User | Post |
6:39 am December 31, 2014
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
I feel a little sheepish sharing this, but I'm so excited! I know all of you Yakezians will understand my joy that Happy Simple Living's annual January Money Diet was just featured on
I never do as good of a job at promoting as I'd like given the holiday timing, but I e-mailed 12 journalists about the January Money Diet before Christmas and heard back from three. One was this Forbes writer.
Thanks for letting me share my happiness with you. To all of you hard-working bloggers, here's to your happiness, health and success in 2015.
6:42 pm December 31, 2014
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Congrats on the mention and more importantly, on being proactive with promoting! I added it to my social media queue :)
9:55 am January 2, 2015
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
Well done, Eliza! That's an incredibly smart thing to do. Never thought about emailing a bunch of different publications regarding a story. Seems like it worked out! I'll definitely have to borrow from your method soon. :)
Keep up the great work,
9:11 am January 3, 2015
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
Well done! I also applaud your proactiveness. I may have to borrow this idea as well…
1:32 pm January 3, 2015
| annielogue
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| Member | posts 60 | 
Low Finance. High Finance: Spend less than you earn, get a return that beats inflation
The Root of All: @annielogue
Chicago on the Cheap: @chicagocheap
4:39 pm January 3, 2015
| Squirrelers
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| Member | posts 986 | 
Congrats, that's great that you got that exposure!
4:55 am January 4, 2015
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 | 
That's awesome! Congrats! I guess I should do a better job promoting myself and my site as well. Thanks for the inspiration!
6:56 pm January 5, 2015
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
HappySimpleLiving said:
I feel a little sheepish sharing this, but I'm so excited! I know all of you Yakezians will understand my joy that Happy Simple Living's annual January Money Diet was just featured on
I never do as good of a job at promoting as I'd like given the holiday timing, but I e-mailed 12 journalists about the January Money Diet before Christmas and heard back from three. One was this Forbes writer.
Thanks for letting me share my happiness with you. To all of you hard-working bloggers, here's to your happiness, health and success in 2015.
I've known you for years, and I'm genuinely happy for you. I also appreciate the tip you embedded in this section about ways to get more pr. I'm going to add it to my swipe file. Mazel tov!
8:09 am January 6, 2015
| BudgetingforMore
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| Member | posts 22 | 
a huge congrats to you! That is wonderful. I will have to check out your article.
11:45 am January 7, 2015
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Thank you for all of your kind comments and encouragement, and I'm glad that my PR tip helped some of you. Next year I'm going to try and promote earlier, and I'm also keeping a running list of media contacts I discover who might be right for a future pitch.
The Forbes article has led to other mentions, including a post on the LifeHacker Two Cents blog today. This could be another good site for some of you to pitch.
Thanks again!
11:51 am January 7, 2015
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
No sheepishness in sharing! A big congrats to you. The article (and idea) is awesome. Do you personally know 12 journalists or did you research contribution guidelines for large online publications? Either way, great result.
11:47 am January 19, 2015
| Eliza Cross
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| Member | posts 164 | 
Post edited 11:48 am – January 19, 2015 by HappySimpleLiving
Re: "Do you personally know 12 journalists or did you research contribution guidelines for large online publications?"
No, I didn't know the writers. I spent some time online researching journalists who write about personal finance, specifically money-saving tips. I plan to keep my eyes open at all times for more writers to add to the list for next year.
6:47 am January 24, 2015
| debtfreedivas
| | |
| Member | posts 121 | 
Congrats! Great article and I like the approach. Good idea.
9:57 am January 30, 2015
| misfitmoney
| | Dallas, TX | |
| Member | posts 11 | 
HappySimpleLiving said:
I feel a little sheepish sharing this, but I'm so excited! I know all of you Yakezians will understand my joy that Happy Simple Living's annual January Money Diet was just featured on
I never do as good of a job at promoting as I'd like given the holiday timing, but I e-mailed 12 journalists about the January Money Diet before Christmas and heard back from three. One was this Forbes writer.
Thanks for letting me share my happiness with you. To all of you hard-working bloggers, here's to your happiness, health and success in 2015.
Congrats! Amazing PR and a great accomplishment. I am curious, now that it has been almost a month, what kind of traffic increase did you see as a result of this? Has much of it maintained? Thanks for sharing!