User | Post |
11:53 pm December 12, 2013
| wealthnote
| | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
Post edited 11:56 pm – December 12, 2013 by wealthnote
I am featuring interviews with other personal finance bloggers on my own blog Wealthnote. I posted my first one recently:
I wanted to see if anyone else would be interested in completing a simple email interview and getting a plug for their site on my own site.
Plus I find it interesting to get to know how some other bloggers think. If you are interested you can reply on this thread or send me a private message and I will shoot my questions for the post over.
I am willing to do any site as long as they are related to personal finance or investing.
7:48 am December 13, 2013
| RootofGood
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
I'm up for it. Shoot me your questions!
I did an interview recently with AOL Daily Finance (Erin at BrokeMillennial – don't know if she posts here).…..y-finance/
I basically put the whole interview response from me into my own post at my site with almost zero editing.
8:10 am December 13, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
I'm up for the interview. You can email me the questions: contact [at] moneysmartguides [dot] com.
10:16 am December 13, 2013
| Michelle
| | |
| Member | posts 18 | 
I would love to! My email is fitnpoor at gmail dot com.
11:49 am December 13, 2013
| First Million is the Hardest
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 119 | 
I'll do it if you're looking for more people! You can email me at 1stmillionblog (at) gmail (dot) com
12:25 pm December 13, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Would love to!
Email: holly at club thrifty dot com
2:40 pm December 13, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
I am interested. Just let me know at contact [at] debtroundup [dot] com
8:03 pm December 13, 2013
| brokeGIRLrich
| | |
| Member | posts 22 | 
I would love to do this! I'm brokegirlrich (at) gmail (dot) com.
8:49 pm December 13, 2013
| RootofGood
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
Forgot my email address. JustinRoG at
9:18 am December 14, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
I'd be open to it as well, assuming you're still looking for others. 
Email is john at frugal rules dot com
7:23 pm December 14, 2013
| Kylie Ofiu
| | |
| Member | posts 65 | 
If you are still looking I'd be interested contact at kylieofiu dot com
9:07 pm December 14, 2013
| Brian@Luke1428
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | 
I think this is a cool idea and would love to if you still have a spot.
Email me at bfourman96 at gmail dot com.
10:24 pm December 14, 2013
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 | 
Levi, see you around the Ninja a lot in the comments, so would be delighted to help u out.
Count me in!
7:00 pm December 15, 2013
| wealthnote
| | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
Thanks for all the replies. I would love to feature as many people as I can!
I will work on getting in touch with each of you here soon. I am looking to publish one a week so I will set up a schedule.
2:58 am December 16, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Hey Levi. I realize I'm a little late to the game but I'd love to do this at some point. You can reach me at matt (at) Thanks!
7:07 am December 16, 2013
| Little House
| | |
| Member | posts 652 | 
If you're still looking for more blogger interviews, count me in too. Email me at contact[at]
4:15 pm December 16, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
Levi -
I'd love to be a part of the interviews too!
brian at debtdiscipline dot com
8:33 pm December 16, 2013
| Ben Luthi
| | |
| Member | posts 49 | 
I'd love to get on this bandwagon as well 
thewealthgospel at gmail dot com
Hope you get some good stuff going from it all!
7:04 am December 17, 2013
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
You've gotten a great response! Looking forward to seeing the results. If you want more, I'm up for it as well.
marie <at> familymoneyvalues <dot> com
4:45 pm December 19, 2013
| wealthnote
| | |
| Member | posts 28 | 
Post edited 4:46 pm – December 19, 2013 by wealthnote
Posted another interview:
I am still reaching out so if you haven't heard from me yet don't worry! I am getting around to it!