User | Post |
10:54 am February 14, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
I know yakezie drives alot of traffic to our site from members. I am still learning the SEO process and I notice days I am not active on here my visits drops. Any suggestions or good sites promoting SEO. I love reading the posts on here but some days I cannot spend as much time on here as I would like. Anyone have an Ah ha moment that they would like to share? Maybe im just being impatient trying to do to much too quick. I just started last Monday!
Any help, advice, tips anything is appreciated.
I appreciate everyone that commented on my other post on the critique of my website. I am implementing some of the suggestions as we speak!
11:04 am February 14, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
The best tip I learned last year was that it takes time to for Google to "love" your site. That means for 3-9 months or longer, most of your visits will be from referring links (comments you leave). I'm not there yet with my Challenger site, but my articles on HubPages have crossed the point where most of their traffic is from organic search and not fellow HP users. Took about 4 months.
Lesson: the switch will be flipped at some point down the road. Will you still be there when it happens, or will you have given up too soon?
Other general tips:
- Make sure posts are over 300 words
- If you use WordPress, get an SEO plugin like Yoast (or All In One SEO); it will help you get your keyword density correct
- Use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to research EXACT phrases and how many monthly searches they get, and what long-tail phrases you can include
- Don't worry too much about SEO; many on here describe their AHA moment as when they stopped paying attention to SEO and wrote with their own voice from the heart
11:11 am February 14, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Thanks john I appreciate the response. I will take a look at the adwords keyword tool tonight, if I can convince her that we dont need to celebrate Valentine's day! 
11:41 am February 14, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 | 
John makes a lot of good points. I wouldn't worry about keyword density though. That used to be much more important for SEO, but it isn't as important these days. It is more important to write for your visitors.
Also don't worry too much about ups and downs in traffic early on. Until you get some google love, your traffic will largely depend on how active you are on forums and blogs. The good thing is that all that work is also building up links which will ultimately help you with google. Just be consistent and willing to keep at it for months without seeing any major traffic.
When you are commenting on other blogs, keep in mind which ones are close to your specific niche and which ones you enjoy reading the most. You may want to further connect with that blogger to help each other out. Blog marketing is a lot of give and take. Help promote other bloggers and that generosity usually comes back to you.
11:49 am February 14, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
I agree about keyword density. Yoast keeps me from overstuffing if I'm trying to target. Sometimes it feels like I'm more worried about being punished than rewarded.
11:49 am February 14, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
I agree about keyword density. Yoast keeps me from overstuffing if I'm trying to target. Sometimes it feels like I'm more worried about being punished than rewarded.
12:12 pm February 14, 2012
| MoneyIsTheRoot
| | |
| Member
| posts 1456 | 
SEO is "Search Engine Optimization"… I believe you are talking about a decline in "referral traffic" when you comment less on the Yakezie boards. It stands to reason that the more you comment here, the more people will find and click on your signature. Your search engine results will take some time, and there are some great people on here that can help you optimize that (I am not one of them lol).
Don't worry too much about your traffic just yet… you have a long way to go, but you will definitely get there!
12:35 pm February 14, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 | 
I have said this to people before on this forum and I am often right. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TRAFFIC YET. You have been blogging for one month if you care about traffic and/or income – YOU WILL FAIL. There are very few exceptions this rule.
You have 11 or so posts. Worry about SEO (which I think you have the wrong definition) in a couple months. Google barely knows you exist yet – it is natural.
12:55 pm February 14, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
MyJourneytoMillions said:
I have said this to people before on this forum and I am often right. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TRAFFIC YET. You have been blogging for one month if you care about traffic and/or income – YOU WILL FAIL. There are very few exceptions this rule.
You have 11 or so posts. Worry about SEO (which I think you have the wrong definition) in a couple months. Google barely knows you exist yet – it is natural.
Evan is 100% correct. The majority of your traffic will eventually come from Google and ,IMO, you need 150 – 200 posts to build up momentum on the search engines.
1:00 pm February 14, 2012
| bax
| | Middle of Lunch | |
| Member | posts 34 | 
Thanks guys, this is really great information for all us starting out.
1:09 pm February 14, 2012
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
I couldn't agree more. While it is beneficial to target keywords, IMO, it is better to just write what you want to write about at the beginning. If it helps, I am just now getting mediocre search engine traffic after 6-7 months of blogging. You can certainly speed up the process if you are willing to do the research or hire someone like LaTisha from Financial Success for Young Adults… but the important thing is quality content first.
retireby40 said:
MyJourneytoMillions said:
I have said this to people before on this forum and I am often right. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TRAFFIC YET. You have been blogging for one month if you care about traffic and/or income – YOU WILL FAIL. There are very few exceptions this rule.
You have 11 or so posts. Worry about SEO (which I think you have the wrong definition) in a couple months. Google barely knows you exist yet – it is natural.
