The best way to get your Alexa Rank dropping is to associate as much as possible with other bloggers.
Basically, to selflessly promote others, just as the Yakezie motto clearly states.
This is exactly why Sam picked Alexa as one of his key metrics. Our average user is not going to have the toolbar installed.
My advice would be to setup your google reader with as many Yakezie Member & Challenger blogs as you can find, and comment them as often as you can… I promise, many of them will start visiting your blog and comment you right back. This means that more and more folks that have the toolbar will be visiting your site.
If you are having trouble finding blogs to add to your rotation.. Just take a look in these forums, or start going through the blogrolls of some of your favorite sites. If you see that somebody is a regular commenter on another blog, then start visiting their site and leaving them comments, because you know that they are also making the rounds.
That 's really all there is to it.. You have plenty of time to get below the 200k threshold.