User | Post |
2:07 pm January 10, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
I have never participated in a blog carnival and am looking to see what all the hubbub is about. Because I'm new, I'd probably have to start with a submission and get some experience before I host.
Anyone have any recommendations for someone to get their feet wet? I searched the forum here but couldn't really find anything about how to get started with them.
Is the submission generally a new article from that week, or can you submit an older, quality link?
Any recommended carnivals to start with?
Thanks in advance – John
2:47 pm January 10, 2012
| newlywedsbudget
| | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
Post edited 2:58 pm – January 10, 2012 by newlywedsbudget
Here's a great post on helping you get started with carnivals:…..-when-how/
I found it when I first started thinking of submitting carnivals. I think it's great for getting links to your blog (which helps with SEO and ranking) but I find it is very time consuming. So that is one part of my blog that I outsource. I use Corey at 20's Finances and I am VERY happy with his services and extremely reasonable rates.
3:18 pm January 10, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
5:52 pm January 10, 2012
| Dr Dean
| | |
| Member | posts 241 | 
Each carnival is unique in what their requirements are regarding the age of the post, the subject and whether it can be submitted to other carnivals. You should read these requirements before submitting.
I try to link back to all carnival submissions once a week, comment a thanks to the blog for hosting, and submit tweets/likes to social media. Those carnivals who make sure I know they have accepted my posts are more likely to get the link love as trackbacks don't always seem to happen.
I try to submit to several each week.
8:59 pm January 10, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
Thanks everyone for your feedback. Sounds like I should just pick one and jump right in. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
4:15 am January 11, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Here's how I do it and I find it's not all that time consuming.
1. I only submit articles from the last week.
2. I'll make a list of those articles and compare it to my blog carnival bookmark folder and match them up accordingly.
3. I submit one by one, marking it on a sheet of paper. I'll also throw the confirmation e-mails I get into a 'Submitted' folder.
4. If I get any e-mails or pingbacks I'll match them up with the 'Submitted' e-mails I get, and enter the link in a draft post for my next roundup.
5. Any remaining ones I will look up manually to see if they included me and didn't send out notification. If they did, I'll go back to step 4 and add them to my roundup. If not, I'll bitch and moan about it to myself for a couple minutes then move on.
6. By that point, I'm into the next week and ready to start over.
Sounds like a lot but it actually takes maybe 15 minutes a week for 3-4 submissions on average.
9:05 am January 11, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I use Remember The Milk for carnival submission reminders. It is good for reminders for everything blog related.
8:04 am January 12, 2012
| FreeTicketJapan
| | |
| Member | posts 14 | |
The Yakezie carnival is a good place to start.
11:45 am January 12, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
FreeTicketJapan said:
The Yakezie carnival is a good place to start.
I thought the same thing and submitted. Now I just gotta figure out what tube my request went into and what to do next

12:15 pm January 12, 2012
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
| | |
| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Eric – said:
I use Remember The Milk for carnival submission reminders. It is good for reminders for everything blog related.
I love RTM. I use it to run my life- literally.
1:18 pm January 12, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 964 | 
I used to submit a lot, but not so much any more – no reason really. I'd start out by checking blog and seeing what carnivals that your articles fall into (they have a financial category) and you can enter all your information – also, there's a yakezie carnival that I suggest you submit to.
hosting is a lot of work, but good for your site in the end.
5:20 am January 20, 2012
| jonrhodesuk
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 277 | 
Usually most carnivals prefer recent posts, but they do have their own individual rules. I have only just started submitted to blog carnivals, but have already got a few backlinks, so this should help me if I keep going. I have heard that you benefit even more from hosting, as people often link back to a carnival they are featured in, plus you can end up with a really good authority post with loads of great resources. Like you, I'm probably going to submit to a few for a while, then host my own. When I do, I'll let everyone know how it goes.
11:17 am January 20, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
Most Carnivals almost seem to be best used as a backlinking tool.
Some are so big (80-100 entries), that if you are in the middle you probably won't get much traffic as a result (unless you've got a killer headline and summary).
8:49 pm January 23, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 | 
As with John, I'm also new here, and have not participated in carnivals before. I would sure like to get involved and get my feet wet but have no idea what to do. Sorry for newbie questions
1. For Yakezie, I see that Carnivals are held once a week, and Yakezie challangers and members can join in. Is that right?
2. Who handles the Yakezie Carnival topics and organizes them ?
OK, thanks for answering Newbie questions…
5:35 am January 24, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
Maybe I'm wrong but different members host the carnivals every week? I have not taken part of the Yakezie carnival yet but definitely planning on it.
11:15 am January 24, 2012
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
Don't worry – we all had these type of questions. There is a list of people involved in Yakezie who host the carnival each week. The host for that week can choose a theme for the carnival if they want. If you submit your post to a carnival and you are featured, it is expected that you will link back to that carnival within a couple weeks. Most people do this in a round up, but some go back and edit the original article.
Feel free to look in the "Yakezie Carnival" forum to see who is hosting the next edition and when to submit.
Submitting to carnivals can be a great way to increase the number of links to your site and therefore your rankings. Feel free to email me if you have any more questions about other carnivals.
Dividend Ninja said:
As with John, I'm also new here, and have not participated in carnivals before. I would sure like to get involved and get my feet wet but have no idea what to do. Sorry for newbie questions 
1. For Yakezie, I see that Carnivals are held once a week, and Yakezie challangers and members can join in. Is that right?
2. Who handles the Yakezie Carnival topics and organizes them ?
OK, thanks for answering Newbie questions…
11:30 am January 24, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 | 
20s Finances, Perfect – thanx! 