It's one of the Yakezie's best kept secrets, especially for new members!
We are now opening it up to the public!
It was started in the beginning of the Yakezie formation back in early 2010, and we're up to Carnival #51. The benefits of carnivals are well know especially if you are trying to build links and encourage visitors to check out your blog (lol)!
We need more hosts! If you are interested in hosting the Carnival, check out the following spreadsheet and email me 2 scheduled times (first come first serve).
We also need more submissions to existing carnivals, to do so, just check out the linked spreadsheet and see what instructions the scheduled host has for that particular week:
At a minimum please submit the following to the Yakezie host for the week you want to participate…
Blog Name:
URL of article:
Description of article:
**I've included the "Title:" option in case you'd like me to refer to your post by a similar but slightly different name.
Example of how to fill out a submission prompt:
Blog Name: Money Reasons
Title: Using Dividend Stocks For Extra Spending Money
URL of article:…
Description of article:
Why waste money by spending it when you can invest it in dividend stocks to provide a perpetual stream of income for life? I've personally established both a lunch dividend stream and not I'm working on a extra spending money stream. Check it and and see if you agree!
This can really help springboard your site up so you get noticed!!!
Remember there are still plenty of hosting slots open in the hosting spreadsheet too, so please volunteer to host for a slot, it will benefit you!
If you would list to host the Yakezie Carnival, and don't have access to modify the spreadsheet,
email me at " (at)" where you replace the (at) with @
and I'll set you up if the slot is available. I will also try and give your email account access if possible.
Don @
Oh, one final thing, the rules will be in the spreadsheet on a different tab if you want further information.