User | Post |
1:29 pm January 13, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
So, the disclaimer on my site is a bit…unconventional. (if you want to weigh in below you can view it thru my sig)
I tell readers that my posts SHOULD be considered financial advice, even though I hold no certifications.
I also tell anyone who wants to sue me or hold me to any regulation that says I can't give you advice, to F@$% off.
If you can't tell how I really feel, then let me explain: the reason I do this is to give advice. I'm not going to say it's not advice because I didn't take some test. I'm not going to allow the government to define what advice I can give, either.
No offense to those who are certified financial planners, but there's a reason people read personal finance blogs – they want to hear straight talk from a real person who isn't trying to sell them something. And for the record, I don't plan to make my site a place to find out about the best mutual funds to buy, or the best credit card.
I do say something about the fact that I host context-based ads that I don't control and that I do receive compensation this way. I want to be open and transparent in that way.
So, two questions?
Am I playing with fire? (If someone tried to hassle me, I'd probably use it as an opportunity to fight back and get publicity)
Is there some legal FTC language that I'm required to use? (Not saying I plan to follow the rules, but would like a better understanding of what they are)
Thanks in advance!
3:13 pm January 13, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
Yes I would fight anyone who hassles you. Your advice should be taken as advise and with an understanding that you are giving your opinion based on research and test. In America you have to be careful what you say so I would place disclaimers but not to the point where nobody takes you seriously.
Wendy Williams isn't a trained psychologist but she gives real advise to millions of people who take her opinion to be worth value.
Let me know how it goes…
6:36 pm January 13, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Wendy Williams isn't a trained psychologist but she gives real advise to millions of people who take her opinion to be worth value.
I'm willing to bet if someone sued her the network would say her show is for entertainment purposes only.
6:46 am January 14, 2012
| Funancials
| | |
| Member | posts 345 | 
Honestly, I don't think it matters what your disclaimer says. I highly doubt anyone's disclaimer page will get enough attention to cause a ruckus. After checking yours out, it was probably the most intense disclaimer I've read; but I've read less than a hand-full. If you want to revolt against the norm, I would find somewhere besides your disclaimer page to do it.
If your blog becomes an overnight success and thousands are reading your words daily, I doubt your advice will be controversial enough to cause someone to sue.
I have "all those licenses and certifications" but I don't think it's important enough to have or not have on my site.
Having said all this, best of luck with the challenge.
6:49 am January 14, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
Glen Craig – Free From Broke said:
Wendy Williams isn't a trained psychologist but she gives real advise to millions of people who take her opinion to be worth value.
I'm willing to bet if someone sued her the network would say her show is for entertainment purposes only.
So true. It's all about semantics.
11:23 am January 14, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
I've heard it's even worse for bloggers if you have the certifications, because you then have rules to follow about how you talk about specific investment vehicles.
It's a shame there are so many regulations.
3:43 pm January 16, 2012
| Funancials
| | |
| Member | posts 345 | 
John @ Married with Debt said:
I've heard it's even worse for bloggers if you have the certifications, because you then have rules to follow about how you talk about specific investment vehicles.
It's a shame there are so many regulations.
I would never say it's "worse" to have more education, but yes – lots of hoops to jump through.
12:44 pm January 17, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
I put mine up because I dont want to get sued – that said, If people dont like my personal finance style, there are plenty of other really good blogs that talk about different things, and I'd be happy to point them in that direction.
5:30 pm January 17, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog said:
I put mine up because I dont want to get sued – that said, If people dont like my personal finance style, there are plenty of other really good blogs that talk about different things, and I'd be happy to point them in that direction.
Well stated. Being fairly new to blogging, I guess I never thought about that. Always thought it was freedom of speech.
6:12 pm January 17, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Smart Wealth said:
Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog said:
I put mine up because I dont want to get sued – that said, If people dont like my personal finance style, there are plenty of other really good blogs that talk about different things, and I'd be happy to point them in that direction.
Well stated. Being fairly new to blogging, I guess I never thought about that. Always thought it was freedom of speech.
This being the public forums, I'll refrain from fighting words, but this is essentially it. In a just world there would be no need for disclaimers unless one was truly needed. Nobody is saying crap like "Go to Las Vegas and you are guaranteed to be rich! I personally guarantee it!".
7:49 am January 27, 2012
| Andi B.
| | PDX | |
| Member | posts 272 | 
The only thing I would say after reading your disclaimer is it felt a little hostile (I felt myself leaning back in my chair) and as an antagonistic hell-raiser that's saying a bit. I would just add something like what you said above, that you write this because you like sharing what you've researched and what's worked in your life, that there's no such thing as a guaranteed payoff or a free ride, you will continue to exercise your constitutional right to free speech as long as it exists, and sue-happy ingrates may be happier reading someone else's blog.
As a small pet peeve note though, the right to free speech does not automatically absolve everyone of the consequences of their words. For example, if you tell an audience I think someone should kill John Doe, and one of your audience members does in fact do that, you may be charged in the death of John Doe. I think disclaimers are more to weed out the people that have no common sense and think if it's on the internet, it's LAW.
Andi B.
Make the life you want.
Enjoy good food.
Enjoy good friends.
8:47 am January 27, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 | 
Hey Andi – I actually toned it down a few days ago so you probably didn't even see the "less nice" version :)
If my site starts making money, I'd consider putting it in an LLC to protect myself and family.
There are plenty of writings that advocate illegal activities (drugs, speeding, tax avoidance, etc) and I'm not sure that those writers could be held liable if their readers do it. Calling for someone's murder is probably a different story.
I just wanna help people get out of debt without financial advisors suing me for stealing their thunder.
9:28 am January 30, 2012
| Andi B.
| | PDX | |
| Member | posts 272 | 
John @ Married with Debt said:
…to protect myself and family.
I didn't even think that it's almost a bigger problem with potential "haters" than readers. Well I'm glad you brought it to a place where you're comfortable, that's really all that matters. And when you made the comment about protecting your family it solicited a great big, "Awwww, he's a big softie." :)
Andi B.
Make the life you want.
Enjoy good food.
Enjoy good friends.
6:47 pm January 30, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 | 
Personally I think you're justified to be a bit worried about the language in a disclaimer. The FTC is here to stay and they want everyone following their little rules. I was just forced to add a FTC related line in the disclaimer of some of my sites by a particular advertiser, this despite being a Canadian citizen. I figure if they want me to jump through hoops, I don't have much choice about it.
That being said, I think having a disclaimer that explains the situation in any tone should be sufficient. That would keep away any nutjob that thinks you might be a good target for a lawsuit. While your advice probably wouldn't damage people's finances, some people are pretty dumb and can take advice the totally wrong way. I'd say it's fine, but only a lawyer or someone with similar knowledge would really know for sure.