User | Post |
3:46 pm March 15, 2012
| jamespetzke
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| Member | posts 24 | 
I've been looking at different themes to use for my blog as well as another I'm planning on creating, and I'm having trouble finding a free one that fits my needs. I'm looking for a theme that has a menu up top for pages, and a second one below it for categories, both of them going horizontally. It would be similar to the one I am currently using one my site, but with the menus preferably stacked on top of one another. If anyone knows of a good free theme that has that, it would help tremendously. Also, if you guys don't think that would look good having two horizontal menus like that, any feedback would be appreciated!
8:42 am March 16, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
9:08 am March 16, 2012
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
Unfortunately, I have yet to meet a theme that truly has everything I've wanted, and they've all demanded some tweaking. You'll most likely end up finding one that has most of what you want, and then figuring out how to add a menu, or moving the menu such that it is close.
10:02 am March 16, 2012
| The Single Saver
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| Member | posts 689 | 
Check out Free Wordpress Themes – they have a lot of options and you might find something you like. They also have paid themes on the site.
11:01 am March 16, 2012
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
I rock thesis too. I am pretty happy with it. I did have to learn quite a bit of programming or be good at searching for it on google.
4:22 pm March 16, 2012
| Analytical Planner
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| Member | posts 20 | |
I know you asked for a free worpress theme. I just wanted to say how much I love the thesis theme! I'm in no way finished with designing my blog, but I'm enjoying the process. Good luck finding what you need! :)
4:48 pm March 16, 2012
| jamespetzke
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| Member | posts 24 | 
Thanks everyone, great tips. Seems like Thesis is really popular! Unfortunately, I can't justify making that investment just yet, but I think I will in the near future, it seems like a great theme.
12:57 pm March 17, 2012
| ThadP @
| | Austin area, Texas | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
I moved to Thesis for both of my blogs. At present they look very similar, but I am still learning how to mod Thesis, and should deviate a bit going forward. I do think if you have more than one blog, standardizing on a common theme makes management easier.
2:18 pm March 17, 2012
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Post edited 2:18 pm – March 17, 2012 by Sustainable PF
Our site runs on Atahualpa – it is free and the support forums have enabled me to do everything I have ever wanted to do w/ our site.
I have even set our site up to look like Thesis, and, I am aware of code you can use to transform your sidebars to look just like Thesis does as well.
6:39 pm March 17, 2012
| nellterry
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| Member | posts 21 | 
I bought a few themes for some of my sites – I got OptimizePress, and it was like $97, but it's more for sales letters and opt-in forms. I bought a few good ones for blogging from Themeforest, and they were okay, too. But my favorite theme is Aerodrome, the one I'm running for HE. And it was free. The designer offers great support too, and he included a range of images you can use for the theme's background. Love it.