User | Post |
3:48 am December 17, 2013
| finetunefinances
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| Member | posts 33 | 
Hi Guys,
Thinking of changing my theme soon and was wondering if anyone knows of, recommends or has general advice on Wordpress themes.
What theme would you recommend paid/free not fussed… if it's paid I can "minimalise" my tax over here.
Does anyone know of any amazing developers who can whip one up from scratch??
The key for me is simplicity and the ability to add a banner to the site, have a customisable sidebar and generally won't break down if I publish images, embed youtube clips etc.
Any advice would be super!!!
3:50 pm December 17, 2013
| frugaling
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| Member | posts 139 | 
I use Mesocolumn. It's free, frugal, and has plenty of features. Terrific designer, too!
8:07 pm December 17, 2013
| bryce
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| Member | posts 40 | 
I wanted to have a theme that could automatically change based on the size of the display device, so I just used the default twenty-thirteen theme and made a few small edits to the header.php and footer.php, as well as added some secondary widgets that show up in the right sidebar. I guess I also tweaked the style.css a little bit to go with my header.php mods, as well as made the blockquote text size smaller. The changes overall were pretty minor.
2:51 am December 18, 2013
| finetunefinances
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| Member | posts 33 | 
frugaling said:
I use Mesocolumn. It's free, frugal, and has plenty of features. Terrific designer, too!
That's awesome, thanks for that! Do you need any developer experience at all?
5:15 am December 18, 2013
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 | 
I use Atahualpa. It's free and you can do almost anything with it. It can be a bit complex, but because it's so widely used there is plenty of help out there on Google. :)
8:14 am December 18, 2013
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 | 
I switched from Blogger to Wordpress back in June of this year, and went with the paid Genesis framework with the News child theme. Overall, I've been very satisfied.
Even though it's a paid theme, it's only a 1-time payment, and I feel like I've earned it back several times over.
When deciding on themes, I was between Atahualpa as a free theme and Genesis for the paid. Ultimately, I went with Genesis since it was a little simpler to set up and had some added SEO functionality built in.
8:47 am December 18, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Genesis is the way to go.
11:49 am December 18, 2013
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
Use headway – drag and drop its fantastic.
10:32 am December 19, 2013
| moneycone
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| Member | posts 617 | 
Another vote for Atahualpa. Highly customizable.
11:44 am December 29, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I wouldn't use anything but Genesis. (affiliate)
I do custom designs for people and only use Genesis.
12:41 pm January 1, 2014
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Thesis. Is it not popular anymore? It's what I use on mine and a fair amount of other sites use it as well.
2:44 pm January 3, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I dumped Thesis a while back. One of the best blogging decisions I've made over the last year or so.
12:03 am January 6, 2014
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
Yeah I did some reading and definitely seems like Thesis has lost its luster. I'd like to switch over to Genesis this year or next if I can save some money for a site redesign. I need to focus on keeping up my content and building traffic for now.
6:38 am January 6, 2014
| WellKeptWallet
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| Member | posts 207 | 
I use Elegant Themes for multiple sites because it is $39 but you get access to close to hundred themes and they look great! If you end up going with them, let me know and I would be glad to help you set up the theme.
8:25 am January 6, 2014
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
Untemplater said:
Yeah I did some reading and definitely seems like Thesis has lost its luster. I'd like to switch over to Genesis this year or next if I can save some money for a site redesign. I need to focus on keeping up my content and building traffic for now.
I use Thesis as well and have had no issues with it. But, as you said, I understand that the updates received a negative reception.
It was cool to see Untemplater highlighted as one best designed blogs in the Thesis gallery.
3:04 pm January 6, 2014
| finetunefinances
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| Member | posts 33 | 
Genisis sounds great!! Is it possible to choose your own colours and is it also easy to add your own logo/banner on top?
3:05 pm January 6, 2014
| finetunefinances
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| Member | posts 33 | 
WellKeptWallet said:
I use Elegant Themes for multiple sites because it is $39 but you get access to close to hundred themes and they look great! If you end up going with them, let me know and I would be glad to help you set up the theme.
That's great, is Elegant Themes really Easy to use as well??? Can you change colours easy enough and can you add banners/ logos on the top?
3:18 pm January 6, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
finetunefinances said:
Genisis sounds great!! Is it possible to choose your own colours and is it also easy to add your own logo/banner on top?
You should be able to do that with any theme. Genesis has different child themes, each with different options (and level of difficulty) to edit the style and header.
9:05 pm January 6, 2014
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
Funancials said:
Untemplater said:
Yeah I did some reading and definitely seems like Thesis has lost its luster. I'd like to switch over to Genesis this year or next if I can save some money for a site redesign. I need to focus on keeping up my content and building traffic for now.
I use Thesis as well and have had no issues with it. But, as you said, I understand that the updates received a negative reception.
It was cool to see Untemplater highlighted as one best designed blogs in the Thesis gallery.
Really?!? Omg you're right – I just went to their website. Lol I had no idea!! Ha, that's cool! :)
7:35 pm February 20, 2014
| johnhschroeder
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| New Member | posts 2 | |
I still highly recommend Thesis, but can see why some don't like it. I really like the responsive design that comes with it which allows your site to adjust to different devices.