User | Post |
1:46 am February 14, 2013
| Daniel.Hilsden
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| Member | posts 4 | 
Hello to everyone on the forum – I'm new to all of this so please bare with me :)
I'm looking for a few ways to improve my guest-posting and how I express my ideas when I write. I thought a good place to start, would be to ask what you look for in a guest post and what different writing styles work for you; as a publisher and as a potential guest-poster for another site.
I'm also interested in how you all personally like to be approached; do you prefer using social networking to make things a bit less stiff or do you prefer mailing potential publishers formally, through things like gmail?
Some thoughts I have on my own style:
-I like to write based on my own experiences as I feel readers really connect and learn when the content is something they can relate too.
-I could get better at using statistics to strengthen my arguments
-I often write first-person which is good for some audiences, but I realize it's not for everyone.
I would appreciate all and any insight that people can share with me.
Thank you in advance!
5:27 am February 14, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
What i really look for is I want to hear your voice. I do not want it to sound like one of the advertisements that many of us post. You can tell instantly when you read one that was written for that purpose.
Whatever your story is..tell it..
5:56 am February 14, 2013
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 | 
Hey Dan. Welcome. Always write with your voice and from your heart. I would also say (being that you are new) get to know some people and feel it out. There is no rush in guest posting.
To make my point clearer if you were to meet a new person today chances are you wouldn't be invited to be a guest for dinner. However after about the 5 or 6th time of interacting and hitting it off you might.
I would get to know some of the awesome folks on here and let the guest posting journey come to you.
5:58 am February 14, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
Jai you have an exceptional personality, you might get invited for dinner today 
5:59 am February 14, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
Jai you have an exceptional personality, you might get invited to dinner today… 
6:07 am February 14, 2013
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
You aren't getting traction here because the link to your site you are looking for seems to be a Payday loan site. If you are looking to advertise be prepared to pay.
8:56 am February 14, 2013
| Daniel.Hilsden
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| Member | posts 4 | 
Post edited 8:58 am – February 14, 2013 by Daniel.Hilsden
I appreciate the responses, thanks!
@Jai –Thank you for your thoughts. I guess I need to be more patient and wait to get invited to dinner!
@MJtM I know what you mean – as a lot of people make money from their sites by having Adsense, or similar – which is totally understandable, as there are a lot of costs and even more time involved in building a good website. I am employed as part of the publicity team for a new site that does provide short-term loans. I do want to be totally honest about this – I spend all day, every day, chatting to blog owners trying to create content that will engage people's readers and genuinely add value to the personal finance debate that carries on online. We want to produce some of the most informative material out there on everything personal finance, and clearly this is a far-off dream at the moment as we're just getting going, so I thought this would be a good community to help me raise my game, as there are some amazing people here! That is why we do what we do.
We are new, and the site is still being developed, but we are going to be working hard on making sure that we are not lending to people who will struggle to pay them back.
We're building a range of budgeting tools, filming a video series and we're up to all kinds of similar bits and pieces. A lot of lenders in our industry are irresponsible, but we're hoping for more regulation in terms of uniform checks before lending to people etc.
There are still a lot of problems with our industry, and I really don't mean to offend anyone (apologies if so), but we hope some people find our perspective interesting, and there are arguments that say short-term loans are a symptom not a cause of debt – people would otherwise just go further into their overdrafts (incurring charges that have even higher APRs) – payday companies make about a 25% margin on what they're supplying, as a t-shirt manufacturer may buy a shirt for $10 and sell it for $12.50, for a $10 loan, we'd get back $12.50 after advertising costs, bad debt, etc (and clearly, we want this bad debt level to be as low as possible). Clearly, there are arguments the other way – we're making money from people who are struggling (as often do credit card companies or banks), which reduces equality, or that many lenders do not provide clear information on APRs or costs, have a lot of merit too.
I don't mean to argue with you at all, but just to say that we feel that although a lot of people on the payday side are only looking to cash in, we'd love to provide short-term loans in a sustainable, informative and healthy way, helping people get out of scrapes with flooded houses, broken down cars, etc.
9:45 am February 14, 2013
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
I am not anti-payday sorry if you got that impression but the fact is you work for a company you do not run a personal blog. Why should anyone here give you free advertising by allowing you guest post? If you research the threads you'll find that unless you are willing to put money behind your advertising campaign using yakezie is not going to be an efficient use of your time.
You don't have to believe me (and you probably won't) but I can almost guarantee that you aren't going to get the larger sites (which is what you want for both eyeballs and SEO purposes) to put up a post with a payday loan link just b/c you put up a post on the forum. You can prey on the smaller and newer sites but it will only last so long.
Again, I am not anti-your industry just the forum post of why won't people let me guest post for free. You are a business not a blogger…pay to play.
9:47 am February 14, 2013
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
Not to mention the business' blog has an average of 3 posts per month, zero mention of yakezie and you aren't even one of the writers lol
9:48 am February 14, 2013
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
2:10 pm February 14, 2013
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Just a thought on Guest Posts.
2:34 pm February 14, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
I echo evans remarks. I know you are trying to help people but you are still in the payday loan business. Your company makes money by short term lending. Regardless of you wanting to help someone, your business makes money helping people with short term loan issues, our business ie our blogs make money selling advertisements to companies that make money in their business. Lets face it you just want the link from a quality site for the link juice to appear more in the ranks to make even more money. So why shouldn't we have our little hands out too asking for something in return if you are making money from our sites??
I will let you guest post on one of my sites with no links for free if that makes you happy??
9:29 am February 20, 2013
| jbeckett
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| New Member | posts 1 | 
This That And The MBA said:
What i really look for is I want to hear your voice. I do not want it to sound like one of the advertisements that many of us post. You can tell instantly when you read one that was written for that purpose.
Whatever your story is..tell it..
I completely agree, I want it to be personal, not a canned interaction. When a fellow professional wants to reach out and communicate with me, I want to get a glimpse of who they are and what they want immediately. I'm a very busy person and don't have time for padding. 
5:46 am February 21, 2013
| Pauline
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| Member | posts 274 | 
I prefer to be contacted by email or comment on my blog, not social media (I rarely check twitter DM). I am looking for personal experience, not a list of 5 tips to save on XYZ. What I enjoy is a different perspective. Some aspect of my blog you disagree with, or agree but can add your two cents, and I like to bring diversity. I am single with no kids so I have had guest posts about families, babies…
10:36 am February 21, 2013
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 | 
I'll also add that I want to have some clue who you are ahead of time. I automatically send away any guest post questions to our sales woman if I haven't ever spoken to you or don't know you. I don't want to be a bullhorn for a bunch of people I don't know.