Post edited 12:32 pm – December 29, 2012 by Financial Samurai
Anybody have issues after updating W3 Total Cache? I published my first post after installing the latest W3 Total Cache and now my RSS feed doesn't update with my latest FS post.
I have:
* Activated PingShot
* Pinged Feedburner with my RSS feed in Feedburner Troubleshoot
* And am now looking for where I can uncheck a box to not cache Feeds, but I don't see it in settings, or it might be writen in a way I do not recognize. I don't know where to add the feed to the "never cache list."
* Says at the top of the settings page for W3 Total Cache at "disk enhanced page is not active" and "Browser caching is not active." Click the "auto-install" button?
* I haven't changed the feed name to "maxresults=4" yet.
UPDATE: I changed the feed name to add /?maxresults=4 to limit the size, clicked Rysync in trouble shoot, and it showed two errors and unable to sink due to address I think. However, the feed finally came out. Not sure whether it is b/c I updated the feed name and reader max on the dashboard, or whether I clicked Sync. It certainly wasn't due to Pingshot or Pinged. Hmm.