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My Student Loans are GONE!!!!


8:35 am
June 18, 2012

Kevin McKee


posts 151

Post edited 8:37 am – June 18, 2012 by Kevin McKee

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share with all of you because I can't think of a group of people who will be more excited about this than the Yakezie folks.

Last Friday I paid off the last of my $33,850 in student loan debt. I'm officially debt free (aside from some debt at 0% APR).

It probably would have taken me another few months if it weren't for income from my site, and a lot of that income is thanks to Yakezie, so thank you to everyone!

Feel free to stop by my post and tell me congrats! :)

I wanna be a Thousandaire so freaking bad!


9:05 am
June 18, 2012




posts 1041

CONGRATS! I'm jealous, but at the same time, stories like these remind me that I will pay off my loans eventually. Hope you did something fun this weekend to celebrate!




9:43 am
June 18, 2012

Eric –

Portland, OR


posts 2120

AWESOME! I just got there earlier this year, so I know how great it feels. What are you planning to do with all the extra money now? Saving? Investing?

11:16 am
June 18, 2012

Buck Inspire


posts 1546

Huge congrats Kevin! Laugh

11:18 am
June 18, 2012

Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves

Gen X & Y Finance


posts 212



It's a great feeling isn't it?  The added "savings" now will feel even better!

About Me – Ted Jenkin

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12:05 pm
June 18, 2012



posts 910

sooverdebt said:

CONGRATS! I'm jealous, but at the same time, stories like these remind me that I will pay off my loans eventually. Hope you did something fun this weekend to celebrate!

Huge 2nd!

Creator of:

12:10 pm
June 18, 2012

Kevin McKee


posts 151

sooverdebt said:

CONGRATS! I'm jealous, but at the same time, stories like these remind me that I will pay off my loans eventually. Hope you did something fun this weekend to celebrate!

I helped my girlfriend's parents with a garage sale. I am overdue for a celebration.

I wanna be a Thousandaire so freaking bad!


12:11 pm
June 18, 2012

Kevin McKee


posts 151

Eric – said:

AWESOME! I just got there earlier this year, so I know how great it feels. What are you planning to do with all the extra money now? Saving? Investing?

Saving for a house. Which, by the way, I am considering a move to the Denver area in the next two years or so. You'll have to sell me on your city.

I wanna be a Thousandaire so freaking bad!


6:31 pm
June 18, 2012

The College Investor

San Diego, CA


posts 1935

Way to go!  Nice job!

Please check out The College Investor at!  This is the home of my Investing 101 Class.

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You can also follow on Twitter @CollegeInvestin or Facebook at…..geinvestor!

5:36 am
June 19, 2012

Frugal Confessions

Houston, TX


posts 1622



We paid the rest of my ~$36,000 loans in September 2010. Just the other day I calculated the extra cash flow from having done this…and it's just amazing.


You should do the same in a year or so–it will bring a big smile to your face (maybe not as bright as the day they were paid off though!).

Amanda L Grossman

Frugal Confessions

Frugal Confessions @ the Houston Chronicle


5:59 am
June 19, 2012

Kevin McKee


posts 151

Frugal Confessions said:



We paid the rest of my ~$36,000 loans in September 2010. Just the other day I calculated the extra cash flow from having done this…and it's just amazing.


You should do the same in a year or so–it will bring a big smile to your face (maybe not as bright as the day they were paid off though!).

I was paying over $300 a month on those stupid things 4 years ago. It's very nice to have that monkey off my back.

I wanna be a Thousandaire so freaking bad!


7:14 am
June 19, 2012

Watson Inc


posts 371

Hooray! That is so awesome. I remember paying mine off. I was so happy (it was a big sum and my final debt), that I threw a huge party. Cheers to you!!!

Visit Me: Watson Inc

Follow Me On Twitter: @roshawnwatson


7:44 am
June 19, 2012



posts 1466

Kevin McKee said:

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share with all of you because I can't think of a group of people who will be more excited about this than the Yakezie folks.

Last Friday I paid off the last of my $33,850 in student loan debt. I'm officially debt free (aside from some debt at 0% APR).

It probably would have taken me another few months if it weren't for income from my site, and a lot of that income is thanks to Yakezie, so thank you to everyone!

Feel free to stop by my post and tell me congrats! :)

Great work.  I never had student loan debt but my wife has some outstanding loans.  It's a locked in 2% interest rate with a $96 monthly payment so we're not in a big hurry right now to pay them off, but when it does get paid, I know it will be a great feeling.

Member Site: Money Beagle

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8:05 am
June 19, 2012



posts 116

That's so awesome! Congrats. This is making me want mine gone even more! Thanks for the motivation.


Come visit my blog at:

Twitter: bogofdebt

5:59 am
June 20, 2012

Khaleef @ KNS Financial

Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet


posts 3149

Congratulations Kevin, that is great!!! I can't wait until i can write that post.

Khaleef "Fat Guy" Crumbley

My Battle to Lose 100lbs and Pay off $100k in Debt:…..innywallet

Personal Finance From A Biblical Perspective:

9:09 pm
June 20, 2012

Renée @ NickelbyNickel



posts 105

Congrats dude! That's fantastic news!

Blog: Nickel By Nickel
Life, money and everything in between.
Follow me on Twitter
I'm working my way to financial freedom, nickel by nickel, one penny at a time.

4:13 pm
June 21, 2012



posts 54

Congrats!!! Enjoy the extra $$$$


I finished off mine in late 2011… unfortunately the wife still has close to 6 figures on hers Embarassed but we'll get that one knocked out in due time.  

2:21 pm
June 22, 2012

Money and Risk


posts 73

Congratulations.  Student loans are one of the types of loans that I never recommend to keep around unless the rate is insanely low like 2-3%. 

I just had a huge argument with my brother about paying off his student loan last night and he's making all the normal financial mistakes that a 20s makes.  In fact, he's rushing into them based on his girlfriend's influence.  He's arguing that it's better to spend $1200/month (assuming everything works out) than $500/month. 

Kim @ Money and Risk

Site:  Money and Risk

Twitter: @moneyandrisk

3:48 pm
June 29, 2012



posts 207

That is great news! I remember when we paid off our student loans which was the last debt to go. It was so liberating. Congrats!

9:14 am
July 8, 2012

Jennifer Lynn


posts 100

Great job, Kevin! I absolutely love reading about people unshackling themselves from their debt burden. It's an exhilarating feeling, isn't it? Now, what are you going to do with all that extra dough at your disposal?

Broke-Ass Mommy

…first-time Mommy with a passion for saving, personal finance and investing

Website: [ Broke-Ass Mommy ]

Twitter: [ @JennaL ]

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