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11:38 pm February 5, 2012
| Andi B.
| | PDX | |
| Member | posts 272 |
I was wondering what constitutes profanity to you on a blog and how it effects how you view the blog(ger).
I am thinking about writing a second blog based in part on the life lessons my Dad taught me. I would like to put a picture of his coffee mug as the banner, as I continue to use it as a reminder of things he taught me, but it's a plain brown mug that says "Damn I'm Good." Once it is explained to people they easily grasp the sentiment and philosophy behind it, but I'm worried it may be too initially off-putting.
Since I don't use profanity in my general speech (unless there's severe PMS or a freshly stubbed toe involved) it would be the only incidence.
Any feedback?
Andi B.
Make the life you want.
Enjoy good food.
Enjoy good friends.
12:35 am February 6, 2012
| Eugene Craig III
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| Member | posts 117 |
Hey Andi, personally I do not find it offensive, and actually am more prone to read more into a post with a title with huge shock value. My philosophy has always been as long as its tactful and tasteful its should be fine, and its always good when its cover with a veil of humor. I have seen shoemoney and others use it without blow back, and I myself every now and then. Never much negative feed back, and hey you may see a spike in viewers because of it. – Gene
5:23 am February 6, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 |
Andi I don't consider that offensive at all. If you were using profanity every other word it would be a different story. I think that is a good way to catch people's eyes as Eugene stated
5:32 am February 6, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
I love profanity if used in the right way. Almost like a George Carlin way. Other than that I close it down. Not too off putting for me. It's not like it says Damn I am F***ing Good.
5:44 am February 6, 2012
| jana
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| Member | posts 160 |
I recently wrote a post entitled "I Am The Neighborhood Bitch. And I'm Fine With It" It's one of my most commented nongiveaway posts to date.
I was originally hesitant to use that title. But I realized that it was appropriate for the content of the post so I went with it. I think that the majority of readers are not going to be put off by the occasional use of profanity.
5:58 am February 6, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
I don't mind cursing in blog posts but I think it should be done with changing at least one of the letters. Many people, right or wrong, read blog posts at work, and depending on how strict your IT department is, a curse word could get someone flagged as browsing sites that they shouldn't. Personal blogs where people just rant about their daily life, that's fine, but I admittedly get a little perturbed when I see an f-bomb dropped in a personal finance blog post.
6:24 am February 6, 2012
| Shannyn
| | Chicago, IL | |
| Member | posts 261 |
Language should always be consistent with the general/tone voice of what you write- I'm sure you've heard of "Sh*t My Dad Says," which was a hugely popular blog- if anyone's offended, they won't read but chances are being authentic will be more appealing to the readers you do attract, ya know? The point isn't to try and appeal to everybody, but to really reach out to the ones who already would read your content and optimize their experience with your content!
I curse on my blog from time to time- nobody's sent angry comments or prayed for my soul, but I know my audience and I write how *I* want to. Don't be afraid to be yourself, people will appreciate it! Ash Ambirge at the Middle Finger Project is a great example of this :)
BTW I totally want a mug that says that, it cracks me up!
7:10 am February 6, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
Personally, I lean the other way. If you're going to say "ass" then say it – stuff like @$$ drives me insane. If you're not comfortable enough to spell it out, maybe you should rethink it.
I have a horrible mouth in real life, which I try to tone down on my blog. But if a post calls for a word here and there, I don't shy away from it. Adults can handle it, especially something as innocuous as "damn."
7:44 am February 6, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
sooverdebt said:
Personally, I lean the other way. If you're going to say "ass" then say it – stuff like @$$ drives me insane. If you're not comfortable enough to spell it out, maybe you should rethink it.
I have a horrible mouth in real life, which I try to tone down on my blog. But if a post calls for a word here and there, I don't shy away from it. Adults can handle it, especially something as innocuous as "damn."
Creator of:
8:04 am February 6, 2012
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
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| Member | posts 400 |
I agree with the others. I am more likely to read a blog with a great title, and I do not find it offensive.
8:13 am February 6, 2012
| TightFistedMiser
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| Member | posts 361 |
I think damn is barely considered profanity any more. I rarely use profanity on my blog because I rarely use it in real life. If a post calls for it I will use it and I have no problem linking to blog posts with profanity in the title. One of my favorite blogs, Mr. Money Mustache, uses profanity in a humorous way that I find entertaining. I wouldn't shy away from using the coffee mug in the banner at all.
8:27 am February 6, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
If someone is offended by that, they should read something else. Be genuine and even more people will become fans than the few you scare away.
And, I don't find that offensive at all.
8:36 am February 6, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 |
I think profanity shows authenticity, and people will respond positively. If that's not how you normally talk, it'll come off weird or forced and people will notice.
I'd rather run a site where 50% of readers loved me and the other 50% hated me. Better than having 75% of people ambivalent.
9:36 am February 6, 2012
| DebtFreeByThirty
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| Member | posts 187 |
I agree that it would be fine and I would not be offended.
I am kind of a chicken shit when using profanity. I wish I had the balls to do it. Oh. wait.
9:36 am February 6, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 |
I think you'd be fine with this.
11:14 am February 6, 2012
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 |
I recently wrote a post entitled "Is Recycling Bullshit?" and it went over just fine. I was a bit worried because I try and keep the language clean on the site, and I was concerned that going from clean to "Bullshit" in a title would offend some. If it did, I saw no ill effects. I think everyone else has said it, but being genuine and "real" is far more important than trying to please everyone all the time.
11:22 am February 6, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
If using profanity scared people away they wouldn't have read my Tenant From Hell series. By the end, I think that every third or fourth word was a curse. It's still the most popular series on my blog. That and my send off to Bank of America. At the end, every sentence began with a curse.
If it's authentic and fits the tone of the article, use away. People will understand the emotion. If it's just randomly thrown in there or has no fit with the content or context of the rest of the article, then don't use it. Your photo is fine. My work mug says "How the Hell Did I Get to be 30?" They crack up every day.
11:38 am February 6, 2012
| Briana @ How's Married Life?
| | Los Angeles | |
| Member | posts 120 |
I personally don't really consider damn to be profanity. I don't usually curse in my blogs, even though I do occasionally IRL. But I think your picture would be fine, no flinching involved. I don't too much flinch at profanity in blogs unless it's just completely unnecessary. Sometimes, there's no other word that fits the bill as perfectly as a blue-moon-bullshit or not-so-subtle-bitch. It happens.
11:44 am February 6, 2012
| Andi B.
| | PDX | |
| Member | posts 272 |
Update: Thank you so much everyone! Only in Yakezie can you go to bed worrying only about the negative of something and wake up to encouragement, support, and good advice. I think I'm over-sensitive because I used to use profanity, a lot, strung together in colorful ways that many people had never considered before. Since I'm around a lot of kids and families now I really try to keep it under wraps. But, last night I may also have realized that I curse a bit more than I thought. Like the f-bomb I dropped at 3 AM at the cat. Oh, well. I'm a work in progress.
Andi B.
Make the life you want.
Enjoy good food.
Enjoy good friends.
11:44 am February 6, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
| | |
| Member | posts 199 |
John @ Married with Debt said:
I think profanity shows authenticity, and people will respond positively. If that's not how you normally talk, it'll come off weird or forced and people will notice.
I'd rather run a site where 50% of readers loved me and the other 50% hated me. Better than having 75% of people ambivalent.
Definitely! Do what feels most authentic. You know what you want to say, go ahead and say it. I don't see people getting offended over it.