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11:27 am May 24, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
Quick question for you today,
Since you are all bloggers and you are all looking to grow your blog and
make money out of it, would you invest in an ebook or other resources
to make more money?
I'm curious to know if you would be willing to spend money to learn how to make
more. What would make you buy a "make money online" ebook?
Do you think that there is enough free information on the internet that you
don't need to buy an ebook?
Do you think that ebooks on the market are usually not offering enough
original or practical content?
Have you found great ebooks you are happy you have bought?
In all honesty, I'm currently under the production of 4 personal finance /
make money online ebooks and I will sell them. But I am curious to know what
YOUR opinion is about it and I want to know what would make you buy my
Thx for your feedback!
PS: my dividend investing ebook will be ready on schedule at the end of May,
we are almost ready to launch it! (this one will be FREE ;-)).
12:15 pm May 24, 2011
| JT_McGee
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| Member | posts 723 | 
I have a pretty simple hurdle for information products: why is this person selling this ebook?
For example: We've all seen those ebooks about "How to Make $34534543 While You Sleep with Online Marketing/Daytrading/No Limit Poker" for $19.95. I mean really, if someone is making so much money doing these things, why are they selling their "secrets" for $19.95. Further, what can you learn from someone who spends 500 hours to develop a product that retails for $20? If they sell 500, then they value their time at $20/hour…that's not $34534543 while they sleep, that's $20/hr for work. Obviously this scales quickly, but I'm ignoring marketing costs, too. This just doesn't register with me, but hey, people sell them by the digital truckload.
Ebooks, to me, are a dime a dozen–I won't pay $20 for one. That said, if the eBook is packaged with…say, 2 hours of one-on-one Skype/Telephone consulting, then I'd probably pay $1000, depending on the person. That would mean their time is worth $500 an hour, which it may very well be. That's a price well within the norm for internet marketing consulting, if not even below average for an experienced marketer. Clearly, that person knows that their product, their time, is worth the money.
1:05 pm May 24, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 | 
Coming from you TFB, I would be willing to pay upwards of $20. If it showed me how you're making 6 figures, then it would certainly be worth taking a look into. You've got a lot of leverage with your success.
1:40 pm May 24, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
Hey JT,
that's awesome feedback and it gives me the idea of offering the one-on-one consulting with the book. thx again!
4:46 pm May 24, 2011
| The Passive Income Earner
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| Member | posts 152 | 
My take is that it is usually a regurgitation of what is around but not necessarily put together in a cohesive manner. If it can save some time, it could be worth it. This is where the right price point is important.
Look at iPhone App sales … Price point moves units.
I bought 2 eBooks about this subject and I am not even done reading them :( I do start them but I am not hungry enough about the information after the first pages to stay up all night, finish reading and implement everything.
How about you give the first chapter free? If it's really good and you leave your audience wanting more, you'll sell lots.
5:06 pm May 24, 2011
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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| Member | posts 908 | 
I would like to know strategies for making money. For instance, if it is an affiliate link, how do you make it blend as part of your post and encourage other people to check it out? I find I have very little luck with my sidebar ads, but contextually, they are much better. I want to know how to best utilize the different affiliate programs out there. I also want to learn more about developing my own products to make money.
5:10 pm May 24, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
The Passive Income Earner said:
My take is that it is usually a regurgitation of what is around but not necessarily put together in a cohesive manner. If it can save some time, it could be worth it. This is where the right price point is important.
Look at iPhone App sales … Price point moves units.
I bought 2 eBooks about this subject and I am not even done reading them :( I do start them but I am not hungry enough about the information after the first pages to stay up all night, finish reading and implement everything.
How about you give the first chapter free? If it's really good and you leave your audience wanting more, you'll sell lots.
I really like the idea of giving the first chapter for free too… man, I'm getting a lot of ideas now ;-D
5:34 pm May 24, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 | 
I'd probably say that there is a sufficient amount of free advice floating around on the internet about how to make money blogging. However, if the book was written by an author of value who I knew was knowledgeable, I would be more likely to buy.
5:37 pm May 24, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
My Personal Finance Journey said:
I'd probably say that there is a sufficient amount of free advice floating around on the internet about how to make money blogging. However, if the book was written by an author of value who I knew was knowledgeable, I would be more likely to buy.
am I part of this selective group? ;-)
7:47 pm May 24, 2011
| Mike – Saving Money Today
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| Member | posts 520 | 
I've bought plenty of ebooks in my time…mostly in the early days when I was just feeling my way around and couldn't really decide what methods to use.
If I was a complete beginner, I'd be looking for a system that I could follow step by step. I'd want to be able to implement the techniques discussed in the book and see results pretty quickly. (Note I said that's what I would want. I don't think most people are looking for a system at all, they're looking for the next Get Rich Quick Without Lifting A Finger method that obviously doesn't exist).
Where I am now, I don't necessarily need someone to hold my hand. I skip right past the basic stuff because it's just the same old stuff to me. But if I can come away with learning one or two tips that will increase my revenue then I'd consider it a worthwhile purchase.
Do you think that there is enough free information on the internet that you don't need to buy an ebook?
There's too much free information on the internet…and much of it is completely wrong! I think the value of an ebook comes from the fact that you've already done the research and compiled it in a nice, neat, easy to follow format. A well-written ebook can save the reader countless hours of research, and time is money.
Do you think that ebooks on the market are usually not offering enough original or practical content?
The majority are crap. Poorly-written, regurgitated content that only exists to make a few bucks. But there is also some good stuff out there.
Have you found great ebooks you are happy you have bought?
Yes. What makes me happy about an ebook purchase is when I learn a specific method or tip that I can use to increase my income. I am more than happy to pay for that because it's an investment in my own knowledge that can pay dividends for years to come.
Good luck!
8:12 pm May 24, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
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| Member
| posts 1682 | 
It would have to teach me something that I do not already know about making money online. I guess a unique take or angle on a topic.
7:35 pm June 1, 2011
| Hunter @financiallyc
| | Virginia Beach | |
| Member | posts 707 | 
I think I could learn lots from a blog money making manual. I would spend a few bucks to improve my knowledge and understanding of this subject.
5:45 am June 2, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Post edited 5:49 am – June 2, 2011 by Invest It Wisely
I would probably spend a bit of money on an ebook from YOU because I've been around your site and seen what you've do enough that I have the information necessary to act on that. However, what's going to set you apart from the 1000 other guys out there who don't know what I know and are visiting your landing page for the first time? If I didn't know anything about you, it would be quite difficult to justify paying money when there are plenty of free sources, and many of them of pretty good quality, too. (of course lots are crap as well)
So I think it depends on how well you can market it. If I didn't know anything about you but you could really convince me you knew what you were talking about and could bring me up to speed in a page or less with some public evidence (like the blogging empire), then I could be convinced…