User | Post |
9:43 am December 18, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
2:13 pm December 18, 2010
| Aloysa
| | |
| Member | posts 910 | |
You are very welcome! You are doing great. It does slow down when you drop below 1 mil mark. But keep up a good job and you will hit 200K really soon. Congrats on the drop! 
Creator of:
6:06 pm December 18, 2010
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Congratulation! Great job! Yakezie is the greatest! We're definitely like the Borgs. 
I just copied Kevin Thousandaire and added the Top Commentors gravitar toolbar, it's pretty cool. Both of you guys are on there, take a look.
6:21 pm December 18, 2010
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Congratulations Buck Inspire! I kept up with everything that you said until the Star Trek reference. LOL. never seen it.
6:27 pm December 18, 2010
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Congratulations Buck Inspire! Great Job and good luck with the next post – Dropped to lower six figures (or five) :)
7:23 pm December 18, 2010
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Congrats man! It will be fun to measure our success as we're around the same point you are!
12:11 pm December 19, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thank you for all your help along the way! 
Aloysa said:
You are very welcome! You are doing great. It does slow down when you drop below 1 mil mark. But keep up a good job and you will hit 200K really soon. Congrats on the drop! 
12:12 pm December 19, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Haha, yeah kinda like Borgs, nice! That Top Commentors gravitar toolbar looks cool! Might have to borrow that, too. Good news is you'll be in there. 
retireby40 said:
Congratulation! Great job! Yakezie is the greatest! We're definitely like the Borgs. 
I just copied Kevin Thousandaire and added the Top Commentors gravitar toolbar, it's pretty cool. Both of you guys are on there, take a look.
12:15 pm December 19, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Never seen it? Like retireby40 mentioned, Borg is an enemy that spreads like a virus. Their line is "Resistance is futile." Since they're bad guys, maybe we're like the Anti-Borg because we're spreading like a virus, but we only want to do good. 
Buy Like Buffett said:
Congratulations Buck Inspire! I kept up with everything that you said until the Star Trek reference. LOL. never seen it.
12:16 pm December 19, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thanks Suba! Just curious, is Suba short for something? Don't think I've ever known another Suba. 
Suba @ Wealth Informatics said:
Congratulations Buck Inspire! Great Job and good luck with the next post – Dropped to lower six figures (or five) :)
12:18 pm December 19, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thanks! Yeah it's been fun. So awesome, everyone is so supportive of everyone else. 
Sustainable PF said:
Congrats man! It will be fun to measure our success as we're around the same point you are!
3:53 pm December 19, 2010
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
6:58 pm December 19, 2010
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
| | |
| Member
| posts 1298 | 
Congrats Buck Inspire! I know I'm a little slow with the congrats, but hopefully it still means something! I just broke a million as well and hope to continue to drop toward that 200,000 mark. I'm sure we'll both get there! :)
7:59 am December 20, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thanks! Will do! 
Invest It Wisely said:
Congrats! Keep going! :)
8:01 am December 20, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thanks Derek. Absolutely it means something. I'm sure everyone is working hard on their own blogs. Appreciate it. Congrats to you, too on breaking a million. Good luck on your push to 200,000!
LifeAndMyFinances said:
Congrats Buck Inspire! I know I'm a little slow with the congrats, but hopefully it still means something! I just broke a million as well and hope to continue to drop toward that 200,000 mark. I'm sure we'll both get there! :)
10:49 am December 20, 2010
| moneysmarts
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | |
1:47 pm December 20, 2010
| uhnw
| | Australia | |
| Member | posts 101 | 
resistence is futile – I thought this was from Dr Who. Or am I thinking 'exterminate, exterminate'?
Either way, well done.
2:19 pm December 20, 2010
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 | 
Keep at it!
I am making 6 figures also, except there is a decimal point a couple spaces to the left….
Going to your site now.
2:30 pm December 20, 2010
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 | 
OK, I just visited. It looks like you are off to a great start. I am going to make a few suggestions. They may be way off though.
1. I read an article that said the black background can be very difficult for some people to read. I didn't have trouble with it, but i think I can read a white background better.
2. You might want to consider signing up for Twitter and Facebook. (You can use Networked Blogs to send your blog to your profile page when it gets published automatically too.)
3. Take advantage of being 'Socail'. Consider the Digg Digg plug-in or some other social bookmarking site. (I use Digg Digg and Sociable)
4. Comment around as much as you can. I see you respond to the people that comment, which is great.
5. Consider providing a place where readers can sign up for email updates of your blog. I just use feedburner, but I know many swear by Aweber.
Great job!
10:10 pm December 20, 2010
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Thank you! 
moneysmarts said:
keep up the great work!