Aloysa said:
Suba @ Wealth Informatics said:
I have some suggestions if I may :)
1) the right side feed not working, it is taking to the main page – I clicked on the right top (may be its me?)
2) All you permalinks are set to
You might want to change that to include your post title which will have your keywords instead of having a post # helps with SEO. After you get a lot of links it will be a pain to do 301 redirects for everything, so the earlier the better.
Otherwise it looks great!
Suba – I took care of the first one! Thank you!
I don't understand the second suggestion I have no idea what you are talking about. I am really not a techie… 
What he means is that this is the link to your latest post: well, instead of this make it something like this:…
This way, the title of your article is a part of your permalink, which will help get you ranked higher by the search engines. You'll want to do this eventually, so you might as well do it now.
Under your WordPress settings, go to Permalinks and you can make the change there. Personally, I don't include the date, but that's up to you.
Hope that helps.