User | Post |
10:41 am June 29, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
hey guys, just wanted to share the single largest payment I've received from Google. with all the recent talk about niche sites, Google algo changes and the deteriorating glamour of profiting from Adsense, I wanted to share my thoughts on where the "industry" is headed in my opinion. you can read more about it here.
are you seeing an increase or decrease in your Adsense earnings?
what are the results attributed to? is it a higher/lower CPC? CTR? do you have more sites with Adsense ads? is it your ranking? anything else . . . . ?
while the monetization model is certainly healthy (Google's profits are only growing), where do you feel the direction of the search engines' behavior toward small scale/individual operated websites like ours is heading? do we still stand a chance vs the Amazons and CNNs of the web? how do we differentiate and separate our small scale operations?
Adsense is a big chunk of my online earnings, as it is for many others. I'd like to continue to capitalize on it in the most effective way and would love to get your feedback.
I know there are many more questions on many of our minds. I'd be happy to address them to the best of my knowledge and experience. have a read – I am certainly interested in everyone's thoughts.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
10:49 am June 29, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Well done! Lots to learn from you.
10:55 am June 29, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
That's some money! Is it a month's earning Sunil?
12:20 pm June 29, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Nice job! I am still looking for ways to implement adsense on my niche sites. I've taken it off my main site though.
12:28 pm June 29, 2012
| MoneyIsTheRoot
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| Member
| posts 1456 | 
1:49 pm June 29, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I am working with Jeff from Sustainable Life Blog on a niche site about elk hunting and have had little success so far. Not sure what we need to do for a next step to rank higher in the search engines.
3:31 pm June 29, 2012
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
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| Member | posts 400 | 
3:32 pm June 29, 2012
| WellKeptWallet
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| Member | posts 207 | 
That is awesome! My blog is on Wordpress so I have not been able to successfully use Adsense. Do you know a way that would allow me to stay on Wordpress but use Adsense? Any help would be appreciated!
5:57 pm June 29, 2012
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Nice check!! Would love to hear more about your keyword research and how you use Market Samurai.
7:31 pm June 29, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
First, thank you for sharing this. It's always exciting to hear success stories like this. 
I hit my record with Adsense a couple years ago, I think it was just below $5k or really close. I should remember, but it was so long ago! :)
At the time I was outranking everyone for "2010 Roth IRA Conversion", a very nice keyword for traffic and Adsense.
Into 2011 the traffic died when the buzz wore off and so did Adsense. Then Panda came. 
Now my traffic as finally got back to pre-Panda numbers but my Adsense is only about 30% of what it used to be. <insert confused icon here>
Luckily, I've dabbled into affiliate marketing, alternate CPC campaigns and CPM ads, so my I've been able to make up for the loss of revenue and then some.
I used to be REALLY obsessed with my Adsense numbers, like check it 3-4 times a day. Now I may check it 1-2 times a week. I do check my affiliate earnings every day now though. 
9:54 am June 30, 2012
| Moneysma
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| Member | posts 165 | 
WellKeptWallet said:
That is awesome! My blog is on Wordpress so I have not been able to successfully use Adsense. Do you know a way that would allow me to stay on Wordpress but use Adsense? Any help would be appreciated!
I assume you have it hosted by Wordpress? I am on Wordpress but am hosting my site so I have no problems with Adsense. Granted I'm no where near the numbers people are reporting in this thread, but I am making money with it.
9:27 am July 1, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Jeff Rose said:
First, thank you for sharing this. It's always exciting to hear success stories like this. 
I hit my record with Adsense a couple years ago, I think it was just below $5k or really close. I should remember, but it was so long ago! :)
At the time I was outranking everyone for "2010 Roth IRA Conversion", a very nice keyword for traffic and Adsense.
Into 2011 the traffic died when the buzz wore off and so did Adsense. Then Panda came. 
Now my traffic as finally got back to pre-Panda numbers but my Adsense is only about 30% of what it used to be. <insert confused icon here>
Luckily, I've dabbled into affiliate marketing, alternate CPC campaigns and CPM ads, so my I've been able to make up for the loss of revenue and then some.
