User | Post |
8:23 pm June 20, 2011
| WealthArtisan
| | |
| Member | posts 272 | 
Hey there,
My Boh score plunged from about 550 to 292 and I'm not sure why? I updated my email address on my profile recently, but I've changed it back now, and the score is still not corrected. My profile picture was also gone, but has since come back. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated :).
6:50 am June 21, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Hey Timothy,
Something does seem strange with the rankings. I see a few sites with 0.00 mozRank and the positions have jumped around a bit…
7:43 am June 21, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Yeah, my mozRank is now 0.00, so I'm assuming that it's just a temporary glitch.
7:35 pm June 21, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
ours tanked too. 10th to 17th.
mozRank to 0 (for an unknown reason) is the culprit I think.
7:47 pm June 21, 2011
| WealthArtisan
| | |
| Member | posts 272 | 
Well, it looks like everything is ironed out now. Great! :) Whatever was done, thanks!
12:14 pm June 22, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
Showing my ignorance here…what is BoH?
1:19 pm June 22, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
FamilyMoneyValues said:
Showing my ignorance here…what is BoH?
Belts of Honor. The Yakezie member ranking system.
4:19 pm June 22, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
WealthArtisan said:
Well, it looks like everything is ironed out now. Great! :) Whatever was done, thanks!
I just dropped Chris a note to let him know and he fixed things up :)
4:44 pm June 22, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 | 
And I got booted down to 6th ;(
WealthArtisan said:
Well, it looks like everything is ironed out now. Great! :) Whatever was done, thanks!
11:27 am June 23, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
I am glad it is fixed. My MozRank had plummeted to a 0 too!
10:57 am July 13, 2011
| Financial Samurai
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
If anybody is wondering, the update system is temporarily down for about a week or two. We'll look into it when Chris returns from vacation.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
5:50 pm July 13, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Financial Samurai said:
If anybody is wondering, the update system is temporarily down for about a week or two. We'll look into it when Chris returns from vacation.
re: mozRank – thanks Sam. It may be "down" but our rank went up to over 5 again (after 5 long months below 5) so we'll happily await our mozRank update!