User | Post |
5:12 am December 21, 2011
| Pam at MoneyTrail
| | |
| Member | posts 54 | 
Post edited 5:12 am – December 21, 2011 by Pam at MoneyTrail
I am using Blogger to host my blog. When someone clicks on the Twitter share button, the tweet has the name of the blog and the name of the article +url. I would like for it to include my twitter name (@moneytrailnet). Does anyone know how to make it do this?
5:56 am December 21, 2011
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Post edited 5:56 am – December 21, 2011 by sooverdebt
There's no gadget for Sexy Bookmarks on Blogger, but there is a way to paste the code as described here:…..gger.html/
Sexy Bookmarks allows you to customize the text that comes up when someone tweets your posts. There's no way I know of to alter the text with Blogger's built-in sharing buttons. Hope that helps!
8:52 am December 21, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
Why not just move to Wordpress and have your site do whatever you want?
4:26 pm December 21, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
If you do move to Wordpress I recommend Get Social. It sits nicely on the side without sliding annoyingly. And it has all of the relevant share buttons.
I removed shareaholic because it was updated like 10 times a day
7:26 pm December 21, 2011
| Pam at MoneyTrail
| | |
| Member | posts 54 | 
sooverdebt said:
There's no gadget for Sexy Bookmarks on Blogger, but there is a way to paste the code as described here:…..gger.html/
Sexy Bookmarks allows you to customize the text that comes up when someone tweets your posts. There's no way I know of to alter the text with Blogger's built-in sharing buttons. Hope that helps!
I'll give it a try! Thanks.
7:27 pm December 21, 2011
| Pam at MoneyTrail
| | |
| Member | posts 54 | 
Eric & Latisha — Wordpress is under consideration. Thanks for the help.
7:11 am December 22, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Pam at MoneyTrail said:
Eric & Latisha — Wordpress is under consideration. Thanks for the help.
Pam, I just finished a migration last week and I wish I would have done it sooner. Let me know if you need help should you decide to move forward.
8:28 pm December 23, 2011
| Pam at MoneyTrail
| | |
| Member | posts 54 | 
Thanks, Money Beagle! I will study the issue more carefully once the holidays are wrapped up!
6:16 pm December 27, 2011
| Penny Pinching Professional
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | 
I was hoping you would get a positive answer to this, because that's been bugging me on my blog too. (As for moving to wordpress, I asked for my domain for Christmas. Don't know yet whether I've gotten it because I haven't finished exchanging gifts with that person. I need to transfer off blogger first, get that settled, then I can consider wordpress.)