User | Post |
8:15 pm December 28, 2011
| darwinsmoney
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| Member | posts 211 | 
Hi Team,
I did a little exchange on Twitter and have some initial work done on this, but long story short, multiple sites of mine now have google searches redirecting to scammy online pharma websites. I've seen some pretty comprehensive articles out there with dozens of steps and hours/days of work to resolve (and many readers reporting back in that even after undertaking all the tasks, the malicious code reappears days later). Anyway, I suspect this came from Dreamhost since it hit 3 sites at the same time which have different passwords, etc. but of course they're playing dumb. Interested if any of you have heard of this one or have any other quick fixes other than scouring thousands of files, deleting all plugins/reinstalling, etc. It's a real PIA and nasty coding but apparently people have been hit with this for the past year or two; just made its way to a few of my sites.
Example – google this: Where Can I Get Free Hydrochlorothiazide 75 Mg
You'll see my cad-sourcing and darwinsmoney sites come up first page.
8:43 pm December 28, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
When I got hacked hardcore over the summer I turned to Jesse (I have forwarded this link). It took days to clean up but he locked me up pretty good. I am not on a contract with him.
8:10 am December 29, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Gosh this seems to be happening more and more. I would also recommend Jesse. He is a great help with stuff like this.
8:25 am December 29, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
This is a good reminder to the rest of us to keep your installation and plugins updated and make sure your permissions and passwords are all very secure.
9:13 am December 29, 2011
| Charles @ MoneyGreenLife
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| Member | posts 318 | 
my computer actually was infected with a virus where all of the google search clicks were redirected to a spammy site. I just used malwarebytes to remove the virus and it's all good now. not sure if this is what you're referring to or if it's something completely different.
9:51 am December 29, 2011
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Slight tangent here, but I would advise everyone to add an administrator login other than "admin" and delete the admin account. Awhile back Pat Flynn suggested a plugin called Limited Login Attempts, which I use – yesterday there were 13 separate IP addresses trying to login as admin on my site. If they can't figure out your login, it's harder for them to use password cracking software to get into your Wordpress account. Just a tip! :)
9:29 am December 31, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Holycrap… when did you first detect this? Good suggestion from Andrea; I have renamed the admin account on most of my sites and I also have a captcha on the login form.
12:28 pm December 31, 2011
| darwinsmoney
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| Member | posts 211 | 
It's funny; I probably never would have even picked up on this quickly, but my partner has a google alert set up for our company name and the other day, his daily email showed a bunch of urls with drug span stuff tied to our CAD biz urls show up. When he forwarded to me, I asked around and found that this pharma hack thing is pretty extensive.
Turns out I have a design guy I've used before that's confident he can clean up pretty quickly; I just had to give him partial access to files, database, ftp, etc. and he should be working on it now.
It's invisible to routine site visitors and jury's out whether it impacts SEO. I have one site that seems to have dropped and two that haven't (3 were hit in total), so I can't tell if it was due to the hack or just random Google re-jiggering of results.
11:30 am January 1, 2012
| Renée @ NickelbyNickel
| | Canada | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
Wow, I had no idea this can happen. Thanks for the tip to Andrea as well, nasty. Hope you get it all cleaned up
11:30 pm January 1, 2012
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
Invest It Wisely said:
Holycrap… when did you first detect this? Good suggestion from Andrea; I have renamed the admin account on most of my sites and I also have a captcha on the login form.
How did you add a captcha to the login form? That sounds like a good idea
9:34 am January 2, 2012
| BeforeYouInvest
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| Member | posts 54 | 
Post edited 9:35 am – January 2, 2012 by BeforeYouInvest
I got hit with that a while back and it was NASTY. If you don't catch it the first day it keeps building and building until every other word is some kind of ED drug… NOT good!
I started using a site called Code Garage that backs up your site daily and checks for hacks/downtime and alerts you if there is one. Its $15 a month but well worth it in the long run… if you have ever tried to clean one of these up you know what I mean!
