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I finally have twitter, now what???


11:51 pm
October 3, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Okay, so I finally have twitter, my username is gotmonkees or @gotmonkees, whatever. Now I don't know what to do. How do I set it up on my blog, etc.? Can anybody help? Pretty please with a cherry on top. I'm completely Social Media Clueless. I just don't know what to next.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


4:40 am
October 4, 2011




posts 1041

Now you should follow people you're interested in reading tweets from. (You could start with Yakezie members if that helps.) Many people – not all – will follow you back. When you follow someone, that means you'll see their tweets on your timeline (main page). When they follow you, they'll see your tweets. The best way to get started is just to respond to things people say that you think are funny or interesting. Twitter is like one big conversation.

When you publish a post, view the post and use your Twitter sharing button at the bottom to tweet it. A box will come up with the post title and URL in it, and you can make it say whatever you want, then you just hit "post tweet" and your followers will see it.

It takes awhile to get used to it. Once you get some followers it will make more sense. And when you start following more than a few people, it's impossible to keep up with all the tweets because they move so fast. I just check out what I can when I can.

Hope that makes sense – if you have questions just post them here and we'll all try to help! I'm going to follow you. :)




5:30 am
October 4, 2011



posts 1466

If you publish a feed via feedburner, you can have it setup to automatically tweet your new posts.  I can't remember the exact screen but if you click around in feedburner, it's pretty easy.

I would follow people you like.  Re-tweeting their tweets or sharing their posts with your users will get you noticed and chances are they'll start returning the favor.

Personally, I've found that momentum is easier to build with Twitter than with Facebook.  I've begged and pleaded and it took three months before I hit 25 Facebook likes, where Twitter has built pretty steadily without nearly as much work. 

I would also advise that, while you want to interact, don't neglect your blog for the sake of Twitter.  Work into it gradually and you'll find what works for you and will get more comfortable with it.

Member Site: Money Beagle

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6:34 am
October 4, 2011



posts 1012

It took me a really long time to "get" twitter and it was this analogy that got me there.


Twitter is like being at a HUGE party.  You can listen into anyone's conversation (following someone) and if they want to listen in on your conversation they will follow you. 

6:59 am
October 4, 2011



posts 187

MyJourneytoMillions said:

It took me a really long time to "get" twitter and it was this analogy that got me there.

Twitter is like being at a HUGE party.  You can listen into anyone's conversation (following someone) and if they want to listen in on your conversation they will follow you. 


Love this analogy!

4:28 pm
October 4, 2011

Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter


posts 2213

DebtFreeByThirty said:

MyJourneytoMillions said:

It took me a really long time to "get" twitter and it was this analogy that got me there.

Twitter is like being at a HUGE party.  You can listen into anyone's conversation (following someone) and if they want to listen in on your conversation they will follow you. 


Love this analogy!

Me too.


I would also suggest having your twitter name match your site. It might provide a bit more continuity and clarity for possible followers.

Miss T

"Helping you save money, go green, and have fun"

Follow me on Twitter

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5:09 pm
October 4, 2011

Briana @ How's Married Life?

Los Angeles


posts 120

I agree with what everyone has said. Twitter isn't necessarily for tweeting what you had for lunch (but you can!) Make it an extension of your blog. Follow others in personal finance and participate in conversation. Ask questions. Provide answers. Participate in TweetChats (Money Crashers and WiseBread hold TweetChats weekly). If you're on Wordpress there's widgets that will allow you to show your latest tweets on your blog. I was a social media coordinator and I can honestly say Twitter is one of the best tools out there.

Briana Myricks

How's Married Life? | Previously 20 and Engaged

Facebook | Twitter | E-mail

6:10 pm
October 4, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Thanks for making it much less scary, you guys are awesome. Do you know how I link it with my blog, so that people can follow me and so that it will show up in my stats?


Oh, and I did try to make it match my blog name but it was too long and everything I tried sounded soooooo stupid. So I figured I'd stick with gotmonkees, it's been my email and username other places for around 9 years now. I can always change it later if it really bugs people.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


6:22 am
October 5, 2011



posts 217

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving said:

Thanks for making it much less scary, you guys are awesome. Do you know how I link it with my blog, so that people can follow me and so that it will show up in my stats?


Oh, and I did try to make it match my blog name but it was too long and everything I tried sounded soooooo stupid. So I figured I'd stick with gotmonkees, it's been my email and username other places for around 9 years now. I can always change it later if it really bugs people.

I would say don't wait until later, change it now! Did you try just "ArtOfSaving"? That's probably short enough. Even "MasterSaver" might be good.

There's so many different ways you can tie Twitter into your blog – what type of "link" are you trying to do exactly?

8:39 am
October 5, 2011

Eric –

Portland, OR


posts 2120

I would add a Twitter widget, follow me link, and auto-Tweet new posts. But only once, don't be spammy.

9:23 am
October 5, 2011

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog


posts 964

definately get a twitter widget/button on your site, and start following fellow yakezies. easiest and fastest way to do that is hte yakezie list you can find on the yakezie twitter account. List has all current members.


Sustainable Life Blog

1:05 pm
October 5, 2011

Khaleef @ KNS Financial

Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet


posts 3149

I definitely agree that you should set up an optimal user name from the start. You actually can change your name without losing any followers or history.

Khaleef "Fat Guy" Crumbley

My Battle to Lose 100lbs and Pay off $100k in Debt:…..innywallet

Personal Finance From A Biblical Perspective:

3:21 pm
October 5, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Okay guys, I changed it to MasterTAOSaving. Thanks. I'm going to try to do the button on my blog now. Laugh

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


3:55 pm
October 5, 2011


Chicago, IL


posts 261

I'm glad you changed your Twitter handle to match your blog!  If you want to use Twitter to grow your blog and vice versa this makes it easier for others to find you and interact with you!


I didn't "get" Twitter until I started having conversations.  Sure, retweeting great articles and posting little tidbits or posts from my life/blog is great, but my best experience is silly, random convos where all kinds of people jump in, contribute and it's a big inside joke with 15 other bloggers… (you can see evidence of this for mustaches, #bewbs, stalkers between @sooverdebt, me and a whole bunch of others)


These conversations literally formed the connections that turned into friendships before the Financial Blogger Conference.  Commenting on blogs builds friendships, but there's something great about Twitter!

In Gratitude,

Shannyn +

NEW:  Frugalpreneur on Twitter

6:37 pm
October 5, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Thanks Shannyn. I can't wait until I get the hang of it. Smile

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


6:40 pm
October 5, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Okay, I have the twitter button on my blog now and I ended up switching my RSS and email to the same buttons to make things go together better. I think it looks good.


I'm following all of you guys now, I hope that's okay. Wink


Also…what's the difference between 'reply' and 'retweet'?

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


7:32 pm
October 5, 2011




posts 1041

Reply is for when you want to just respond to what someone said.

You: @sooverdebt How are you?

Me: @MasterTAOSaving I'm good, how are you?


Retweet is when you like something so much, you want to repeat it for your followers to read as well.

Me: Yakezie is AWESOME!

You: RT @sooverdebt Yakezie is AWESOME!


Hopefully that makes sense.




6:51 pm
October 6, 2011

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

Vancouver, WA


posts 269

Thanks Andrea. Smile

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving


Master the Art of Saving

Twitter: @MasterTAOSaving


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