User | Post |
6:26 pm April 18, 2011
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Post edited 5:19 am – April 19, 2011 by HappySimpleLiving
I'm writing a post this week around the topic "How Broke Have You Been?"
If you've ever been so broke you couldn't afford spaghetti sauce and had to use ketchup packets instead ; if you've ever been so broke that when a panhandler asked for spare change you asked if he had an easy-payment plan ; if you've ever been so broke you couldn't even pay attention ….I want to hear from you!
All I need is a one sentence reply, starting with "I was so broke…"
You can post your reply here in the comments or drop me an e-mail at elizagcross(at) with your "I was so broke…" story and a link to your blog or site. I'll choose a selection of responses and include them in the article this Friday, April 22. I'll promote participants' websites with a link, too.
6:17 pm April 19, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
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| Member | posts 812 | 
I was so broke I re-used coffee grounds!
9:38 am April 20, 2011
| Freelancepf
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| Guest
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I am STILL so broke that I reuse aluminum foil. Unless it gets really gunky. Ok, perhaps maybe even then if there is nobody else around.
1:14 pm April 20, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I was so broke I got used to the taste of Keystone Light. (The good and bad of being a broke college kid)
2:23 pm April 20, 2011
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Ha ha ha! These are so funny!
3:00 am April 21, 2011
| Todd @ Todd's Wanderings
| | Kosovo…at the moment | |
| Member | posts 41 | 
I was so broke I did my grocery shopping at the $1 store. One dollar chicken equals $50 medical costs!
Great idea and looking forward to the additions :)
4:40 am April 21, 2011
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
I was so broke I had to use my credit card to buy a $1 drink at McDonalds after my debit card was declined! Sad thing was, I wasn't sure if I had $1 available on the credit card either.
5:31 am April 21, 2011
| Jackie
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| Member | posts 664 | 
I was so broke that I used duct tape to fix the holes in my fake Keds from Target.
5:56 am April 21, 2011
| Frugal Confessions
| | Houston, TX | |
| Member
| posts 1622 | 
I was so broke while studying abroad in Japan that I brown-bagged (even in a foreign country!) canned tuna fish sandwiches most lunches instead of enjoying the cuisine.
11:45 am April 21, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
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| Member | posts 812 | 
I am loving these! Please send out a link to your post after you get them all collected! I'll put it up on Family Money Values.
2:44 pm April 21, 2011
| Eliza Cross
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| Member | posts 164 | 
Funny! These posts are bringing back some great memories. I've decided to post them on Monday (after Easter), so feel free to keep contributing through the weekend. And thanks, FMV – I'll send you the link!
6:14 pm April 21, 2011
| WealthArtisan
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| Member | posts 272 | 
I was so broke that on lunch break, I would go to the local 7/11, buy a bag of Fritos (BBQ were my favorite), open the bag and load it up with their free nacho cheese and chili. It was filling, and only cost 59 cents!
2:45 pm April 22, 2011
| Eliza Cross
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| Member | posts 164 | 
WealthArtisan said:
I was so broke that on lunch break, I would go to the local 7/11, buy a bag of Fritos (BBQ were my favorite), open the bag and load it up with their free nacho cheese and chili. It was filling, and only cost 59 cents!
Timothy, I admire your creativity and that sounds pretty darned good! I'm going to remember your trick if I'm ever down to my last 59 cents. 
3:27 pm April 22, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
I've been so broke that I now have a habit of checking the return change slot at the toll booths.
5:38 pm April 25, 2011
| 101 Centavos
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| Member | posts 216 | 
I was so broke in college that I ate government food (bought at a discount).
7:11 pm April 25, 2011
| Eliza Cross
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| Member | posts 164 | 
101 Centavos said:
I was so broke in college that I ate government food (bought at a discount).
101, I'm not sure I even know what government food is — surplus cheese and the like? Whatever it is, it must have been bad!
For those of you who missed the earlier posting, the article is live here:
Thanks to everyone for your comments, and here's to never being that broke again! 
6:00 am April 26, 2011
| Todd @ Todd's Wanderings
| | Kosovo…at the moment | |
| Member | posts 41 | 
Nice job with the article, it was a fun read.
5:22 pm April 26, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
It was a fun read…. do some more like this!