Anyway if you guys sign up use this link here (it's an affiliate link … if you don't feel like using it just go to the site directly but theres no $ diff for you.)
5:02 am January 3, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Stuff like this sucks. I have had my personal Yahoo account hacked a few times which has bugged me to the point where I left Yahoo altogether (something I should have done anyways). Changed passwords, scanned every computer and device I own, didn't matter. People should have better things to do with their time.
9:19 pm January 7, 2012
| funknut
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| New Member | posts 1 | |
Can you please share the solution? We were targeted using the exact same hack and I haven't had any luck solving the problem.
9:50 am January 8, 2012
| BeforeYouInvest
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| Member | posts 54 | 
Whats the site Funknut? Do you have an export of wordpress backed up somewhere?
Try contacting your webhost's support department… they may be able to restore your database to the previous day.
If that doesn't work some webhosts have an antivirus program in cpanel… that may take care of it.
On hosts that didn't have it I made a copy of the articles on the site (saved it in Word) and reinstalled wordpress but that's a last resort if you have a lot of articles.
6:21 pm January 10, 2012
| ultimatesmartmoney
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| Member | posts 47 | 
sooverdebt said:
Slight tangent here, but I would advise everyone to add an administrator login other than "admin" and delete the admin account. Awhile back Pat Flynn suggested a plugin called Limited Login Attempts, which I use – yesterday there were 13 separate IP addresses trying to login as admin on my site. If they can't figure out your login, it's harder for them to use password cracking software to get into your Wordpress account. Just a tip! :)
Great tip! Stupid me… I still use admin. Changing it now. Thanks,
6:27 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Untemplater said:
Invest It Wisely said:
Holycrap… when did you first detect this? Good suggestion from Andrea; I have renamed the admin account on most of my sites and I also have a captcha on the login form.
How did you add a captcha to the login form? That sounds like a good idea
I use the plugin SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam. Sorry for missing this earlier!
7:02 pm January 10, 2012
| darwinsmoney
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| Member | posts 211 | 
So, I spent a few days trying to figure it out myself. As detailed and seemingly "expert" as the posts were at and several other outlets, every approach was different, they were very involved and the ones I tried didn't work. Next, I paid my web design guy I use in India for a couple days of work searching out malicious code, switching out plugins, blah blah blah. He found a few things but didn't get it all. Same ole' Cialis and Levitra redirects.
Finally, I looked into just paying a firm that specializes in this and I should have done it from day one. I had 3 sites impacted in total and all have seen SEO impacted. One was de-indexed from google completely and I've had to submit a request to re-index which could take weeks for them to even look at. The firm was Sucuri and they fixed it in an hour (affil link but same cost to you if you check them out). Basically for a mere $89 they do a single site and I signed up for the multi-site for $189. They have an automated method. I just gave them my FTP password and boom – done. I went back and checked a few html viewers and googlebot tests and they all come back as negative for spam now. Granted, google is still showing some results because it takes days or weeks for them to completely re-index, but real-time checks confirm all the malicious code is gone.
I had some generous offers from fellow yakezie and others to look into it, but if it's something you've never dealt with before, it may have been days/weeks figuring it out whereas these guys wrapped it up instantly for a completely reasonable sum (I would have paid much more, especially for the site that was de-indexed!).
Anyway, check out Sucuri for a quick fix if you get the pharma hack or other malicious code, I highly recommend them. Oh, and by the way, I get their service for free for the next year if it were to rear its ugly head again somehow.
4:32 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Thanks for the info, Darwin. Can you share the details in the private forum on how they got to you and where the bad data was so we can better secure our own sites?
4:32 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Post edited 4:33 am – January 11, 2012 by Invest It Wisely
Sorry, dp
5:45 am January 11, 2012
| darwinsmoney
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| Member | posts 211 | 
Thanks for the info, Darwin. Can you share the details in the private forum on how they got to you and where the bad data was so we can better secure our own sites?
I never found out how I was infected. I suspect thru DreamHost on a shared server. After remediation I upgraded Wp version (that might have left me vulnerable) and all plugins. No issues this week.