User | Post |
9:39 pm February 28, 2011
| Kevin McKee
| | |
| Member | posts 151 | 
Hey Everyone,
I just got a new wordpress theme, and it requires that I change the permalink structure of my posts for the theme to work. This is a big issue because if you change that structure, you are going to lose all the links you have to your site (because your post used to be, and now it's
I found a plugin that allows you to change the permalink structure without losing those existing links. All you have to do is download the plugin, activate it, and it creates a 301 redirect from your old permalinks to your new permalinks.
It is called "Change Permalink Helper".
If you are looking to change your permalink structure, just download this plugin and you're free to change it and not lose your links.
10:15 am March 1, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
That is also an important factor when moving from Blogger to Wordpress. There are plugins for that too.
11:09 am March 1, 2011
| JT_McGee
| | |
| Member | posts 723 | 
That's awesome! I had a bit of a headache doing this…it was my third permalink change and it got to be way too much. I wish I would've had this.
6:46 pm March 2, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
PermalinksMigration works too – that's what I used when I dropped the date from or URLs.
10:32 am March 6, 2011
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 362 | 
just make sure you spot check a few interpage links after you execute on this.
if you have linked from one post to another, ensure that the link still remains valid. easy way to do this is run a broken links check on your blog. there are plugins you can dload for this function as well.
i have found several problematic plugins that do more harm than good.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
6:17 am March 15, 2011
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
Did you get this sorted Kevin?
8:39 am March 17, 2011
| Chris Johnson
| | |
| Admin
| posts 78 | 
Another interesting plugin to consider is "Redirection". It has a lot of additional features such as the ability to create generic 301 redirects to internal and external pages. For example, we use it on Yakezie to redirect /yakezie-network to /personal-finance-blogs after we changed the permalink structure there. Redirection allows you to log the times that each link is used as well as monitor your posts and pages for changes, and automatically redirect the old to the new (this is nice if you have a spelling correction in a permalink, for example).
The plugin is not perfect and on a large site, the logs can tend to bloat a database so I have largely turned off for us, but some of the features of this plugin could be very useful to you, so take a look.
Yakezie Webmaster.
If it's broke I will try to fix it. If you need help, let me know and I will see what I can do.
2:26 pm April 7, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Chris I use redirection. Works great!
8:48 pm April 7, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Is there an easy way to do this for single posts? I need to change the title/URL of a few posts and I would hate to lose all of the links!
9:05 pm April 7, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Khaleef, I use the redirection plugin to do that. It has a source and destination url fields and does a 301 redirect. You can see how many times it is redirected as well , don't know what the use is for that data though , but for all practical purposes, it works.
4:21 pm April 9, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Redirection lets you switch individual URL's
8:25 pm April 9, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Suba @ Wealth Informatics said:
Khaleef, I use the redirection plugin to do that. It has a source and destination url fields and does a 301 redirect. You can see how many times it is redirected as well , don't know what the use is for that data though , but for all practical purposes, it works.
Thanks Suba! I'm going to install it now. Do you know if any link counts and PR would transfer to the new URL?
I have over 300 links going to the old URL, which has helped to give me a PR1 on that article. When Google looks at the new URL, will the link count go back to 0, or will it be transferred? I have no idea what 301 redirect means, so maybe that question is answered in the definition.
8:37 pm April 9, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
KNS Financial said:
Suba @ Wealth Informatics said:
Khaleef, I use the redirection plugin to do that. It has a source and destination url fields and does a 301 redirect. You can see how many times it is redirected as well , don't know what the use is for that data though , but for all practical purposes, it works.
Thanks Suba! I'm going to install it now. Do you know if any link counts and PR would transfer to the new URL?
I have over 300 links going to the old URL, which has helped to give me a PR1 on that article. When Google looks at the new URL, will the link count go back to 0, or will it be transferred? I have no idea what 301 redirect means, so maybe that question is answered in the definition.
301 redirects mean the page has permanently moved. That is the best way of letting the search engines know that the pages are the same. So all the credentials you have for the previous page will apply to this new one. If you ever want to change a link 301 redirects are the only way to do it. Here is some more information -…..swer=93633
You could change it in .htaccess file, but I prefer to use a plugin and not mess with the .htaccess file, esp. for one-at-a-time links. Redirection plugin is the one I use in Wealth Informatics, there are 301 redirects and simple 301 redirects plugin, in case you didn't like redirection plugin or if it there are any conflicts with other plugins.
10:18 am April 11, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Thanks for the explanation! Since I only have a few URLs to change (for now), I'll use the redirection plugin.