User | Post |
6:47 pm November 7, 2011
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 |
I just checked my page rank and I moved from a 2 to a 3. Has anyone else noticed a change?
6:50 pm November 7, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 |
I had a 2 then it went to 0 on Sunday then back to 2 today. Congrats on the 3!
6:52 pm November 7, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 |
Corey you got a PR 3! great job!
6:54 pm November 7, 2011
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
Thanks for the heads up Kris, I also got bumped up to a 3. Congrats to you on yours.
6:58 pm November 7, 2011
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 |
YAY! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I AM LITERALLY JUMPING UP AND DOWN! (enough of all caps). YAY! PR of 3! (from zero). I guess those 9-10 guest posts paid off!
7:00 pm November 7, 2011
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 |
Well, after reading this thread, I checked and saw the following:
squirrelers = pr2
http://www.squirrelers = pr3
Anyone have any insights on this? How would you approach things in this scenario?
7:02 pm November 7, 2011
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 |
Congrats 20sFinances!!!
Squirrel, I believe Money Reasons has experienced that before too, you might want to email him.
7:11 pm November 7, 2011
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
Squirrelers said:
Well, after reading this thread, I checked and saw the following:
squirrelers = pr2
http://www.squirrelers = pr3
Anyone have any insights on this? How would you approach things in this scenario?
Personally, I am just going to continue what I have been doing since the last update, and where I can even more in terms of writing, seo, and putting out some guest posts.
7:14 pm November 7, 2011
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 |
Ok, this is odd….
Now, squirrelers is showing up as a 3. I swear it was a 2 just a few minutes ago. So, both urls I noted above are now 3.
This is all such a joke. I'll take it obviously but this stuff is ridiculously fickle. Please, don't anybody get too wound up over any increases or slight decreases, take it from my experience.
7:21 pm November 7, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 |
no change for me, at least not yet. Hoping to get a bump back to a 4. I had 4 for a few weeks (0 to 4) and it would be awesome to get there again.
7:25 pm November 7, 2011
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 |
Maybe this means the update is still rolling out?? I have no idea – just a thought.
Squirrelers said:
Now, squirrelers is showing up as a 3. I swear it was a 2 just a few minutes ago. So, both urls I noted above are now 3.
7:31 pm November 7, 2011
| everydaytips
| | Detroit Area | |
| Member | posts 455 |
From what I have read, the update occurred today/tonight, so maybe there are still updates going on, who knows.
7:41 pm November 7, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
I just checked and The College Investor is back to a PR3! Yay! My Multiple Incomes is also a PR2!
8:12 pm November 7, 2011
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Post edited 8:12 pm – November 7, 2011 by Glen Craig – Free From Broke
I've been seeing interior pages getting rank now.
Anyone have any insights on this? How would you approach things in this scenario?
Do you have one version set in your webmaster tools? You can also set up a redirect in .htaccess from one version to the other (www vs non-www).
This way there's no confusion on which way the site url should be and if someone links to you the other way it gets redirected.
8:13 pm November 7, 2011
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
8:19 pm November 7, 2011
| krantcents
| | |
| Member | posts 909 |
I was surprised to learn my Page Rank went from a 3 to 4 today. I checked it earlier and it was still a 3.
8:39 pm November 7, 2011
| The Frugal Toad
| | |
| Member | posts 587 |
In August I was PR0 Just found out I got bumped to PR2.
Congrats everyone! At least until the next update right
8:54 pm November 7, 2011
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
Woot woot. Moved from PR 1 to PR3, yay!
9:44 pm November 7, 2011
| Jeremy @ Personal Finance Whiz
| | |
| Member | posts 174 |
My first PR update and Google blessed me with a 3. I'll take it!
2:10 am November 8, 2011
| MoneyforCollegeProject
| | |
| Member | posts 147 |
I'm with Frugal Toad. I was a 0 PR in August, and now my first ranking is a PR 2!