Evan is 100% correct. The majority of your traffic will eventually come from Google and ,IMO, you need 150 – 200 posts to build up momentum on the search engines.
2:50 pm February 14, 2012
| Daisy
| | |
| Member | posts 271 | 
I don't know much about SEO yet, even though I probably should after a year and a half of blogging. I don't get many visitors from Yakezie – a handful + a day. But if you visit Yakezie members blogs, comment and engage in discussion and network, then you'll consistantly have more traffic becuase every time you post people will have you on thier readers and they can read your posts and comment.
4:47 pm February 14, 2012
| Poor Student
| | Mount Forest, Ontario | |
| Member | posts 72 | 
I always check my traffic, any time I look at my computer I check it quickly. I also noticed that the most traffic comes from these forums, and that in the past couple days when I haven't gotten on here my traffic has suffered. I was down about it but then I kept perspective and realized that I just started and all I can do to control it is keep writing and hope someone will like it.
Just keep posting in here when you get the chances, reach out and email the blogs you like and keep commenting on posts related to your topics to get your name out there. You can't make people look at your site so don't worry about that and instead worry about what you can control.
6:01 pm February 14, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
It takes a while to build up traffic, I do enjoy seeing my Alexa ranking go down when I visit my site, but I think patience is the key. All the veteran members here definitely share a lot of wisdom about the do's and don'ts of blogging so just keep on doing what you have been doing.
6:28 pm February 14, 2012
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Get some more posts on your site, then come and talk to me about SEO. I handle it for a few different people. Without some time, content, and trusted inbound links from sites within your niche (hint hint – Yakezie members' sites) your site will not have the juice to generate significant search engines no matter what you do. There are lost of people on here who barely know anything about SEO at all, but just use a couple simple plug ins and get pretty decent search engine results because they comment a lot, write good content, and have been writing for years!
7:38 pm February 14, 2012
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
Wow you guys really are a wealth of information. Looking around the internet I read SEO this and Keywords that to get good rankings. But they never mention you have to do your time down in the trenches to get out. I really appreciate each and every comment. I took these to heart. My University Money, thanks I will get some more posts then come and talk.
10:40 pm February 14, 2012
| Kevin @ Avant
| | Chicago, IL | |
| Member | posts 192 | 
I also want to recommend an awesome tool by SEOmoz. They have a 30 day free trial, and you have access to all the features that a Pro member has.
1) Use Google Keyword Research Tool – Compile a list of all your potential targeted Keywords
2) Use SEOmoz Keyword Analysis- Their tool will actually give you a list of all the Page 1 sites, and tell you what your chances are to be ranked on the first page.
3) Use SEOmoz On-Page Analysis- SEOmoz will "Grade" your page to make sure it's optimized. It will tell you where you need to improve on.
I've been using them for about 4-5 months. I've been getting awesome results so far, sometimes it only took me about 1.5 week to get on page 1 for a keyword.
If you end up testing it out, feel free to PM me and I'll walk you through what I did. Hope this helped!
1:51 am February 15, 2012
| Van Beek
| | Bangkok, Thailand | |
| Member | posts 227 | 
Start with finding approach that allows to post consistently new blog post 2 or 3 times a week. And do this for years.
That is the basis.
Select a long list of keywords that are somewhat related to each other and start writing regular posts that are SEO optimized for one of these keywords. Link internally between your posts for the keywords that are most important to you. Start with the keywords that have a few thousand search results per month and the lowest competition. Then expand.
And keep hanging in there for years.
4:48 am February 15, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
I think I read somehwere about JD (Get Rich Slowly) basically saying that the best SEO is great content. Write great content and you will get noticed by other people which, in turn, will get you noticed by the search engines and such.
Your articles are like seeds. You can't drop one and expect a mighty redwood in a month or so.
5:04 am February 15, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
SpringCoin (Formerly DebtEye) said:
I also want to recommend an awesome tool by SEOmoz. They have a 30 day free trial, and you have access to all the features that a Pro member has.
1) Use Google Keyword Research Tool – Compile a list of all your potential targeted Keywords
2) Use SEOmoz Keyword Analysis- Their tool will actually give you a list of all the Page 1 sites, and tell you what your chances are to be ranked on the first page.
3) Use SEOmoz On-Page Analysis- SEOmoz will "Grade" your page to make sure it's optimized. It will tell you where you need to improve on.
I've been using them for about 4-5 months. I've been getting awesome results so far, sometimes it only took me about 1.5 week to get on page 1 for a keyword.
If you end up testing it out, feel free to PM me and I'll walk you through what I did. Hope this helped!
Great info.
I also agree that time is one of the things you have to overcome. Google will not give most sites much love in their first months of existence. Once you 'prove' that you're in it for the long haul, you'll find yourself in more and more search listings.