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Why You Should Keep a Large Queue

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6:05 am
February 21, 2012



posts 664

I think it's kind of odd that she accused you of stealing her "idea".  Ideas can't be stolen anyway, at least not as far as copyrights go — and people have similar ideas all the time, especially in the PF world where there are only so many topics to begin with.

MoneyCrush (Member Blog) • @moneycrush • Facebook

7:32 am
February 21, 2012

Tushar @ Everything Finance

Atlanta, GA, United States


posts 386

I guess I should accuse all of you for copying my idea of writing about Personal Finance :)

Tushar @ Everything Finance


Everything Finance

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9:27 am
February 21, 2012



posts 361

I've never had more than one post in my queue but I know I should have more. It is on my list of things to do someday.


As for the "stolen post" it isn't uncommon for posts to be very similar. I've seen other blogs have very similar posts to mine and thought maybe they were using my idea and then discovered their posts were published before mine.

8:12 pm
February 21, 2012

ThadP @

Austin area, Texas


posts 184

I have been one week ahead on completed posts, with ideas building out in the second week out, and mere ideas in the 3 and beyond.  I really would like to get to 4 weeks completely written, and 2-3 weeks of ideas beyond that.  And of course adjust for any leaps of inspiration.

Thad of

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8:01 pm
February 22, 2012

The College Investor

San Diego, CA


posts 1935

I've posted, and then seem similar articles on other sites – but it is personal finance and there is only so much that can be discussed!

Please check out The College Investor at!  This is the home of my Investing 101 Class.

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5:06 am
February 23, 2012



posts 1466

Go look through your reading list, I'd bet that at least 10-20% of new posts are somehow tax related.  Look for one in September and you'll be searching a while.  It's the nature of the beast.

Member Site: Money Beagle

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5:28 am
February 23, 2012

Smart Wealth



posts 304

wow I'm shocked, it's good to have a large queue but that is the last thing I would think happening.  I have only been blogging for a couple months and I have already come across a time when a fellow blogger and I wrote about the same topic at the same time, but had different views on it.  We thought it was a funny coincidence and no one was accused of stealing ideas.

Evan @

"Right before you do something stupid, do the opposite!"

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9:25 am
February 23, 2012



posts 240

I've been blogging for 4+ years, and I've never had more than a week or two built up – and only then because I was going on vacation with no computer access.  I tend to write my posts the night before or day of usually.  


In my 4+ years, even without a queue, i've been able to blog M-F on one site almost the entire time – and 2-3 days a week on the other.  If I were to try and build up a huge queue I think i'd burnout pretty quick.

1:16 pm
February 23, 2012

20s Finances


posts 1147

Thanks all for the support and confidence in my integrity. I still can't believe her email when I think about it – especially if you were to know the two posts and HOW different they were. I chose not to publicly humiliate her and thus the reason why the post didn't have more details about the posts. Mistakes can happen… 


@moneysmarts, well whatever works for you. Having a queue helps give me a sense of relief. I know I don't have to stay up late just to get a post published.



20's Finances Passive Income to Retire

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2:44 pm
February 23, 2012



posts 240

20s Finances said:


@moneysmarts, well whatever works for you. Having a queue helps give me a sense of relief. I know I don't have to stay up late just to get a post published.

Yeah I wouldn't mind having a queue built up, but I tend to write long posts that take a long time to write – and that makes it tough to write more than 1 or 2 posts a day (since i regularly update several sites)

2:41 pm
February 24, 2012



posts 11

It's good your were prepared even though you didn't see that coming.

I would love to have a large queue. That is something I need to get going on.

You taught me something! Thanks for the advice.

I love bouncing around new ideas and talking about money. You can find me at If you have any ideas, advice, or would like to chat feel free to contact me anytime. 

4:09 pm
February 24, 2012

Khaleef @ KNS Financial

Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet


posts 3149

Great advice. I have never been able to build up a queue, since it takes between 4 to 6 hours for me to write most of my articles (12-14 if it's biblically based).

I would have never thought about protecting myself against that type of accusation, but I can see how you were easily able to defend yourself.

Khaleef "Fat Guy" Crumbley

My Battle to Lose 100lbs and Pay off $100k in Debt:…..innywallet

Personal Finance From A Biblical Perspective:

6:45 pm
February 24, 2012

Van Beek

Bangkok, Thailand


posts 227

Food for thought. I never had a queue of posts that I wrote myself. Maybe because I never used a strict and regular posting schedule. maybe I should get this schedule and and queue in place. Thanks for the ideas.

Van Beek – vanbeek101

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8:57 am
February 26, 2012

Financial Samurai


posts 1803

Post edited 8:58 am – February 26, 2012 by Financial Samurai

Would be great if 1) nobody ever steals any idea, and 2) nobody ever accuses anybody of stealing their idea.  These types of accusations are SO COUNTER PRODUCTIVE.  Everything has been written many times before, so overlap is inevitable.

I've kept about a 35 post queue on FS for the past two years b/c I work all day and travel.  It's helped keep me consistent, and be able to pull on a variety of different topics that can flow with world events.

The bad thing is, sometimes my articles go stale, or I totally lose interest, or forget I wrote them!




Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.

Yakezie Network Founder 

9:04 am
February 26, 2012

Freedom 48

Ottawa, Canada


posts 59

I have a lists of ideas I'd like to cover.  As I go through my days I'm always thinking of something and jotting it down.

I also have a queue of 3-5 entries at any given time, for those days that I'm having writers block, or are just not feeling it! I can still post.


Twitter: @freedom48dotnet

3:25 pm
February 27, 2012

Fig (Figuring Money Out)


posts 76

Loved that post! It actually inspired me to try to build up a large queue of posts. Of course I've only just started so I have… one. :)

5:27 pm
February 27, 2012

Dividend Ninja

Vancouver B.C.


posts 198

I very rarely have a large queue of posts, I find it just virtually impossible to do, with all the commitments of work and blogging, websites etc. Wink  I think the best way to do this is to schedule your time, and just write. Even if a post isn't the best material at least you have a start and can come to it another time…

Unless your site is being scraped, I think its ridiculous for a blogger to accuse you of that IMO, but that is a different issue.

For those who do have backlogs of posts, have you considered selling them to other Yakezie bloggers? Just throwing the idea out there… might be a win win for everyone.


The Dividend Ninja

t  f  @

5:00 am
February 28, 2012



posts 1466

Dividend Ninja said:

For those who do have backlogs of posts, have you considered selling them to other Yakezie bloggers? Just throwing the idea out there… might be a win win for everyone.


Not me.  I currently have a 3-4 week queue built up, but this allows me to:

  • Take time off when I get busy – Especially with spring and summer coming up, this will be important
  • Guest post – I have never been able to respond to requests for guest posts until recently, because it was always too much for me to keep my own blog posts going regularly. Now, I can write a guest post without impacting the regular schedule of my blog

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