Post edited 7:33 am – July 14, 2014 by Financial Samurai
Dear Bloggers,
Over the past weekend I bit the bullet and ponied up for a new server with better specs. The old server seemed like it was dying, and it didn't have RAID just in case of a HD failure, which worried me. Some of you may recall there was a time earlier this year where wouldn't properly load for 2-3 weeks. The reason was because we were allocating a limited amount of bandwidth to since it was crashing so much, and taking other websites on the server with it. We finally found the right balance, and away we went.
Hopefully the new server will provide for a smoother and faster experience. But knowing technology and wordpress, there will surely be bugs, bugs, and more bugs! For example, my scheduled post function didn't work this morning for my first schedule post. The cron job had the old cPanel file path setup to wp-cron.php, so now that is switched and should work.
Some main bugs I do know about are:
* Can't comment more than once on a post without having to click refresh on your browser after publishing a comment. This bug popped up a couple years ago, and I can't find the fix.
* Login issue with Chrome sometimes where after you put in your UN/PW, it still says "you must log in to post." This is a caching issue which Chrome is famous for. Logging in usually works in Safari or IE if you encounter this issue.
The site design hasn't been updated in years b/c it is custom and the designer is happily working at Google for big bucks now. This reminds me I need to go get a free lunch down in Mountain View at Google's campus w/ him! Lesson learned, always go with a supportive theme with tons of developers on it like Genesis.
Anyway, so long as everything is reasonably functioning, we will continue. But if you find any major bugs or something, let me know and we'll try to squash them. There's a good chance we can't unfortunately, but we'll try!