User | Post |
5:34 am December 29, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
I've recently learned the value and importance of submitting to carnival's in order to get as many links on as many sites as possible. I've also noticed that several bloggers do a weekly roundup of posts that they've read, which also includes links. has a good one that they call "DQYDJ The Weekender."
At first, I wondered how they remember everything they've read all week, then go back and create links for all of it. Then it hit me, duh! The easiest way to do this is to create a new document at the beginning of the week, and add to it throughout the week as you read through other blogs. I want to start doing something like this on my blog, but have one question…
Would it be OK to call my weekly roundup a carnival? Obviously it is not a traditional carnival, as in nobody submits their posts to be included. But the appearance of my roundup post will be very similar to a carnival. I was thinking about calling it something like, "Carnival of Random Ramblings," since my site is If this would be frowned upon, I guess I could go with, "Roundup of Random Ramblings." Any thoughts?
5:49 am December 29, 2011
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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| Member | posts 908 | 
I would call it a round up. It would be confusing to call it a carnival as a carnival usually has people submit their posts and then a host chooses those to be accepted.
6:02 am December 29, 2011
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Why call it a carnival? Though really, you could call it anything you want.
One way I keep track of great articles throughout the week is to clip them in Evernote.
6:16 am December 29, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
You could always start an actual carnival but I'm with Melissa on this one, calling it a carnival would be confusing if it doesn't involve submissions.
7:38 am December 29, 2011
| Watson Inc
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| Member | posts 371 | 
I agree with the earlier comments. Calling it a carnival would be confusing, but calling it a round up needs no additional explanation.
7:44 am December 29, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
I call ours Monthly Link Love.
I store the articles that pique my interest in a spreadsheet. I just create a new tab each month.
4:50 am December 30, 2011
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
Thanks everybody, as always, for your input. A roundup it will be.
6:06 am December 30, 2011
| Dr Dean
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| Member | posts 241 | 
Post edited 6:06 am – December 30, 2011 by Dr Dean
I call mine "Friday Follies" and include weird or interesting business and health news stories. I also add links to the Carnivals I've been in, as most carnivals require back links, though I'm not sure anyone is enforcing them. But it's a lot of trouble to host a carnival, so I feel the least I can do is link and tweet 'em.
Be creative and make yours different. There are no rules, just opinions.
9:30 am December 30, 2011
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Yeah, call it a roundup… or come up with something random like 'Weekender' (heh). I really like the format of Len Penzo's, which he calls Black Coffee followed by a subtitle.
I've tried to add a bit of my voice to the beginning and end so it's more than just a roundup – you know, something you've thought about and it doesn't fit the theme of the site (like internet memes or even site updates/announcements something). At the end I usually dig into one of the posts I highlighted.
And yes – I save everything in an email draft at the beginning of the week, then just come back and highlight them for the Weekender.
12:08 pm December 30, 2011
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
What about "coffee with Matt"? Or "coffee table blog posts" ? 
8:56 am January 7, 2012
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
Posted my first attempt at a roundup today. Here it is…..lings.html
Tell me what I can do to improve it. Hopefully, next week I will also have a section for carnivals that featured my posts. Trying to submit to a bunch of carnivals this weekend.
1:58 pm January 8, 2012
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
Definitely check out Suba's post at Broke Professionals for an overview on Carnivals. Make sure you read the rules of the carnivals themselves – do they require a link back? How quickly? Can you submit the article to multiple carnivals? How old can the article be? Stuff like that – and also, make sure it fits in a category, haha.
8:08 am January 9, 2012
| Charles @ MoneyGreenLife
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| Member | posts 318 | 
It's your blog. You can call it whatever you want, as long as you define somewhere what they mean. No one should dictate what you name in the title of your posts except you.
8:46 am January 9, 2012
| Penny Pinching Professional
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| Member | posts 69 | 
I don't think anyone's trying to dictate anything. He asked for opinions and advice and people complied.
For what it's worth, I usually look over roundups more carefully than carnivals because I know the blog author has actually read and approved of the articles. While carnivals are at the discretion of the host and a couple of them are strictly limited to a certain number of links, most of them are not. The hosts will include just about anything that is relevant and not offensive or otherwise against the carnival rules.
4:42 pm January 9, 2012
| Matt76Allen
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| Member | posts 78 | 
@PK – thanks. I actually already stumbled upon Suba's post about carnival's and bookmarked it for future reference.
@Charles – good point. Normally, I am a "go against the grain" kind of guy, but in this case I wanted to see what would be most acceptable and least confusing in the blogging community.
@ Penny – interesting insight. Makes sense. I will always try to keep my RRR's interesting and full of useful links.