User | Post |
1:48 pm June 5, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
YES to California! We were originally discussing San Diego for this year, but the hotels were super expensive. I NEED TO SEE CALIFORNIA!!!!!!
3:55 pm June 5, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
We were joking about FinCon13 in Omaha or Kansas City last week. Cheap places to visit in the middle of the country with a lot to do.
6:17 pm June 5, 2012
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
sooverdebt said:
YES to California! We were originally discussing San Diego for this year, but the hotels were super expensive. I NEED TO SEE CALIFORNIA!!!!!!
I'm in for San Diego! That's what I voted for in the survey, but Denver won out. 
7:15 pm June 5, 2012
| Aloysa
| | |
| Member | posts 910 | |
I actually also voted for San Diego as well. Just because I love it!
Creator of:
5:17 am June 6, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
I voted for San Diego too. Never been there. And my kids would have loved to see the zoo there. Maybe next year.

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
5:51 am June 6, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
If this year was last year, and FinCon was in Chicago, we'd be 100% going.
Denver is a little further, but we are still hoping to make an appearance.
We'll know more in a month or so, but it certainly would be great to meet you all.
5:57 am June 14, 2012
| Kylie Ofiu
| | |
| Member | posts 65 | 
I voted San Diego too, Cali would be heaps easier for me!
I'm coming, (speaking) probably fly in Tues night to recover or Wed, fly home Mon or Tues night, since I want to shop. USA is SOOOOO cheap compared to Australia. It'll be just me, my husband will mind our kids while I am gone.
I went and spoke last year too and it was the best. I was a little nervous as I knew no one and was sharing a room with a stranger, but it was the best conference I have ever been to and am really looking forward to this year.
6:05 am June 14, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Wow, coming from Oz? That's a long way.
For people who haven't purchased a flight ticket yet, Southwest is having a Fall sale. Check it out.
7:45 am June 14, 2012
| Kylie Ofiu
| | |
| Member | posts 65 | 
Post edited 7:45 am – June 14, 2012 by Kylie Ofiu
It is a long way (21hr flight), but so worth it. Blogging is only just starting to take off here. We had our first blogging conference last year in March and it was craptacular.
I had the best time, meet heaps of people and it was so worth it to me.
Also, I am sponsored to attend, so the expense is not mine.
11:24 am June 14, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
We're still trying to get either myself or Michelle (the other half of See Debt Run) out to Fincon this year.
I definitely feel like being there could bring long term benefits and help our site take the leap to the next level.
Of the two of us, it would most likely be my wife who could go.
Are there still any blogger gals out there in need of a hotel roommate for the weekend?
11:42 am June 14, 2012
| Aloysa
| | |
| Member | posts 910 | |
seedebtrun said:
We're still trying to get either myself or Michelle (the other half of See Debt Run) out to Fincon this year.
I definitely feel like being there could bring long term benefits and help our site take the leap to the next level.
Of the two of us, it would most likely be my wife who could go.
Are there still any blogger gals out there in need of a hotel roommate for the weekend?
Yes! I will share a room. Ask Michelle to email me (she has my email.)
Creator of:
11:57 am June 14, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
Silly questions..
Does the cost of the convention cover any meals?
What time do things get started on Thursday?
What time do they wrap up on Sunday?
1:05 pm June 14, 2012
| Marissa
| | |
| Member | posts 385 | 
Post edited 1:32 pm – June 14, 2012 by Marissa
Delta had a sale on last night and I got my ticket! I'm super excited!
Question- has anyone pitched to brands for sponsorships? Any luck?
2:14 pm June 15, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
seedebtrun said:
Silly questions..
Does the cost of the convention cover any meals?
What time do things get started on Thursday?
What time do they wrap up on Sunday?
Yes, a bunch of meals are covered (sponsored actually). I didn't end up paying for a meal after dinner the first evening last year.
Here is a draft of the schedule for the event.
7:26 pm June 15, 2012
| Jackie
| | |
| Member | posts 664 | 
I'm in need of a roommate for FINCON too. (I've got the room booked already though.) If any other girls out there are still looking, shoot me an email :)
8:19 pm June 15, 2012
| jana
| | |
| Member | posts 160 | 
I'm also going (so is Erin from The Dog Ate My Wallet. She's my roomie so I feel confident speaking for her). I'm booked for Wednesday-Sunday. If anyone is flying out of Philly, please let me know.
And for those who are introverted and/or shy, have no fear. I'm painfully awkward, shy and kind of weird yet I still managed to make friends and have a great time (and alcohol had only a little to do with it).
10:03 am June 16, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 | 
Jana, you know you and Andrea would never hear the end of it if I was there and you weren't after making me swear to committing to it this year 
1:52 pm June 16, 2012
| Aloysa
| | |
| Member | posts 910 | |
jana said:
I'm also going (so is Erin from The Dog Ate My Wallet. She's my roomie so I feel confident speaking for her). I'm booked for Wednesday-Sunday. If anyone is flying out of Philly, please let me know.
And for those who are introverted and/or shy, have no fear. I'm painfully awkward, shy and kind of weird yet I still managed to make friends and have a great time (and alcohol had only a little to do with it).
Awkward? Shy? Kind of weird? Jana, give me (and yourself) a break! 
Creator of:
8:13 am June 17, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Yep, even shy people would have an awesome time. I didn't know Jana or Jason were introverts for example. We connected really fast.
12:23 pm June 17, 2012
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
All of this talk really makes me wish that I was going!