User | Post |
3:24 pm January 2, 2014
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Happy New Year!
Just curious, besides FinCon, what is a conference you will be attending in 2014 and why? 
8:36 pm January 2, 2014
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
I got conferenced out from last year (NMX, FINCON, Start Conference, WDS) that for now we decided to cut back.
I'm only planning (as of now) to attend FINCON and WDS. As far as the why, they both have some of the best communities at each.
2:37 pm January 3, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I'm going to add WDS this year. Now that I live in Portland, it is a no-brainer for me. And Chris G. is awesome.
9:07 am January 4, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
I'm a newbie so I've never been to one of these conference before, but I've heard great things about FinCon and was thinking I'd probably try to go to that one this year.
1:58 pm January 4, 2014
| annielogue
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| Member | posts 60 | 
I'm unclear about FinCon, as I may have an opportunity to go to Italy that week, and as great as FinCon was, it's not Italy.
I went to BlogHer last year and was underwhelmed; there wasn't much there for serious bloggers – and even less for bloggers looking to make money.
I may go to the Economic History Association meeting to get some ideas and inspiration, but I'd love to know about others. WDS, huh?
Low Finance. High Finance: Spend less than you earn, get a return that beats inflation
The Root of All: @annielogue
Chicago on the Cheap: @chicagocheap
10:37 pm January 4, 2014
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 | 
Wish I was at NMX this weekend.. But its more likely for next year.
WDS is 50/50 at this point.
Fincon should happen.
I am keeping my eye out for something else here in the midwest that pops up,
Even if it is a day-long "workshop" of some sort.
2:30 pm January 5, 2014
| Fig (Figuring Money Out)
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| Member | posts 76 | |
I've never been to a pf blogging conference but I'd love to go. I'd pick with FinCon or WDS. They seem to be the coolest ones.
7:48 am January 25, 2014
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Hey Jeff,
Didn't realize you also hit WDS. I agree about the great communities. Finally reading $100 Startup. Awesome stuff. May have to consider this.
Hey Eric,
Totally no brainer. Is this the real reason you moved? 
Hey Dee,
I've been reading recaps for the past few years. Gonna try and get down there this year. Hope to see you there!
Hey Jefferson,
NMX is another rocking conference. Maybe next year? Don't they also have one in the summer in NY?
Hey FMO,
Agreed, but might have to throw in NMX as well.
Thanks everyone! 
12:02 pm January 25, 2014
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
What are some of these acronyms lol No clue what is WDS?
3:41 pm January 27, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
WDS = World Domination Summit
11:33 pm January 27, 2014
| Untemplater
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
If I go to any this year it'll probably be Fincon.
7:59 am January 28, 2014
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
I think FinCon is the only one that I'll be able to afford this year. I really didn't even know about the other ones that you guys are mentioning here. It sounds like it's easy to get overloaded with information!
10:56 pm March 3, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
Anyone from the UK know of any good conferences based in the UK? Equally, is anyone travelling over from the UK for Fincon this year?
7:15 am March 6, 2014
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 | 
Hi Moneystepper,
Maria from The Money Principle and Miss Thrifty are both attending Fincon from the UK.
Best regards,
7:18 am March 6, 2014
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 | 
Eric – Narrow Bridge Finance said:
WDS = World Domination Summit
Hey Eric, How do you like portland? (its a bit warmer than Denver)
12:13 am March 8, 2014
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
moneystepper said:
Anyone from the UK know of any good conferences based in the UK? Equally, is anyone travelling over from the UK for Fincon this year?
Yep, as Barb said I am attending. Miss Thrifty will be there as well. Last night I booked everything – hotel, flights and can't wait to see you guys again.
I'd love to be able to go to the WDS – have been following it from the start. Will be hard though to fly to the US again so will probably skip this year.
Buck, agree that Chris is great thought his book before the $100 Start-up wasn't. Then again, great people are great because they learn and $100 Strat-up is really good.
5:12 am March 12, 2014
| MonicaOnMoney
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| Member | posts 67 | 
I'm planning on going to FINCON this year, wish I went last year! I'd love to hear more about other personal finance conferences too.
-Monica Iannacone
"Saving, Budgeting, Frugal Living"
12:52 pm March 12, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
Its a lot of forward planning, but I don't think I'll be able to make FinCon 2014 due to life getting very much in the way (I'll be moving country at the time). However, is it too soon to start planning 2015?! :S
12:12 pm March 14, 2014
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
I'm looking for other conferences now to attend. It looks like I should check out World Domination Summit.
Remember that a fellow Yakezie member created this site for easy reference.
11:29 pm March 18, 2014
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
AWS has a conference in SF next week. I don't know if any of you guys use their cloud services or not. I'm going to try and go check it out for a few hours.
There's a big Game Developers Conference going on right now too. Tons of people at that one.