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A Question About Your Subscriber List


3:20 am
May 2, 2012

Van Beek

Bangkok, Thailand


posts 227

Post edited 3:22 am – May 2, 2012 by Van Beek @ Stock Trend Investing

shortroadto said:

As my Economics professor in college said, NSTAAFL.  No such thing as a free lunch.  Newsletters that are free usually don't offer anything of value.  Paid newsletters will offer some type of value, such as an investment newsletter. 

In my opinion a free newsletter should be like a free appetizer. Nice, tasty, and with value; but it does not fill you up and it entices you to order a main dish since the starter was that good. Thus, yes, it is not a free lunch, but it definitely should provide some decent value. This is easier said than done, but it is the right ambition I think.

Van Beek – vanbeek101

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4:03 pm
May 3, 2012

Your Money Mentor


posts 43

Stock trend investing, i agree.  That's what i do with my newsletters, good content & tips.  I use my newsletter as part of my sales funnel, it allows potential clients or customers to work with me on a free level.


twitter:  @moneylifeskillz

twitter:  @LBrownPhillips

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