User | Post |
1:21 pm April 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Post edited 1:22 pm – April 2, 2012 by Money Reasons
Roshawn from the blog is hosting the Yakezie Carnival this week!
Submit your article by clicking here on the Yakezie Submission Form link!
Interested in "Hosting" or curious who is scheduled to host for the current week?
Click this link: "Yakezie Carnival Hosting Schedule" to see the next available Yakezie Carnival week that is open, along with the current generous (and clever, since hosting has it benefits) bloggers that are signed up to host the currently assigned Yakezie Carnivals!
If you want to sign up to host a week go to the site and sign up!
HOW? By clicking on this link –>…..SCarnID=2/ and doing the following:
- Find the date you want to host in the left hand column.
- Click on the button titled "OPEN – Click to host date" next to the date.
- Fill out the form that pops up.
- Click the submit button, and then you are finished!
An "all inclusive" html formatted email with all of the submitted articles will be email to you, so all you need to do is cut and paste the email content into your blog post in one simple action. This will simplify the process even further than it was previously. If you want further instructions, follow the steps in the Yakezie Submission Form Instructions, under the category titled: "Hosting Site Instruction for Creating the Yakezie Carnival".
Thanks for hosting this week Roshawn!
5:49 pm April 2, 2012
| Van Beek
| | Bangkok, Thailand | |
| Member | posts 227 | 
Submitted. Thanks for hosting this time Roshawn.
6:10 am April 3, 2012
| The Happy Homeowner
| | |
| Member | posts 123 | 
Submitting now; thanks for hosting!
1:43 pm April 3, 2012
| shortroadto
| | |
| Member | posts 56 | 
I am new to Yakezie. Can you please tell me what a blog carnival is? I have done a blog swap. Is i the same? Also, is there a particular topic that I should write about for the carnival? Thank you.
8:26 pm April 3, 2012
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
submitted. Thanks for the reminder
9:18 pm April 3, 2012
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
4:41 am April 4, 2012
| Cents To Save
| | |
| Member | posts 435 | 
Thanks for hosting! Submitted!
12:31 am April 5, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Submitted and thank to both – for the reminder and for hosting.
8:16 am April 5, 2012
| shortroadto
| | |
| Member | posts 56 | 
Thank you for hosting and submitted!
8:00 pm April 5, 2012
| Shilpan
| | |
| Member | posts 126 | 
Just submitted. Thank you for hosting Roshawn.
3:45 pm April 6, 2012
| Mark D. Cook
| | East Sparta, Ohio | |
| Member | posts 87 | 
Submitted! Thanks for hosting!!
10:32 pm April 6, 2012
| belowhermeans
| | America! | |
| Member | posts 32 | 
Submitted and a first timer to the carnival! Thank you.
8:19 am April 8, 2012
| Watson Inc
| | |
| Member | posts 371 | 
Thanks for submitting everyone. Happy Easter!
6:35 pm April 12, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Barb Friedberg said:
submitted. Thanks for the reminder
np :)
6:40 pm April 12, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
shortroadto said:
I am new to Yakezie. Can you please tell me what a blog carnival is? I have done a blog swap. Is i the same? Also, is there a particular topic that I should write about for the carnival? Thank you.
Hi shortroadto,
Sorry for getting back to you so late, but I'm currently on vacation.
For a brief but accurate description, read the following article that I recently wrote called "Benefits of Blogger Carnivals". I think you will find that the article pretty much covers any question that you might have!
12:35 pm April 22, 2012
| moneyinfographics
| | Liverpool, UK | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
Out of curiosity, if you've submitted an article will you be notified if it's gone live on the site that is hosting the carnival?
6:20 pm April 22, 2012
| belowhermeans
| | America! | |
| Member | posts 32 | 
moneyinfographics said:
Out of curiosity, if you've submitted an article will you be notified if it's gone live on the site that is hosting the carnival?
I have the same question! Help.