8:48 am February 13, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
I'm not worried, from what Sam pointed out. But it is also good to note that some ad networks REQUIRE their ads to be above the fold. When I signed up for the Foodie Blogroll ad network, they wouldn't start serving paid ads until they confirmed that ad tag was above the fold. My first placement was above the fold for me (but towards the bottom of the page), but apparently not on their screen. So they made me move it higher. Now it's the first thing in my sidebar after social media/RSS links.
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SEAM Publishing – http://www.seampublishing.com | eBook formatting and publishing service
6:13 am February 14, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 | 
Over time I've come to look at it the same way. If you are too big then you may also get hit (I believe BMW got banned once for paid links), but their real targets are the sites that offer absolutely no value and are just looking to extract a few pennies.
Financial Samurai said:
Hey guys, the one thing I recommend is to not get caught up in what Google says or does. Their real targets are just unreadable link farm blogs that just have garble. I've seen them, and I'm amazed!
Just focus on the writing and networking and I think everything will take care of itself.