about losing everything if I switch over to my own domain.  If anyone knows how to avoid that, please let me know!

The Happy Homeowner

The Happy Homeowner

Follow me on Twitter!


10:22 am
September 19, 2011



posts 1456

BThappyhomeowner said:

I had been reading various PF blogs for a few years, had joined the (now defunct) Women in Red on MSN Money, and finally decided to start my own blog after feeling the need to become "more accountable" in my debt payoff and future financial planning.  I had no intention of building it up, and I'm amazed at how far it's come along. I still use Blogger, but I think it's more because I'm worried about losing everything if I switch over to my own domain.  If anyone knows how to avoid that, please let me know!

There are many people here that can assist with the switch to your own domain…if it's something you are seriously considering then now is always better than later.  If you are trying to monetize then you need your own domain, if not, then you are probably fine with what you have.  You might get a bit more traffic using your own domain though since it's just easier to remember with having blogspot in the URL

Member Blog:

Money Is The Root

Check me out on Facebook


Challenger Blogs:

Smart Wealth

10:24 am
September 19, 2011

The Single Saver


posts 689

I started blogging because frugality is my hobby (I know, I really have no life!) and I wanted to write about it.  I get a real thrill when I can save a few bucks on something. 

There was a time when those 'few bucks' made a real difference for me.  And now, even though I am much more financially secure, I still get a rush when I can find a way to save money on something simple!  Unlike many, I didn't get into blogging about frugality to make money though the cheapskate in me does try to at least cover my expenses with limited monetization so this hobby doesn't get too expensive!  Some here blog for a living (or hope to someday) but I have no goals along those lines as the more I blog the more I realize I enjoy it as a hobby to relieve my stress, not as a responsibility to cause me stress. That said, I really respect those of you who have taken your pashion to the next level and made a career out of it!



The Single (and Small Family) Saver

Offering practical, money-saving advice in a fun and interactive format.

10:38 am
September 19, 2011

Eric J. Nisall

Coral Springs, FL


posts 377

Being an accountant, I see a lot of screw-ups and needed a place to vent and call people out and educate if I can.  Plus, as anyone who reads the blog knows, I'm not exactly Mr. Frugal or Mr. Cash and I wanted to be able to counter some of the views and opinions that are out there in the community.  And, if I can grow it into a viable business, even better, but money was never the driving force.  Mainly my mental health.

Eric J. Nisall


DollarVersity on Facebook & Google+

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