I used to be REALLY obsessed with my Adsense numbers, like check it 3-4 times a day. Now I may check it 1-2 times a week. I do check my affiliate earnings every day now though. 
hey Jeff – was that $5k for the year or monthly?
non adsense avenues in my experience are definitely a lot more lucrative. i am moving in this direction as well with my authority sites
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
9:34 am July 1, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 362 | 
thanks a lot guys.
these sites are all on wordpress, though i have several profitable websites (adsense) on traditional HTML platforms. you can install the code manually or by using adsense plugins. there are also themes developed for this sole purpose though i cannot speak from experience (i just insert code manually in the HTML window)
i have written quite a bit about keyword research on my blog and you can read more within the archives. i plan on releasing a video soon demonstrating how i use it and what i look for.
there have been several interesting questions posted on my blog to which i have responded the best i could. if you haven't read the post yet, you may find answers to several questions that just naturally come to mind when discussing niche sites and google adsense.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
2:18 pm July 1, 2012
| Shilpan
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| Member | posts 126 | 
Awesome job Sunil! Are you still using SBI's platform for your niche sites?
6:37 pm July 1, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog said:
hey Jeff – was that $5k for the year or monthly?
non adsense avenues in my experience are definitely a lot more lucrative. i am moving in this direction as well with my authority sites
That was for the month (I think December '10 and January '11 if I remember correct). There was a stretch when getting $100-$150 a day from Adsense seemed like any ordinary day. Oh…the good ol' days!
Now I can count on April (tax stuff) and that's about it for those type of days; although I have some surprises here and there.
5:34 am July 2, 2012
| Frugal Confessions
| | Houston, TX | |
| Member
| posts 1622 | 
Wow, wow, wow! Way to go. Very inspiring.
I thought I was "moving up in the world" now that I get an adsense check every other month for around $115! hahahahaha.
1:09 pm July 2, 2012
| Money and Risk
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| Member | posts 73 | 
I was wondering. Has anyone tried to get feedback from your readers about Adsense? What is your real feelings about Adsense if you were a reader.
I know that I hate sites with Adsense tremendously and immediately leave any that I land on. I did a survey when I first started out and the result was 100% hatred of Adsense especially in the middle of a blog post. Note: The respondents were all regular people, non bloggers, and non social media.
I hate the Adsense on this site too but I understand that Sam needs money to run the site.
I currently don't accept any advertising on my sites but are looking at monetization without annoying my readers.
1:36 pm July 2, 2012
| moolamind
| | Meridian, ID | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
Very inspiring!
Thanks Jeff for the info as well. I've been following your blog for some time, and I'm trying to steal your secrets!
5:34 pm July 2, 2012
| Wayne
| | |
| Member | posts 125 | 
Fantastic job Sunil. I love to see numbers like that to get me motivated. My Adsense numbers are only a fraction of yours, but my site is very new so that's to be expected. I can only hope you reach your numbers someday.
8:31 pm July 2, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
Post edited 8:31 pm – July 2, 2012 by Jeff Rose
Money and Risk said:
I was wondering. Has anyone tried to get feedback from your readers about Adsense? What is your real feelings about Adsense if you were a reader.
I know that I hate sites with Adsense tremendously and immediately leave any that I land on. I did a survey when I first started out and the result was 100% hatred of Adsense especially in the middle of a blog post. Note: The respondents were all regular people, non bloggers, and non social media.
I hate the Adsense on this site too but I understand that Sam needs money to run the site.
I currently don't accept any advertising on my sites but are looking at monetization without annoying my readers.
I think we a'll have our opinions of advertising. When I first created my blog, the intent was to get new clients. Someone asked me one time, why would I want to have an ad for Fidelity on my site (via Adsense) if that was my goal. I thought long and hard about it and my take away was, "Everybody that comes to my site is not going to become my client. Why not get some financial consideration for my time?".
People may hate ads on your site, my site, anybody's site, but as long as they are not too intrusive (subject to debate), I don't care what a few people think. Why? Because those people don't realize the time and effort that go into blogging. TV shows had ads. Newspapers have ads. Pandora has ads. Gmail has ads. Ads are everywhere.
I've can only think of one or two people that made a comment about some of my advertising and didn't like it.
I could then show you the hand written Thank You card that a recent reader just sent me in the mail for taking the time to answer his question even though I didn't benefit from it financially. He "loves my blog" (his words). I don't think he cares if I have Adsense on it.
At the end of the day, you have to respect your readers, but your readers also have to respect you. 