User | Post |
10:08 am October 9, 2011
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 | 
Does anyone have a list of Blog carnivals they submit to weekly? So far I only know of the Yakezie Carnival
10:24 am October 9, 2011
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
all that you need
10:53 am October 9, 2011
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 | 
You're amazing! Thank you
4:14 pm October 9, 2011
| krantcents
| | |
| Member | posts 909 | 
Thanks for the heads up, I need to bookmark that.
6:44 pm October 9, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Yeah Suba's post is all you need!
10:21 am October 10, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Yeah, I emailed Suba's article to my wife so she can submit for me. It's such a great resource!
6:48 pm October 10, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
haha. I'm doing something similar with my girlfriend
Khaleef @ KNS Financial said:
Yeah, I emailed Suba's article to my wife so she can submit for me. It's such a great resource!
11:29 am October 11, 2011
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 | 
All. I found this blog carnival submitter which covers all the blogs on suba's site. Has anyone used this?…..orkaround/
11:39 am October 11, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Thanks everyone for pointing to my site.
YFS, the BC workaround is an excellent way to submit to carnivals, but no it doesn't cover ALL of them. If you check the links on the carnival post, the last column has the links for submission. Some of them you have to submit via their main site (like Carnival of Personal Finance). With that said, for carnivals that do accept submissions from Canadian Finance Blog, it works wonderfully. I use that eventhough I could submit from site. For the carnivals that are not included in Canadian Finance blog workaround, I use either or carnival's own site.
11:40 am October 11, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Oh forgot to add, for the carnivals that accept submissions via Canadian Finance Blog workaround, that is the link I have in my carnival post anyway.
7:13 am October 12, 2011
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Tom's BC carnival submitter was created because a number of sites were no longer seeing thier submissions go through Blog Carnival. Just a heads up.
If your subs work through BC then you can use that.
Also, you can create favorites in BC so you have a list of the same carnivals when you need it. Not sure if you have to join BC or not (probably do (?) but it's not a big deal from what I recall).
11:08 am October 12, 2011
| MoneyforCollegeProject
| | |
| Member | posts 147 | 
I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Thanks for pointing it out!
12:18 pm October 12, 2011
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 964 | 
Thanks for teh article suba. I used to be really good at submitting carnivals, and now I cant remember the last time I did.
12:43 pm October 12, 2011
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
I have already told Suba what a great resource this is in another thread. It's marvelous.
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but if anyone is interested in hiring someone to submit their articles to carnivals, I would be glad to talk details with you. I have a great system in place and can make it really easy for you to link back to the carnivals. (For example, I think I am submitting my articles to 7 carnivals this week). Send me an email if you are interested. I would be happy to help out other blogs that want to focus on other things other than the routine submission to carnivals.
12:39 pm November 3, 2011
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
20sFinances, email me at with prices….. Not sure if I want it or not but will take a look.