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7:01 pm August 30, 2011
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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Do you do the family budget and pay the bills? Does your spouse or significant other? Do you sit down and do it together?
I handle all of ours. I am trying to get my husband more interested/invested, but it hasn't worked so far. :)
7:11 pm August 30, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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I handle all of ours but have made a sheet of all account numbers and info for my hubby in case I die…morbid, yes, but he would be up sh*t creek without it. ![Laugh](/wordpress/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif)
7:17 pm August 30, 2011
| sooverthis
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Obviously I do it myself now that I'm single, but I did all the financial stuff when I was married as well. When we got divorced, I actually gave my husband a detailed spreadsheet with his biweekly income, bills (with account numbers, logins, passwords, due dates, etc.), phone numbers and websites, and every detail I could think of so he'd be able to survive. I even made him a budget to show how much money he had left every payday and how much he usually spent on things like gas. Not that it changed his habits whatsoever, but at least I tried!
Now I have a list like Crystal's in my parents' safe. If something happens to me, my dad has instructions for how to handle all of my accounts, and I have one for him since my mom refuses to talk about it.
8:57 pm August 30, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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sooverdebt said:
Obviously I do it myself now that I'm single, but I did all the financial stuff when I was married as well. When we got divorced, I actually gave my husband a detailed spreadsheet with his biweekly income, bills (with account numbers, logins, passwords, due dates, etc.), phone numbers and websites, and every detail I could think of so he'd be able to survive. I even made him a budget to show how much money he had left every payday and how much he usually spent on things like gas. Not that it changed his habits whatsoever, but at least I tried!
Now I have a list like Crystal's in my parents' safe. If something happens to me, my dad has instructions for how to handle all of my accounts, and I have one for him since my mom refuses to talk about it.
That was very nice of you. If my husband and I ever got divorced, I hope I could be that civil. My list for my husband is in his parents' safe. I figured my in-laws could at least help with stuff if I passed away while Mr. BFS figured out how things work without me. I really hope that list never needs to be used…
9:25 pm August 30, 2011
| Hunter @financiallyc
| | Virginia Beach | |
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I handle the routine bills and keep quicken UTD. We make investment decisions together, but these transactions are automated. There's no need to make any investment decisions unless we choose a new strategy. Yes, boring, but I kind of like it that way.
3:57 am August 31, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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I pretty much handle everything right now. With our home renovation, relocation, and random work income, it's been really tough to budget! So, I'm really just making sure our account stays semi-beefy rather than tracking every single expense…..
5:33 am August 31, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
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Ive been single for so long now, in terms of not being married. Now that Im getting married next summer Im curious to see how things transition…but I can see myself taking the lead on this. Investments are definitely more of my thing, but I can see us amicably reaching a budget, the rest to me is just paying bills.
8:26 am August 31, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
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Being single makes it so simple. ![Wink](/wordpress/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif)
8:56 am August 31, 2011
| TightFistedMiser
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I handle bills and budget but my wife has input on the budget. I need to do a spreadsheet with the account numbers and passwords. Does anyone know of a good post that lists all the stuff you should include?
9:01 am August 31, 2011
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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In our house it is a 50-50 split. We discuss everything and work to come up with plans that include both of our needs as best as we can. I think this kind of open communication about money is really important for the strength of our marriage. Nothing is worse on a relationship than fights about money and what to do with it.
10:34 am August 31, 2011
| Dana
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We do a 50-50 split too, although lately it's more 70 Mr. and 30 Mrs. just due to time constraints with the kids and stuff.
3:12 pm August 31, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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for now, me and my sig other have partially separate finances (we started off in very different financial situations). We also have a joint account that all the house bills get paid out of, such as netflix, rent, water, power, etc. We each put the same amount into that account a month, then I keep track of it every once in a while. It never overdraws, in fact we put too much in that account and every 5 or so months, I have to sweet the excess into savings. She doesnt really know what gets paid when, how much or anything that comes out of that account.
As for my finances, they are organized by me, but I always update her with my situation and where I'm at, figuring that eventually we will get married and she'll already have a knowledge head start. Most likely when we get married, i'll handle the bulk of it, while consulting with her.
1:05 pm September 2, 2011
| WellHeeledBlog
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I've designated myself the Chief Financial Officer (I am in charge of long-term things like investment, asset allocation, etc.), and my future husband the Chief Payer of Bills. :) I hate keeping track and paying bills, and he's much better at that than I am. So I think it'll work out well.
2:44 pm September 2, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
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I manage out expenses. My husband doesn't even know how much he earns :) I am not kidding.
We pay some bills from his and some from mine, but in our budget it is all pooled money. I have a folder for him in case I die, including all our accounts, last year value, will, power of attorney (medical)… Hopefully he will never need it. I am training him though. We now have a "financial date" every month or so to give him an executive minutes on how we did last month lol.
10:04 am September 3, 2011
| TightFistedMiser
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Get Rich Slowly has a good post on creating a death folder for the spouse that doesn't handle the finances.
12:33 pm September 3, 2011
| krantcents
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I pay the bills and take care of anything financial in our family. I like it and I am good at it.
3:38 pm October 5, 2011
| Shannyn
| | Chicago, IL | |
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I am really not sure how I'll divvy up the finances when I get in a relationship/married. I'm single now at 25 and probably will be for awhile longer…I don't even know if we'll have the same bank accounts! Merging finances is a total mystery to me!
1:17 pm October 8, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
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| handles ours, everything except the HSA. I've got the reminders set up to nag us when we start to drift past our targets ("You didn't save enough for retirement this month!" "You spent too much on food this month!". It's a solid setup if you drop the time into it.
Only thing it can't track is our HSA. The sad thing is I can only ballpark how much is in it, but I don't know for sure. The important part is there is more than the deductible, I suppose!
2:27 am October 12, 2011
| eemusings
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I do it all – banking, bill paying, budgeting - but we're trying to move toward him taking a bit more control of his individual finances (his 'allowance', how much to save, etc).
4:46 am October 12, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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Our common bills are either paid automatically or we pay it together. Stuff like groceries, it depends on who paid for what recently. Otherwise since we are not only both full income earners but also both a little bit stubborn, we mostly take care of our own money, but communicate on what we're doing and where we're at. We don't have a budget or anything like that; once a month I do a calculation of how much I made & spent, but it's a pretty boring and tedious step that I haven't gotten her interested in yet. ;)