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1:56 pm December 29, 2011
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
If I want to change my theme to a new one, can I upload this new theme, work with it without activating it as my new theme and then when it looks the way it is supposed to look, activate it as my new theme? Is it possible? Or am I in a la-la land?
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5:02 pm December 29, 2011
| BeforeYouInvest
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| Member | posts 54 | 
You can upload it and not activate it but you might have trouble editing it without it being activated.
What Ive done in the past is buy a .info for a buck or two and then put the theme on that site… tinker with it til I get it looking the way I want, and then put it on my main site.
Also, Thesis is a really customizable theme if you use Thesis Openhooks plugin (there are good tutorials on the theme if you search them)
Good luck!
7:22 pm December 29, 2011
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
I know people create a test subdomain, upload the theme, and then make the appropriate changes until they get it how they want it. I've never did this as I outsource all that stuff now. :)
5:40 am December 30, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| posts 1298 | 
There probably is a way to test the Theme, but with the different themes I have had, none of them have really been that difficult to change and tweek. Normally, I just wake up early one morning and give it a go. After a couple of hours, everything is just how I want it! By the way, I have Atahualpa right now. It's free and very easy to work with. Plus, you can do almost anything with it. It's very customizable.
Hope this helps!
6:59 am December 30, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| posts 1012 | 
check out the plug in – Theme Test Drive. It allows only the admin signed into to see the new theme (and thus make changes without anyone noticing!) It sometimes messes with your widgets but really really useful tool when switching over.
7:17 am December 30, 2011
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
check out the plug in – Theme Test Drive. It allows only the admin signed into to see the new theme (and thus make changes without anyone noticing!) It sometimes messes with your widgets but really really useful tool when switching over.
Thank you so much! Looks this is exactly what I was looking for!
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7:18 am December 30, 2011
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
Derek@LifeAndMyFinances said:
There probably is a way to test the Theme, but with the different themes I have had, none of them have really been that difficult to change and tweek. Normally, I just wake up early one morning and give it a go. After a couple of hours, everything is just how I want it! By the way, I have Atahualpa right now. It's free and very easy to work with. Plus, you can do almost anything with it. It's very customizable.
Hope this helps!
I looked at Atahualpa once and it did not look very user friendly.
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11:33 am December 30, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| posts 2213 | 
A subdomain works best I find. If you want to outsource this you can talk to Jesse at PF Firewall.
I have used Theme test drive but be careful. If you go and insert plugins to try things out they actually become live on you existing site. The only way around this is the sub domain as far as I am aware.
6:35 am December 31, 2011
| Car Negotiation Coach
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| Member | posts 125 | 
Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter said:
A subdomain works best I find. If you want to outsource this you can talk to Jesse at PF Firewall.
I have used Theme test drive but be careful. If you go and insert plugins to try things out they actually become live on you existing site. The only way around this is the sub domain as far as I am aware.
1:51 pm January 3, 2012
| Jeffrey Trull
| | CT | |
| Member | posts 134 | 
I second the sub-domain. It shouldn't be that hard to set up, and I think it's easier than fooling around with a live site.
I know I say this every time, but I still recommend premium themes like Thesis or Headway. They're worth it to get a solid theme with great support.
If you go the free route, watch out for things like footer links to sites you don't want to be linking to.
2:00 pm January 3, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
Thank you all! After I read your comments, I made some thinking and I decided for now to stick with my old theme. It seems like too much work and time. I'll wait.
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