User | Post |
9:54 pm October 6, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Woody Allen once said, "I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member." I've found the opposite to be true – historically, I've only joined clubs that have let me in.
And on that note, I've decided to throw our site into the Yakezie Challenge. I'm a writer at DQYDJ, short for Don't Quit Your Day Job…
We like to spread our articles around – Personal Finance, Economics, Politics, Real Estate and the occasional offbeat post. Our motto is "Enlightened Discussion for the Night and Weekend Crowd" and I do hope we're enlightening.
So, now that I've added my site to the spreadsheet, contacted Sam, declared my intentions openly on this forum, and scheduled my announcement for Monday (heaviest traffic day, of course!), what should my next step be?
3:47 am October 7, 2011
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
Welcome! You may want to declare your intentions in this thread:…..ers-forum/
Other than that, just get to know your fellow challengers (myself included) and the experienced members here. Ask questions, get involved in the forums, and have fun. I personally have seen my alexa drop like crazy and believe that it can happen to others.
If you have any questions, shoot me an email. Looking forward to seeing your yakezie post.
4:50 am October 7, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Welcome! Stay active in the forums, selflessly promote others and remember to stop by and comment. Also remember to create a post that says you are joining like this one…
5:48 am October 7, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
| | |
| Member
| posts 1456 | 
Glad to have you here! How long have you been blogging for? I was just checking out your site, looks great.
6:46 am October 7, 2011
| Pat S
| | |
| Member | posts 160 | 
Welcome! Enjoy the ride, and just network with everyone on these forums, and share links and ideas, and you'll see your Alexa rank (and many other metrics) reflect the community's gratitude and generosity.
7:05 am October 7, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Thanks for the comments all. I posted in the thread LaTisha pointed to (thanks!), sorry to toss up a post here!
MoneyIsTheRoot – May 24, 2009 until Wednesday (the Steve Jobs Post). I do a decent amount of Sunday writing and let them hit the feed throughout the week. My cowriter Cameron started at about the same time.
Thanks for the welcome. Get in touch with me (should I post me email here or is it already exposed?) for any technical help anyone needs – although tying technicals with aesthetics isn't my strong side (I hate my logo, for starters. The layout is good, but it's taken me a fair amount of time to evolve the theme to what's there now).
11:46 am October 7, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Welcome! Look forward to working with you!
1:14 pm October 7, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 964 | 
Welcome -
Your next step should be to get to know fellow members in your class ( i think You're gamma, but Im not sure) and start networking with already established yakezie members. Keep posting in the forums and asking questions when you need something. If you'd like to guest post, feel free to send me an email.
4:05 pm October 7, 2011
| Hunter @financiallyc
| | Virginia Beach | |
| Member | posts 707 | 
Welcome! It's an awesome challenge, and I am sure you're up to it considering your years of experience. Actively engage and your Alexa rank will drop like the Dow…on a bad day.
4:27 pm October 7, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Welcome to the challenge.
12:07 am October 8, 2011
| The Frugal Toad
| | |
| Member | posts 587 | 
Welcome to the Challenge! You've gotten some good advice from everyone. Take advantage of the offers for help and be sure to visit and comment often. You will be amazed at how quickly your Alexa rank will drop.
5:27 am October 8, 2011
| DebtFreeByThirty
| | |
| Member | posts 187 | 
Welcome to the challenge!
6:31 am October 8, 2011
| Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 643 | 
Looks like you've got everything set up! By the way, I would change your domain name. It's kind of hard to remember.
8:39 am October 8, 2011
| krantcents
| | |
| Member | posts 909 | 
8:43 am October 8, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Thanks everyone for the welcome and the advice! I will definitely hit some of you up on your offers.
Tony, you can also use the backdoor of '' if it's easier to remember. I like the five letter method, but unless you remember the phrase (and .net vs. .com) it can definitely be hard to remember. I guess I'd like to popularize an interesting url, like or even We'll see if it backfires!
9:53 am October 8, 2011
| Briana @ How's Married Life?
| | Los Angeles | |
| Member | posts 120 | 
Welcome to the challenge! I agree with what everyone said before, including the URL. I say try to promote the URL more since it's easier to remember. I saw the letters and instantly got confused, but that's probably because I love vowels *shrugs* Looking forward to reading on your site!
10:09 am October 8, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Okay you guys win, haha. I put both. The secret is my co-writer promotes the link and I promote the link. Tricky, I suppose, or stubborn. He'll be happy I put them both up, I assure you.
Briana – Congratulations on the wedding! I was married in August not too far from you (Camarillo). I went to school in Southern California and that's where I met my wife. Many years of happiness from another newlywed couple!
6:26 pm October 11, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
| | |
| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Welcome to the challenge. Best of luck and if you need help with anything, just email me.
1:06 pm October 18, 2011
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
The more the merrier! Welcome to the group.
8:47 am October 19, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
Glad you are starting the challenge! Think about joining up with the 'team's next time they rotate (probably around December or later).