User | Post |
5:03 am October 26, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
I am in month 2 of my personal finance blog. I have been concentrating on creating and building up content. I haven't even added "Contact Me" buttons or pages to either my site or my blogs yet.
In the past, I've used Google Adsense – but it was on a very unread blog that I didn't keep up with. Since finding Yakezie, I've been consistently posting 2-4 times per week. I intend to keep it up, as it brings me great joy and fulfillment. At this point I don't really care about earning money for my blogging. Knowing that I am helping others by sharing my experiences is enough, but earning some actual money for my efforts would be a nice bonus.
Every time I think about monetization, I think about the movie "The Social Network." When Facebook was young, Zuckerburg didn't want advertising because that wouldn't be "cool." We can all see how that turned out! I am not sure I want my site to be "cool," but at the same time I don't want readers to be "turned off," by too many ads.
Should I start with something like Google Adsense, or wait for my blog to grow and wait for advertisers to contact me? Is this something I should even be thinking about? My gut tells me to just concentrate on content and let the chips fall where they may.
What have you done? Any advice?
5:32 am October 26, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
There have been quite a few threads on this topic. A quick search for "monetize" or "advertising" here in the bloggers forum should yield a slew of results.
5:39 am October 26, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
I would say focus on content for right now. Here are some good threads.…..8;search=1…..8;search=1…..8;search=2…..8;search=2
6:48 am October 26, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
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| Member
| posts 1456 | 
Those links should help answer a lot.
I will say that I didnt earn a penny until about my 5th month of blogging…and it wasnt from Adsense. Im in my 9th month right now, and I dont know that Adsense would yield me that much even if I had it up, which I dont.
Build up your content, backlinks, and traffic…then your moz and PR will come with that…and then your advertisers will come and find you.
6:52 am October 26, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
Thanks a ton for those links. As you can see, I am fairly new here at Yakezie. I figured this information was already discussed somewhere within the forums, just not quite sure how to find it. This has already been very helpful. Looking forward to reading how others have monetized their blogs.
8:04 am October 26, 2011
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
From my own experience (I am a new old challenger): build relationships, work on your content, support others and don't worry about anything else. It all comes naturally when the time is right. :)
Creator of:
8:33 am October 26, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I would put up some sort of ad, probably AdSense, early on. That way, when you do get serious about money, your readers don't get mad and call you a sellout. If it is there all along, you didn't change anything. If it is new, they might get mad.
8:46 am October 26, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
I am probably in a few of those links saying the same thing, but just because you put up an adsense block doesn't mean money is going to come flying in. In fact if I had to guess I would say 50% of yakezie members and 94% of challengers don't earn enough to get a check every month.
Write your blog because it is your hobby. If you are doing it for any other reason you will quit it is inevitable.
9:27 am October 26, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
I agree with evan. I constantly wrestled with adsense, and eventually decided it wasnt worth it. I dont like the layout and I think it's ugly. When Im on sites the blocks turn me off, and it's all for a measly few cents a day (it would have been in my case, anyway) and decided it wasnt worth it.
10:37 am October 26, 2011
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
I read on your "About" page that you have read a lot of books on Personal Finance.
Why not write reviews for these books and include an Amazon affiliate link to buy that book?
I think that might be a better way to focus on monetizing.
Adsense does not do very well on Finance blogs. But affiliate products, like credit cards, do much better.

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
12:56 pm October 26, 2011
| Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog
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| Member | posts 643 | 
Sustainable PF said:
There have been quite a few threads on this topic. A quick search for "monetize" or "advertising" here in the bloggers forum should yield a slew of results.
He's right. I personally would avoid Adsense ads (as all they do is take up space), and aim for direct advertising. But of course your blog would have to be fairly successful (traffic or PR wise) for that to happen.
4:48 am October 27, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
I read through many of the threads provided by FSYA. Very good information. Thanks to everyone else for their specific suggestions.
The general consensus confirms what I thought would be the case. Concentrate on building content, backlinks and relationships. The money will eventually take care of itself.
I do like the idea of throwing up a small Adsense somewhere on the sidebar just so readers are used to seeing some advertising and don't think I am "selling out," later when direct advertising takes place. But then again, it seems that about half of responders are turned off by or really dislike Adsense.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts!
1:59 pm October 27, 2011
| MaximizingMoney
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| Guest
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My advice for Adsense would be that if you're ever planning on using it in the future, then I would just start using it now.
I honestly don't think that too many websites have lost a lot of readers because they use Adsense, unless they just use it obnoxiously. I mean, if you have good content, readers will just ignore your Adsense ads if they don't like them. If you are worried about being too invasive or uncool or whatever, I would even suggest placing them on your secondary pages only and not on your homepage, like put it on your article pages only, where higher click-through rates usually happen anyways, at least according to some statistics.
You could always wait for advertisers to contact you, but I would think that sponsored posts would be more of a turn-off to readers than Adsense in the end, although maybe sponsored side-bar links and/or banners would get a similar response from readers as Adsense.
I think Tushar's idea above is awesome for the book reviews, and you could also incorporate some affiliate links for product reviews and stuff like that, if you have some personal experiences to share about certain services and products.
4:55 pm October 27, 2011
| TightFistedMiser
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| Member | posts 361 | 
I wouldn't say that Adsense doesn't make money on finance sites. I have a couple of finance sites that make decent money from Adsense but Tight Fisted Miser doesn't make much from it. I'd experiment with Adsense and see how it works for you.
5:26 pm October 27, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
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| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Great advice above. The only difference of opinion I have is about adsense. I think adsense is good for finance sites with CPC upto $35 for some credit cards. Adsense works best for information oriented articles rather than personal posts. So if you write/are planning to write posts like that, then adsense might do well for you. Give it a try.
5:23 am October 28, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
I also loved the advice about writing book reviews and including Amazon links. My only issue with that is that it has been over a decade since I've read a few of my favorites. I would need to re-read the books to get the information back fresh in my head in order to write a good review.
Doing un-sponsored product reviews is another great idea that I've actually considered and planned to do anyway. It will all come with time.
I love the advice of placing some Adsense blocks on my secondary pages. I will probably give that a shot, and maybe one small block on the sidebar of my homepage.
As for information oriented articles vs. personal posts – I try to include both in most of my posts. I usually write something informational and then include "my story," or "what I do," at the end.