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8:45 am August 5, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
Hi all,
I link to a lot of videos to enhance my posts, but here's another reason to do it. YouTube link love!…
11:49 am August 5, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
Nice. I just subscribed to your channel!
12:23 pm August 5, 2011
| Hunter @financiallyc
| | Virginia Beach | |
| Member | posts 707 |
I think it's a great move to add video to the social media battery of options. Like it a lot.
12:52 pm August 5, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
I subscribed! How do I set up a blog channel like that? I need some Youtube link love too!
12:56 pm August 5, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
The College Investor said:
Nice. I just subscribed to your channel!
Thanks! Silly me didn't even know there is a subscribe feature.
12:57 pm August 5, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
Hunter @financiallyc said:
I think it's a great move to add video to the social media battery of options. Like it a lot.
Thanks Hunter. Honestly, I found this by accident. Just sharing the options!
12:59 pm August 5, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
Post edited 1:00 pm – August 5, 2011 by Buck Inspire
retireby40 said:
I subscribed! How do I set up a blog channel like that? I need some Youtube link love too!
Thanks! I actually found this by accident. I've been using YouTube videos since the beginning. YouTube made this channel automagically. I just stumbled on it. If you look on the left side, I think it picked up LaTisha's, Invest It Wisely's, and Yes I am Cheap's video usage, too.
1:24 pm August 5, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
really? That's pretty cool. I have a few youtube videos too, but they haven't picked me yet.
2:53 pm August 5, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
Wow! That's so cool! I'm surprised they linked the actual site too, I upload videos under an old youtube account I set up with a friend. I decided to use the name chocolate and peaches and she's peaches and chocolate lol (I'm black she's persian, get it? lol)
Anyway, it was too much of a hassle to set up a new account so all of my blog's videos are under that login. I'm glad they used the blog name to link to it!
2:23 pm August 18, 2011
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 |
Hey RB40,
Sorry I missed this. Yeah not sure how they do it. I usually attach a video to all my posts. Perhaps it is a volume thing?
2:26 pm August 18, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 |
Hey LaTisha,
Chocolate and Peaches, creative! Sounds like a band name. It is kinda cool that they link to the blog name or else you need to start a third blog named Chocolate and Peaches. Free link love, can't complain!