User | Post |
8:15 pm December 13, 2011
| shanendoah
| | Seattle, WA | |
| Member | posts 62 | 
I've been trying to figure out if I should be on Twitter or not, and if so, what hte best way for me to go about it would be.
I don't have a smart phone and no access to Twitter during the day, so I would only be posting or participating in conversations in the evenings.
In addition, I have 3 blogs and a micro-fiction contest. I'm not certain if I should get one account to post from (might generate some cross traffic, which would be nice) but also means people might not want to follow my feed as there would be a number of posts not related to what they're interested in.
Still, managing 3-4 Twitter accounts is definitely not something I want to do. (For this same reason I haven't started a Facebook fan page.)
So, I turn to the wisdom of Yakezie. Is Twitter worth it if I can only be on limited hours of the day? Would folks here be willing to follow me if I had one account for multiple blogs (personal finance, pets, micro-fiction contest, daily micro blog)?
Thanks for you input.
6:12 am December 14, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
| | |
| Member
| posts 1456 | 
I have two blogs and two twitter accounts, one for each. I think that is very important.
Overall, I think twitter is valuable, I do seem to get quite a bit of traffic from there each month. Especially for spreading the word when you do a giveaway, others are always RT'ing the posts. At the very least you can set your blog posts to auto update on twitter, and facebook. That's at least better than nothing IMO.
6:14 am December 14, 2011
| JT_McGee
| | |
| Member | posts 723 | 
Twitter is the single best way to put your content in front of a lot of people with very minimal work. A modest time investment to chat with new people is a pretty solid way to expand your network. I'd recommend it.
6:33 am December 14, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I think Twitter is pretty valuable. If you're using Feedburner, you can have it automatically Tweet your post.
You can install a free product called TweetDeck that will allow you to manage multiple accounts. You basically do your Tweets as normal and just select the ID you want to Tweet from.
8:21 am December 14, 2011
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 | 
Yes, you should definitely be on Twitter…and Facebook for that matter. I tend to lean towards each blog or website having its own Twitter account and Facebook page. Also, automating both is the way to help from getting overwhelmed by it all.
9:36 am December 14, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
That is all.
10:10 am December 14, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
I think it's pretty valuable – but could be overkill with facebook.
12:01 pm December 14, 2011
| Squirrelers
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| Member | posts 986 | 
Be on Twitter. It's been worth it for me, and can have real value without investing a ton of time into it.
My question is Facebook for my blog….that's where I've been a holdout. Anyone have thoughts on how worthwhile it's been for your blog? Any perspectives on it's value for your blog?
8:58 pm December 14, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
| | |
| Member
| posts 1456 | 
Squirrelers said:
Be on Twitter. It's been worth it for me, and can have real value without investing a ton of time into it.
My question is Facebook for my blog….that's where I've been a holdout. Anyone have thoughts on how worthwhile it's been for your blog? Any perspectives on it's value for your blog?
For me it has attracted as many visitors, but I still get some, and FB auto updates my posts as well, so its not like it takes more than the effort to set it up. An hour of your time, and even a set it and forget it approach will attract at least some visitors for as long as you have it up.
Not to mention now that Rafflecopter is integrating their services with FB, I can see a lot more interaction on there during giveaways…maybe it will spark more overall interaction as a whole.
5:15 am December 15, 2011
| Dave @ DebtBlackHole
| | DFW | |
| Member | posts 77 | 
I don't get a lot of interaction with Yakezie challengers on Twitter because I'm usually on before everyone else- 5:30am-8am and rarely, if ever, on the weekends. However, even though the interactions are minimal- I do get some decent traffic to my site from my updates. So yes- Twitter can be beneficial.
As far as multiple subjects in one feed…I sort of do that…but it's still within certain areas that fit the Debt Black Hole niche. I follow people, post updates & RT about things like Personal Finance, Business, Science, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Comics/Graphic Novels, TV Shows, Movies, etc. I'm a geek- so you'll always find geeky things in my Twitter feed.
Also- I just have my Twitter updates posted automatically to the Debt Black Hole Facebook page so I don't have to do double the work.
Have FUN!
5:47 am December 15, 2011
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Facebook has been a great thing for my blog, but I spend time there just like I do on Twitter (though not as much since I live on Twitter!). In the beginning I was just auto-posting my feed and it was a ghost town. When I started posting actual statuses now and then, people responded. Now when I post something, I usually get at least 10% feedback, which is pretty good. Facebook is now beating Twitter for top referral source.
7:12 am December 15, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Twitter's been solid, even though I'm in the same boat as you – I'm not posting from work, and being on PST means I sometimes miss peak activity times. Even so it's been a decent traffic driver.
Another benefit is some conversations lead to post ideas… which is nice.
8:03 am December 15, 2011
| jana
| | |
| Member | posts 160 | 
Yes. Get on Twitter. Now.
I need to talk to you more. Oh, and for all the reasons everyone else said.
10:37 am December 15, 2011
| Marissa
| | |
| Member | posts 385 | 
Eric – said:
That is all.
What he said.
10:37 am December 15, 2011
| Marissa
| | |
| Member | posts 385 | 
Eric – said:
That is all.
What he said.
1:05 pm December 15, 2011
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 | 
Join twitter! Some major blogs followed me and retweeted my stuff. Twitter drives traffic. It is also great for networking on a micro level.
5:28 pm December 15, 2011
| shanendoah
| | Seattle, WA | |
| Member | posts 62 | 
okay, on twitter @dogatemywallet. will now go add that to my sig
10:29 am December 16, 2011
| formerbanker
| | |
| Member | posts 12 | 
Just start following people you find interesting. Some will follow you back, and then some people will follow you just because such and such is following you. Closing in on 100 followers (not a lot I know, but still a significant milestone for a twitter newbie like me)
6:23 pm December 17, 2011
| DebtFreeByThirty
| | |
| Member | posts 187 | 
I think you must join twitter.
I love it. I think it is a great way to connect with fellow bloggers. I think of it more of a fun thing than a chore. I think it works better that way too.
3:19 pm December 18, 2011
| Jeffrey Trull
| | CT | |
| Member | posts 134 | 
I also agree that it's good to be on Twitter, but you have to be willing to put the time in to learn it and use it. It's NOT a good strategy to just broadcast your own content on there. No one will follow you if you're just self-promotional. I would suggest only posting 10% of stuff from your own site(s) and 90% from others' sites.