Post edited 10:10 pm – May 21, 2011 by JT_McGee
I don't know anything about these widgets.
However, I just moved MoneyMamba to my VPS and
1) deleted inactive plugins (they still load, apparently)
2) changed setting to "serve cached pages to visitors" in WPSuperCache
3) rejoiced at how painfully easy the c-c-c-c-ombo of moving the site to my VPS (which is 10x faster than the shared hosting account I had it on…free isn't always good!) and dialing up WPSuperCache was for reducing loading times.
VPS is in a Softlayer datacenter (they're amazing), but still, it shouldn't have made _that_ much of a difference. I need to put WPSuperCache in my "must remember to do with new sites" list when I throw stuff online.
I'm looking for a plug-in (I know its out there!) to allow me to order loading of other plugins. Tweetmeme is getting on my nerves, so I want to put it at the end of the loading cycle. We'll see how that pans out. If anyone knows what it's called, holler!