User | Post |
5:31 pm October 3, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Hey dudes,
We've been having some troubles with people trying to connect to our site and I'm pretty much over it. (Have any of you had issues? If so, please tell me.)
So, we've been using Hostgator as for our hosting, but I'm thinking about switching to Bluehost or somebody else. Anybody have any suggestions or comments on this? Anybody use Bluehost and like/hate it? Any and all comments are welcome.
11:25 pm October 3, 2013
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Bluehost, HostMonster, HostGator and JustHost are all divisions of Endurance International Group.
You can see the whole list on Wiki – Endurance International Group.
I think they are all on the same site so if you're not happy with HostGator, you probably won't be happy with the others.
Shameless plug – I moved to InMotion and I'm pretty happy with them. Sign up with my affiliate link here. 
They have good tech support.
5:33 am October 4, 2013
| This That And The MBA
| | |
| Member | posts 240 | 
I will second inmotion hosting. I believe yakezie is hosted with inmotion… sites are hosted at inmotion as well and I love it…i have been with them ever since…they have really affordable plans too. i believe they are based out of california…
1:14 pm October 4, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I'm on Hostgator and just added Cloudflare (100% free for the basic plan) and saw my performance go up quite a bit instantly.
2:15 pm October 4, 2013
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
I don't know if you remember my review or not from last week Holly, but we moved to Big Scoots and have loved it so far. They're fast and have great service. As RB40 pointed out they're not on EIG either which is important. I believe a few other bloggers have moved over to them as well and have been good for them too.
7:40 am October 6, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
I second BigScoots. They are awesome and my site is doing so much better. I had been with Hostgator for 7 years and when EIG bought them, they went downhill fast. I won't host another site with any EIG companies.
5:22 pm October 7, 2013
| The Passive Income Earner
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| Member | posts 152 | 
I am actually pretty satisfied with HostGator.
I have found that home internet can be an issue as well … depending on where you live and who your service provider is. Whenever I find I have an issue, I verify and my site is running fine. If your site is running and some users cannot access it, it could very well be something on their end.
Your site may also talk to other servers and it's possible that they time out for your user. That would usually happen on the user's browser. For example, I find that my site and others can choke on the Aweber form … That's not an issue with the host provider but with Aweber or your internet.
What I am trying to outline is that there are many variables between a user's browser and your host. Changing host provider may only mask the real issue temporarily.
I have found that changing theme has dramatically improved performance and reducing the number of plugins. That new theme is not yet live but so far so good.
I would recommend an exercise to see how many servers your site talks to outside your own provider :)
6:18 pm October 10, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Thanks everybody. What sort of plans are you guys on? Are you on shared plans or VPS plans? Any suggestions on that?
8:08 pm October 10, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
We're on a shared plan, the third level one with Big Scoots. We've found that it has worked well for us – it has been night and day in terms of speed between them and what we had at HG. That said, I've looked into a VPS with them but wanted to make sure we liked their service and such first.
6:29 pm October 11, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Top-tier shared hosting (the Pro Plan) with inMotion. Not complaints!
1:30 pm October 13, 2013
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
I had a plan with InMotion and wasn't happy with their tech service. I moved to Liquid Web/Storm on Demand and their tech people have been so much better.
Here's my link to them if you're interested.
I've had a VPS with both InMotion and now Liquid Web.
8:27 am October 14, 2013
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
retireby40 said:
Bluehost, HostMonster, HostGator and JustHost are all divisions of Endurance International Group.
You can see the whole list on Wiki – Endurance International Group.
I think they are all on the same site so if you're not happy with HostGator, you probably won't be happy with the others.
Shameless plug – I moved to InMotion and I'm pretty happy with them. Sign up with my affiliate link here. 
They have good tech support.
Wow, I had no idea! Thanks for commenting about EIG! I'll have to rethink my hosting strategy now!