User | Post |
9:53 am September 7, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Post edited 9:56 am – September 7, 2012 by ObjectiveWealth
Can anybody help explain why this might be occurring? (See red…)
A to Z of Objective Wealth: F is for Free Markets ……Share
22 Aug 2012 – 944b0d9fb7a3afc28370ecc3b4638697 A to Z of Objective Wealth: F is for Free Markets Straight off the bat, to pre-empt anybody knee-jerking …
The A to Z of Objective Wealth: E is for Earnings ……Share
July 19, 2012 Drew Promptory, …
It takes up so much space and looks untidy. I'm concerned it's affecting my search traffic.
It doesn't affect all posts, all of the time. Only some of the posts, some of the time.
I've not had much look searching for answers elsewhere, only that I suspect it might be caused by a plugin…
Thanks in advance Yakezie Members! 
3:48 pm September 7, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Looks like the 32-digit string is coming either from CloudFlare or from ImageShadow. My money is on ImageShadow – if you look at the alt text on your post images, they have a long string of numbers before the post title. As for the rest, it's hard to tell because you're running a LOT of plugins that inject Javascript into your header. Like probably more than I've ever seen.
12:26 am September 8, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Andrea, thanks so much for helping narrow down the source of the problem. I'll investigate image shadow first. It'd be a shame if it turns out to be cloudflare – I like having it.
I do like my plugins though. I understand more isn't better, but I read one successful PF Blogger saying they had over 70 plugins in total!
Thanks again, Andrea. 
12:48 am September 8, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Also, out of interest…how long do you think Google will take to update any changes?
2:11 pm September 8, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Have you submitted a sitemap through Webmaster Tools? If not, get a sitemap plugin (I like RPS Sitemap Generator) and submit it – that will encourage Google to crawl your site again. If you've already submitted one, you can go to Webmaster Tools and submit the same one again.
Hope that helps!
8:25 am September 9, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Fantastic, no I haven't submitted a sitemap. Webmaster Tools is the next facet of blogging I need to spend some time working on. This issue could be the catalyst.
I'll get on it straight away. Thanks for your time Andrea.
4:57 am September 10, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
ObjectiveWealth said:.
I do like my plugins though. I understand more isn't better, but I read one successful PF Blogger saying they had over 70 plugins in total!
It's a balance that you have to decide for yourself. More plugins give you more capabilities, but they also give you more security risks and also can slow your sites down. Many argue that faster loading sites will get higher search rankings and even better page ranking consideration versus sites that take a long time to load.
5:32 am September 10, 2012
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 | 
sooverthis said:
Have you submitted a sitemap through Webmaster Tools? If not, get a sitemap plugin (I like RPS Sitemap Generator) and submit it – that will encourage Google to crawl your site again. If you've already submitted one, you can go to Webmaster Tools and submit the same one again.
Hope that helps!
Great advice! I need to do this myself.
9:12 am September 11, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Hmmm, removed image shadow plugin, got to grips with Webmaster Tools, submitted sitemap a few days ago. Still no improvement. Any ideas? Could it really be Cloudflare?
BTW I took the opportunity to remove a few more plugins while I was at it. Site/pages load faster now, bonus.
1:38 pm September 11, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
One way you could change your descriptions is with an SEO plugin (I'm guessing you already have one). If you enter a short description for each post, it will show in search results instead of what's showing now. I know that's not a fun solution – more of a bandaid – but it would get rid of the problem. Unfortunately this isn't one where you can disable the plugin and instantly tell whether the problem is solved. :(
1:58 pm September 11, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
I see. A few weeks ago I moved from 'All in One SEO Pack' to 'SEO by Yoast'. With the former I was entering those short descriptions you mentioned, and the problem developed quite some time afterwards, most probably due to a plugin like you say, but since moving to Yoast I haven't been manually entering a post description. Maybe I'll go back through and write my own descriptions, in the process hopefully it might wipe out the problem like you say. Fingers crossed.
Thanks Andrea 
9:33 am September 17, 2012
| Objective Wealth
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Update: Problem solved! It think it was 'Wordpress GreetBox' at the top of each post. I found a little tickbox hidden in the plugin's settings which then prevented it from using Javascript to load the greet message.
BTW if wasn't for your help Andrea I wouldn't have been challenged to think outside the box; in the process of solving the problem I've learned so much more about Webmaster Tools, Sitemaps, sped up my site by removing some old plugins, and switched to 'SEO by Yoast' (which I'm pretty pleased with too). Priceless.
So a big thank you! 
11:26 am September 17, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
So glad you got it fixed and that I was able to at least sort of help. ;)