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How you can save money?


5:14 am
April 22, 2011


Houston, Texas


posts 57

Simple way that you can save thousands of dollars.. :)

Cook your own!
Make a list before going shopping
Buy in bulk whenever possible
Buy generic products whenever possible
Consolidate and pay off debt as soon as possible
Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees
Be aware of your bank balance and avoid over draft fees
Avoid credit cards with annual fee
Disconnect land line if possible
Instead of buying books, borrow books from the library
Price check before buying anything expensive:
Ride your bike or carpool whenever possible or better if you use public transport
If you watch a lot of DVDs, get an online DVD store membership
Regulate your electric use.
Keep distance from lavish, high-roller friends
Try to use your cell phone as less you can.


5:45 am
April 22, 2011



posts 272

Great ideas Sylvia!

I especially like your tip about staying clear from friends with expensive tastes. Pretty soon you'll find yourself with an expensive country club membership, 8 maxed out credit cards to keep your wardrobe in trend, and car payments for a car you couldn't afford.

Thanks for the tips and keep them coming!


Timothy Artisan @ The Wealth Artisan :etisbeW

WealthArtisan :kooBecaF

@wealthartisan :rettiwT :liaMe

8:14 pm
April 22, 2011

Super Frugalette


posts 484

That idea of a list before you go shopping is crucial. I keep a standard on in Excel. Also do not go grocery shopping hungry!


Super Frugalette

Twitter: @Superfrugalette

Facebook: Super Frugalette




9:02 pm
April 22, 2011


Houston, Texas


posts 57

Thanks Timothy.. @Supar sometimes we spend on things which we don't require actually, but still we buy it.

9:38 pm
April 22, 2011

Joe Edward


posts 38

Hi Sylvia,

I put up a post back in March explaining how I saved $6,700. For anyone that is interested there may be some ways to save money that interest you.  Check them out at my post: 5 Easy Money Tips – Give Yourself A Raise Today!  I use these methods all the time and they work for me.



Creating Wealth for Financial Freedom

10:15 pm
April 22, 2011


Houston, Texas


posts 57

Joe, it's a huge money you have saved :) just heading to your article.


1:00 am
June 26, 2011

Buy Like Buffett


posts 1682

Those are some great tips. Some I had never heard of.




Learn how to build wealth at Buy Like Buffett.

Learn about making money online at Mark Riddix dot com

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6:44 am
June 26, 2011


Florida, USA


posts 1778

Isn't this the central theme on which we all write?


One Cent At A Time  (Yakezie Member Site)

Finance Product Reviews

9:45 am
June 26, 2011

Half-Assed Economist


posts 11

I like to do a "choices challenge".


The basic premise is you choose to substitute to something less expensive and save the difference towards a working goal.

It's basically the latte factor on steroids because you can do it big or small.


Simple things like renting a red box flick instead of going to the movies can add up quickly! It's all about choosing to alter your behavior to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Half-Assed Economist 

Making Learning about Economics and Personal Finance Easy and Fun!

11:23 am
July 5, 2011

Rob H.


posts 3

With regards to redbox, it is easy to find codes for free rentals online. Cuts that expense right down to zero!

Meet your goals! Enter coupon code "money" for a free premium membership!

11:38 am
July 5, 2011


Florida, USA


posts 1778

the biggest waste is impulse buying, check out my blog on how to get over that feeling…..e-emotion/


One Cent At A Time  (Yakezie Member Site)

Finance Product Reviews

6:27 pm
July 11, 2011




posts 3

I've found that those unexpected purchases can make or break my budget.  Impulse spending can also influence how much we spend – or save. I liked this article: – Kicking the Habit: How to Put a Halt to Impulsive Buying |


10:31 pm
July 17, 2011


Houston, Texas


posts 57

Hi Big well written on Impulsive Buying….

7:41 pm
July 19, 2011

Renée @ NickelbyNickel



posts 105

Don't forget free ebook, a lot of classics are free!

Blog: Nickel By Nickel
Life, money and everything in between.
Follow me on Twitter
I'm working my way to financial freedom, nickel by nickel, one penny at a time.

10:51 pm
August 31, 2011

The Frugal Toad


posts 587

Great ideas everyone.

Here are a few more:    1)  Have an early dinner and buy from the lunch menu.  Much cheaper than dinner menu.

                                  2)  While you're at the restaurant, skip the drink and have water.

                                  3)  Check out how to Save Money on Groceries.

The Frugal Toad

Money Saving Advice for Everyday Living

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2:07 pm
September 1, 2011

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog


posts 964

Great tips – Ive found that my biggest expenses involved dining out, so I made an effort to start eating at home more!


Sustainable Life Blog

8:56 pm
September 28, 2011


Chicago, IL


posts 261

My two favorites are to have a spreadsheet where I put all of my wanna-be impulse buys to either help me cool off from spending, or to keep an eye on it for a sale or coupon!


My biggest money saving tactic though has been the library!  I've saved about $600 as a graduate student by using interlibrary loan and planning ahead.  I get all of my books on blogging, fashion and personal development that way and I love it!  Granted, sometimes it takes longer, but since I read about 3 books a month for fun/business it saves me a ton!

In Gratitude,

Shannyn +

NEW:  Frugalpreneur on Twitter

6:00 am
September 29, 2011

Frugal Confessions

Houston, TX


posts 1622

I am a HUGE fan of Interlibrary loan–you can use it to get anything!


FrugalBeautiful said:

My two favorites are to have a spreadsheet where I put all of my wanna-be impulse buys to either help me cool off from spending, or to keep an eye on it for a sale or coupon!


My biggest money saving tactic though has been the library!  I've saved about $600 as a graduate student by using interlibrary loan and planning ahead.  I get all of my books on blogging, fashion and personal development that way and I love it!  Granted, sometimes it takes longer, but since I read about 3 books a month for fun/business it saves me a ton!

Amanda L Grossman

Frugal Confessions

Frugal Confessions @ the Houston Chronicle


1:52 pm
October 3, 2011

Jeremy @ Zero Passive Income


posts 43

Thanks for the tips! I can say from personal experience that keeping distance from lavish, high-roller friends is hard but it does save you a lot of money. Doing so can cut out a lot of meals, entertainment, and travel expense.

Check out Zero Passive Income and find out how my wife went from broke with zero passive income to where we are today!

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