Post edited 7:40 pm – November 3, 2011 by Invest It Wisely
Hi guys,
I have been helped out a lot by fellow bloggers who have helped me out with advertising, carnival planning, and things like that, and I thought it would be great if we could compile a "go-to" list with all of the fellow Yakezie bloggers, and the services that they offer to other bloggers.
So far I have Crystal from Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, Melissa from Mom's Plans', and Mike from The Financial Blogger down, because they have public "hire me" pages or public posts detailing what they do.
If you have services to offer, or you know someone who does and they are public, please let me know about it here!
Thanks, guys, and remember, we're a free market and we can all compete in a collaborative way! :)
SPF Shared these links:…..8;search=2
Please put your info there, and I will then compile a post based on that. Thanks!